These are all benefits that country M has gained from this matter, and this kind of thing can only be done by country M, at least for now.

It was completely unreasonable for Bruce to say this, but even so, he insisted on his point of view.

I think that if Professor Liang Zhiwei wants to return to Huaxia, then the efforts they have made all the time, the goals they have helped Professor Liang Zhiwei achieve, and the achievements of Professor Liang Zhiwei will take away everything they have put in during this period of time. It's not fair, and it's also very bad for them.

At this time, Huaxia's negotiation team, after hearing Bruce's speech, everyone's faces were full of dissatisfaction.

They couldn't help but say something to Bruce in their hearts, but they couldn't say it in their mouths.

After all, it is currently negotiating, and all excessive words may cause the other party to directly choose not to negotiate, and the Huaxia negotiation team is to ensure that Professor Liang Zhiwei can return to Huaxia through negotiation.

After all, the initiative is now in the hands of country M, and Huaxia can only use the initial method of negotiation to win back Professor Liang Zhiwei.

So now Bruce's attitude is also very important. After all, it is related to whether Professor Liang Zhiwei can successfully follow the negotiation team back to Huaxia, which is still a very important thing for Huaxia.

At this time, Guan Lin looked at Bruce and responded solemnly.

"Admiral Bruce, what you just said is against whether or not M country should become an educational institution."

"You also know that although the situation you mentioned does exist, have you ever thought that your country M is continuing to carry out scientific research, as well as these knowledge, and it has recruited many, many talents."

"¨〃 And most of these talents are working for your country m, so it can be said that they are all working for your country m."

"If you think about this matter, then you can say that this is a very important good thing for your country m, and it is also a very worthwhile thing for you to do and invest in."

"After all, if things go on like this in the long run, there will be only good and no harm to your country m, and your country m can continue to break through the boundaries of scientific research in accordance with this development, and continue to move towards a higher level of scientific research."

"Because of this, your country m has already obtained enough dividends, and it can be said that your country m has obtained enough things."

"If you think that this alone can keep Professor Liang Zhiwei in the m country, then I think this view is untenable and makes no sense."

"It can be said that you are forcing Professor Liang Zhengwei to stay in Huaxia, and at the same time forcibly overturning our long-term efforts and even our views, which I very, very disagree with."

Guan Lin expressed his opinion. In his opinion, Bruce's words are pure nonsense.

And now, although he thinks that the attitude of country M and Bruce's attitude are very important.

But he hadn't thought to the point of giving in.

After all, Professor Liang Zhiwei must return to China. Professor Liang Zhiwei is also from China, not the army of M.

If Bruce has been holding on to this point of view, has been holding on to this belief, and wants to bring them to their knees, or change their minds.

Guan Lin would never agree, and similarly, he would use all his strength to find out the loopholes in Bruce's words, but at the same time refute Bruce's point of view, and he also had the ability to ensure that Bruce couldn't refute him. .

Chapter 526:

Then, after Guan Lin said these words.

In the direct negotiation team of country m, a gloomy expression appeared on everyone's face.

They naturally knew that Bruce's remarks were untenable and unreasonable.

But no matter what, at this point in time, what Bruce said was absolutely right, and it was something that their country M didn't want to see. Professor Liang Zhiwei had to stay in their country.

Even Professor Liang Zhiwei has made great contributions to their country m.

It can even be said that the computer field in country m has developed to this status. Professor Liang Zhiwei's efforts are very, very great, and his contribution is second to none.

But even so, they would not let Professor Liang Zhiwei leave. After all, they always believed that Professor Liang Zhiwei was trained by them and created by them.

Professor Liang Zhiwei must serve them according to the country, and he must also dedicate his life to country m, and it is absolutely impossible for Huaxia to take Professor Liang Zhiwei away, and it is absolutely not allowed by country m.

The fundamental reason is that their country M does not want China to develop rapidly. The computer field is a very large field.

The series of potentials contained in it, as well as all the technical aspects contained in the computer field, are very extensive, and once developed, it can drive the entire industry chain and develop together.

The computer field can definitely lead other fields to develop together.

At that time, not only the computer field will develop rapidly, but all industries and all industrial chains will develop very rapidly.

What's more, China's military power has developed very fast, and it has occupied the first position in the world.

The Vostok aircraft carrier, the 095g nuclear submarine, and the wanderer mecha, these three military weapons are placed in the world, and no country can resist them.

And these three military weapons also represent the pinnacle of military power in this era.

Huaxia has already reached this point, they must never watch Huaxia continue to develop, and they can no longer control this momentum.

If they are allowed to develop like this, then their country M will not be able to control the situation at all. This is not what their country m wants, nor what their country m wants to see.

Therefore, in this negotiation operation, they must show an unprecedented state of opposition. At the same time, they must grasp the truth and not let go. They must try their best not to let Huaxia's negotiation team fool the past.

Of course, this is the content of the first stage of negotiation. If it comes to the end, they will definitely agree to send Professor Liang Zhiwei back to Huaxia.

It's just that when it's time to send it back to China, it's the fake Professor Liang Zhiwei.

It is impossible for the real Professor Liang Zhiwei to return to China, and it is impossible for them to send the real Professor Liang Zhiwei back to China in this life.

After all, that is to let the tiger return to the mountain, or it is to strengthen the power of China, it is impossible for them to want to strengthen the power of China.

They can't suppress this kind of power now, why do they try their best to continue to strengthen the power of others? Isn't it okay to find something to do for themselves?

Both Bruce and Jackson saw this very clearly, and they both understood very well how important it was to their country M, and their views were very consistent, that is, to try their best to obstruct Liang Zhiwei The professor returned to Huaxia.

At this moment, Bruce's eyes met Shang Guan Lin's, and the two looked at each other, as if sparks appeared in the air.

At this point in the negotiation, both sides insisted on their own words, and neither of them wanted to make any concessions to each other.

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