In the chat group.

Seeing Olga Marie's words, the sand sculpture group friends were also very curious!!!

【Hutao: Which move? ? ?】

【March 7: I’m curious too!!!】

【Star: Lin Yi!!!】

【Star: Give us some spoilers!!! 】

Lin Yi laughed when he saw it!!! spoiler? ? ?

I'm going to spoil your grandma's legs!!!

I even want to know which move I made!!!

Who knows what new tricks this sand sculpture system will create for itself!!!

【Xing: These people really made a mistake!!!】

【Xing: I actually naively thought that just sending Lin Xin away would be enough!!!】

【Xing: Do they think Lin Yi will let them go?!!】

【Lin Yi: You make me look like some evil villain!!!】

【Star: Aren’t you? ? ?】

【Star: You are going to dominate others!!!】

【March 7: Lin Yi probably wants to cause trouble more than rule.………】

【March 7: By the way, Lin Qin, have you been a fun-loving person since you were a child? ? ?】

【Doubt: Ah this………】

【Lin Yi: Your question is a bit too sharp.………】

【Lin Yi: I refuse to answer!!! 】

But actually………

Lin Yi has indeed had a fun-loving mentality since he was a child.………

It’s just that when Lin Yi was a child, he usually just watched and had fun………

When Lin Xin grew up, he would occasionally join in the fun………

As for Lin Yi now………

Because the power is getting stronger and stronger………

I have become a fun person who wants to make fun even if I don’t have fun.………

But how to say it?………

The fun created by Lin Xin usually only involves the unlucky ones.………

For example, in the previous video, Lin suspected Aruba’s idiot………

Um, no………

It's skirmishers. to be honest………

Although this plot is systematically arranged………

But this is indeed what Lin Yi wants"150" to do!!!

"Wait until there is a chance later………

Gotta let Skirmishers experience the fun of Aruba for both genders!!!"

Skirmisher: Just kill me!!!

Lin Yi: I am a righteous person!!!

Lin Yi: How can I kill people!!!

Aha is a chaotic evil person!!!

Then I am Lin Yi Chaos Shanlezi people!!!

Good guy!!!

Lezi people have been divided into flowers by you, right!!!

【Zhongli: They seem to be preparing to do something important.】

【Zhongli: Collect Infinite Gems………】

【Zhongli: What are the infinite stones? ? ?】

【Zhongli: Could it be that it was in the previous video?………】

【Zhongli: Lin, is that green gem in your hand that controls time? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: As expected of you!!!】

【Lin Yi: The observation is still so meticulous!!!】

【Lin Yi: The official name of the green gem in my hand is the Time Gem.】

【Lin Yi: It is indeed one of the infinite gems】

【Jing Yuan: How many Infinity Stones are there? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: In this video, there are 6 stars in a universe】

【Lin Yi: They are———】

【Lin Yi: Time Stone———】

【Lin Yi: Power Gem———】

【Lin Yi: Space Gem———】

【Lin Yi: The Soul Gem———】

【Lin Yi: Soul Gem———】

【Lin Yi: And the Reality Stone!!!】

【Su Shang: It sounds very powerful.………】

【Gui Naifen: So now, Lin, how many pills do you have on hand? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: It’s true………】

【Lin Yi: Just one】

【Lin Yi: This infinite gem is an artifact in this universe】

【Lin Yi: If you collect all six infinity stones, you can do anything!!!】

【Lin Yi: For example, if the enemy has no butthole】

【Lin Yi: Let the enemy kill the whole family】

【Lin Yi: Turn all enemies into Paimon】

【Paimon:? ? ?】

【Paimon: What are you doing if you turn into me?!!】

【Paimon: And you collected six gems just to do this!!! ?】

【Paimon: If I collected six gems………】

【Paimon: I need endless Mora and endless food!!!】

【Ying: Can you have some potential? ? ?】

【Ying: If I had six infinity stones………】

【Ying: I will let you all be my tools!!!】

【Fu Xuan; still have some potential, but not much】

【Hutao: Then I have to open my Rebirth Hall all over the universe!!!】

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: So what are the powers of these six gems? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: The first thing is the space gem.】

【Lin Yi: It allows the holder to travel through time and space and reach anywhere instantly………】

【Lin Yi: It can also allow the holder to move objects or rearrange the spatial sequence.………】

【Lin Yi: The highest efficiency can be achieved everywhere!!!】

【Lin Yi: Next is the Time Stone】

【Lin Yi: This gem allows the holder to completely control the past, present and future time.………】

