I, who traveled through the Shoji, can go to the prisoner of delicious food

Chapter 32 Guess what Nakiri Shinagi said before he finished speaking?

"It hurts, it hurts!"


Just when Nakiri Managi's fingertips were about to touch the boneless saury, Kanda Souji suddenly hit her fingers directly with a chopstick.

"not finished yet."






"How dare you, a madman, be so rude to Lord Managi..." Rantabi, An and others glared at Kanda Souji.

I saw the scene where Kanda Souji took action against Nakiri Managi.

Lantabi and other WGO executives even forced themselves away from the aroma of boneless saury.

For Lantabi and the others.

Nakiri Managi is the most precious thing in this WGO.


"This woman must have finally suffered!" At the review table, Erina Nakiri, who finally woke up from her daze, said with a hint of ridicule in her voice.

Seeing Nakiri Managi deflated.

Nakiri Erina felt as comfortable as a can of ice-cold Coke on a hot summer day.

On the cooking table.

After Nakiri Shinagi signaled Rantabi and others to calm down, he came back to Kanda Souji's side.

"Na na!"

"Kanda-kun, did you hurt me just now?" Nakiri Managi's voice was like that cherry-flavored cola, which made people feel tired...

At least.

After hearing Nakiri Managi's words, Nakiri Erina felt a chill.

"This old woman!"

"How on earth could she say such a thing!"

Think of this.

Nakiri Erina's plump legs began to tremble irritably, and the parts outlined and squeezed by the edges of the stockings trembled slightly...


"Kanda-kun, can you take out those ingredients and make a dish for me?" Nakiri Managi tried his best to make an innocent and pleasant expression...


Faced with Nakiri Shinagi's request.

Without even a trace of hesitation, Kanda Souji once again rejected Nakiri Shinagi.

Spring shark meat.

In the captive world of gourmet food.

It was because of good luck that Souji Kanda was able to buy a small portion from the gourmet market.

This precious ingredient.

How could Souji Kanda use ingredients like spring shark meat on Shokushi Halberd so easily just because of Nakiri Managi's words?

"Na na!"

"Kanda-kun, you hurt me just now, can't you just make up for it a little bit?" Nakiri Shina still didn't want to give up.

In Nakiri Shinagi's heart.

If you can't eat dishes made with that kind of ingredients today.


Even if I die, I'm afraid I won't be able to become a Buddha safely.


"I don't think I have anything to compensate you for? Speaking of compensation, shouldn't it be you who should compensate me?" Souji Kanda replied calmly while turning over the grilled boneless saury.

"You're still eating Shoji now!"

"As the reviewer of Shokuki this time, what you are doing now can be regarded as interfering with the fairness of Shokuki!"

"Chairman Nakiri..."

"put one's oar in?"

"To this extent, it can't be considered interference at all..."

"That guy!"

"There's no way his cooking can compare with yours? No, it should be said that what that guy makes is not worthy of being called cooking at all!"

"Only worthy of being thrown into the trash can!"

"after all."

"My tongue doesn't feel any excitement at all against that garbage!"


As if to prove that what he said was true, Nakiri Shinagi opened her lips slightly, revealing a little bit of her flexible pink color...

in the venue.

After Nakiri Shinagi spoke, Ishibashi Buta instantly fell into a petrified state.


At the beginning.

Ever since Kanda-souji's cooking box started to light up, drawing everyone in the audience into a delicious environment, Taketa Ishibashi knew that he had lost!


Nakiri Shinagi's words directly drove himself into hell.


Not worthy of being a dish!

The trash can should be the place where you take care of yourself.

these comments.

As long as Buta Ishibashi is still engaged in the job of cooking people in the future, these comments are destined to follow Buta Ishibashi for the rest of his life...

Neon Tokyo.

When Nakiri Erina was young.

One word from her.

That has already influenced the future of any restaurant and any chef in Neon.

And Nagiri Nakiri.

As the top decision-maker of WGO.

Her influence.

Not just neon, but the whole world!

Taketa Ishibashi.

Now he has thought about his tragic situation in the future. He is obviously running a one-star restaurant in the WGO evaluation, but he still has the title of garbage collector.


A certain culprit didn't care at all about Taketa Ishibashi's future situation and continued to pester Kanda Souji.

more specifically.

Nagi Nakiri.

She didn't even remember Taketa Ishibashi's name.

For Nakiri Shinagi.

Taketa Ishibashi is just a "mediocre" cook. If he could use such a cook, he could get the luminous ingredients that Souji Kanda had just now.

It's simply an honor for them.

At least.


Their names can be passed down along with those dishes, and it is not impossible that they will become legends in time...


"As for the compensation Kanda-kun mentioned..."


"Kanda-kun, what do you think about me compensating you with me?" Nakiri Shinagi said, then stretched out his fingers and inserted them into his pink lips.


"It's really shameless..."

"How dare this woman say such shameless words here!" After hearing Nakiri Managi's words, Nakiri Erina bit her teeth hard.


Fortunately, Nakiri Managi's voice was not loud.

The entire venue.

Except for Kanda Souji, Ishibashi Buta on the cooking showdown stage, and Rantabi who was the host, only the four people on the judging panel, Nakiri Erina, heard it.

Regarding Nakiri Shinagi’s words.

Unlike Nakiri Erina's excitement, she secretly cursed!

Nakiri Senzaemon and An were in a state of concentration, as if they had not heard Nakiri Managi's words at all.


As a result, Mito Eisaku was the only one who suffered.

Mito Eisaku wished that he was suddenly and temporarily deaf.

"did not hear!"

"I didn't hear anything..." Mito Eisaku kept chattering, as if he was brainwashing himself...



"If you are not satisfied, I can also marry my daughter to you? Even..." Nakiri Shinagi's voice became more and more charming and seductive...

"shut up!"

"What the hell are you talking about!"


Before Nakiri Managi could finish speaking.

After hearing that Nakiri Managi was so ready to sell herself, Nakiri Erina stood up excitedly, blushing and yelled at Nakiri Mana.

Chapter 30: If you make a typo, just make it a typo. Don’t dare to modify it. Once you modify it, you will have to review it again...


What I wrote is considered sq...

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