【Lin Yi: You can also perform time travel, accelerate time, reverse time, and cause time confusion.………】

【Lin Yi: You can even make time loop infinitely or modify and freeze any timeline at will.………】

【Lin Yi: The highest efficiency can achieve omniscience!!!】

【Lin Yi: Then there is the Reality Stone】

【Lin Yi: Users can use it to erase and modify reality.………】

【Lin Yi: You can also make all ideas, fantasies, dreams and other illusory things into reality………】

【Lin Yi: At the same time, the Reality Stone itself also contains huge energy!!!】

【Lin Yi: Then the power gem】

【Lin Yi: This gem can make everything possible, and can turn imagination into reality.………】

【Lin Yi: The user can master and control all power and energy through it………】

【Lin Yi: All physical abilities can also be copied to enhance the user's own attack and defense abilities.………】

【Lin Yi: This gem also has infinite physical power, and the user will become invincible and absolutely invulnerable!!!】

【Lin Yi: And this gem is also the self-glue of all things in the universe.】

【Lin Yi: It can greatly enhance the power of other gems!!!】

【Lin Yi: Next is the Soul Stone】

【Lin Yi: The Mind Stone is the incarnation of cosmic consciousness, which allows the user to improve their psychic abilities and enter the minds of all other existences.………】

【Lin Yi: The holder can read, manipulate, modify, create, and protect the spirit of life】

【Lin Yi: It can also enhance the user’s mental strength and psychic abilities.———】

【Lin Yi: It can allow the user to enter the minds of other people, and it can also allow all dreams and thoughts to enter the user's brain.………】

【Lin Yi: It can also invade and control other people's minds, and it can also implant all dreams, illusions, memories, thoughts and ideas into the target's brain.………】

【Lin Yi: It can also enhance the user's mental strength and increase psychic abilities, allowing all beings with minds to be controlled by it.】

【Lin Yi: When the Mind Stone is used together with other Infinity Stones, its energy will be enhanced.———】

【Lin Yi: Under the condition that its gem enhances its power, this gem allows the user to simultaneously connect to the brains of all existences in the universe.………】

【Lin Yi: And at the same time, it enters the mind of all existing things and the mind that controls all things!!!】

【Lin Yi: At the same time, the Mind Stone itself also contains huge energy!!!】

【Lin Yi: The last thing is the soul gem】

【Lin Yi: This gem can steal, manipulate, modify or create souls, and can even seal many things into the gem!!!】

【Lin Yi: It can even seal the entire multiverse and the infinite stones in it!!!】

【Lin Yi: Now do you understand the power of these six gems? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Hundreds of billions of years ago in this universe, the Infinity Stones came from before all recorded time.】

【Lin Yi: They were once a single unit, a lonely entity】

【Lin Yi: They are a sentient being with endless power.】

【Lin Yi: It is everything, and everything is it】

【Lin Yi: And this existence is infinite and eternal】

【Lin Yi: As I said before………】

【Lin Yi: The person who collects these six gems will become truly omniscient and omnipotent.】

【Jing Yuan: So you are collecting this kind of stuff? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Yes】

【Fu Xuan:………】

【Fu Xuan: I didn’t expect you to have such a goal………】

【Lin Yi: Not bad】

【Lin Yi: Actually, in this universe, there are existences similar to the star gods in your universe.】

【Lin Yi: They are called the God Group】

【Lin Yi: Of course………】

【Lin Yi: I don’t know who is stronger or weaker between the Star God and the Celestial God.】

【Lin Yi: But after collecting six gems, you can indeed defeat the gods.】

【Lin Yi: It refers to defeating a real god whose strength can easily destroy the universe. 】

In Marvel comics.

Thanos, who obtained the Infinity Gauntlet, directly defeated countless gods, and even eternity was no match for Thanos!!! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thanos in this form even directly replaced Eternity!!!

Did you see,

Shadow Treasure, eternity is not omnipotent!!!

There is Thanos in the Infinity Gauntlet above eternity!!![]

【Star: As a fun person, if Lin Xin got six gems………】

【March 7: Then he is the true Star God of Joy】

【March 7: Even more Aha than Aha!!!】

【star:………Think about it this way………】

【Fu Xuan: It seems like there’s nothing to worry about.………】

【Black Tower: After all, even though they are not normal………】

【Heita: But I think Lin Xin is slightly more normal than Aha!!!】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality………】

【Zhongli: Indeed!!!】

【Su Shang: Although Lin Xin is usually very happy………】

【Su Shang: But you shouldn’t do something as outrageous as Chang Le Tianjun, right? ? ?】

【Su Shang: Like blowing up the Star Dome Train or something………】

【Star: Indeed………】

【Star: Aha this guy………】

【Star: In order to kill Akivili, he lurked on the Star Dome Train for half a year………】

【Star: Although only one planet and the Star Dome Train carriage were blown up in the end.………】

【Heita: So I said it all………】

【Black Tower: I can occasionally understand Lin Yi0......】

【Heita: But I really can’t understand Aha!!! 】

And in the video.

Confronted with Olga Marie's request.

Lin Xin frowned!!!

"it's here? ? ? right now? ? ?"

"yes!!! Olga

Marie pointed at the densely packed Chitauri in the sky:

"Just use the trick you told me before!!!"


Lin Yi nodded firmly!!! He jumped into the air!!!

Then he took out a Japanese samurai sword from somewhere.

He waved it hard!!!

The Chitauri flying in the sky seemed to be struck by something. Everything fell to the ground like their heads were pressed!!!

Including their huge biological spacecrafts without exception!!!

And within the range visible to the naked eye, those Chitauri were like dumplings, all of them Falling from the sky, if you have a bird's-eye view, you can see not only these Chitauri, but also the US military's fighter jets and birds in the sky………

Even flying insects………

They are all falling down too!!!

Farther away, on the edge of New York City, a strong wind pressure even caused a tsunami on the sea surface!!!

Olga Marie clenched her fists excitedly:


That’s it!!! what do you say that is? ? ?

Gravity Knife Big Dick? ? ? ?

By the way, why is it such a strange name? ? ?"

Lin Yi slowly landed on the ground, reached out and patted Olga Marie on the shoulder:

"do not mind the details!!!

Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters!!!"

The old men next to me were shocked!!!

What the hell is this?

I just waved my knife!!!

All the alien fleets in the sky fell down???

Why are you so awesome ? characters………

We haven't seen that at all since the Battle of New York? ? ?

Although there are still many Chitauri who do not believe in evil, they continue to emerge from the portal in the sky.………

But there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.

What is the name of the trick that the beautiful girl just said? ? ?

Big Dick? ? ?


These old men are all serious Americans, so they naturally understand English.………

God fucking Big Dick………

Isn’t this a big eagle?!!

In fact, Olga Marie also knows English………

It’s just that this girl has always had an innocent beauty………

I didn’t even think about the English translation at all!!!

Then Lin Yi shook his head———


Many people fell to death………"

Olga Marie said in surprise:

"Why are you talking about feeling sorry for the enemy?!!

It’s better to go to the address given by this man just now.………

Forbidden City………

White House………

Buckingham Palace………

Kerry 3.3Mlin………

Palace of Fontainebleau………

He said that as long as he goes here and convinces the people living there, he can become the president of the earth!!!" It's so funny!!!

Isn't that right!!!

Don't all the leaders of the Wuchang Dynasty live here???

Some friends may not know that

ZN is also part of the Forbidden City.~~~!!!

And No. 10 Downing Street once belonged to the side palace of Buckingham Palace, which was part of the house behind the palace.

It used to be the place where the British royal family held cockfights!!!

So the information Captain America gave to Olga Marie is definitely correct!!!

However, Lin Yi shook his head:

"It’s not that I feel sorry for the enemy………

It’s just that when I went out today, I looked at the almanac and it said that I was prohibited from killing animals today.………

I decided to give them a chance to live again!!!"

After saying that, Lin Yi snapped his fingers, and a blood-red circle suddenly appeared in the sky, from which flowed a dark... unidentified viscous liquid like mud!!!

These liquids passed by the Chitauri corpses on the ground. back………

The Chitauri are resurrected!!!

Then it turned into one black person after another!!!

Olga Marie tilted her head:

"What are you doing? ? ? Lin

Qi replied:

"I'm making farm implements."

Olga Marie was shocked!!!

"You call this a farm tool? ? ? Lin

Xin nodded seriously:


I heard that’s what the southern plantations in this country used to be called!!!"

Then Lin Yi looked at Mustache:

"Am I right? ? ?

I came to Earth with good preparation!!!"

Then he handed Mustache and American Buttocks each a whip.

Then he pointed to the Chitauri who had turned into black people and said:

"Come on, go up and find the feeling you had before!!!".

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