Afterwards, the certificate was also made in the same way and handed over to Lin Yi.

Then, the woman stood beside the two with a prize of 5000 million Swedish crowns.

Facing the camera together, we recorded this shocking scene.

"Next, let's invite Professor Lin Yi to give a speech for everyone." Ben Jieyi took the lead in applauding, with deep shock in his expression.

Professor Lin Yi's performance today, let alone shocking everyone in the audience.

Even he, the top person in the Nobel Foundation, and the entire Nobel Foundation, were shocked.

Never had.

The Nobel Foundation has never encountered anything like this.

One person, triple identities, at a Nobel Prize ceremony, the triple identities were exposed together.

Moreover, the reason for the exposure is that all three identities have won the Nobel Prize!

It's incredible, and it's so unbelievable 0  …

This is an unprecedented event, and I believe it will never happen again in the future.

After all, there are really no people in this world who can be as capable as Professor Lin Yi.

Because of this, Professor Lin Yi is the first person in Nobel history.

This award ceremony is bound to be recorded in the history of the Nobel Foundation.

Professor Lin Yi's name, his performance today, will definitely be sealed into the highest-standard documents by the Nobel Foundation.

The performance of Professor Lin Yi today will be put into later generations for future generations to visit.

In the same way, it is after Lin Yi that this year's Nobel Foundation will surely let the world know. I believe that Lin Yi's deeds, as well as today's award ceremony, will definitely be shared by the world for a long time.

It can be said that the Nobel Foundation and the award ceremony, with Lin Yi's performance this time, let more people in the world know, and let more people come to pay attention to the Nobel Foundation.

It's totally a win-win!

At this moment, all the previous unhappiness disappeared.

It's not that Huaxia didn't send people here, Huaxia sent one person, top three people!

Thinking like this, Ben Jieyi looked at Lin Yi with all the light in his eyes.

What a wise choice for the Nobel Foundation to invite Lin Yi this time!

And Lucius' proposal to nominate Professor Ju X and Professor Lin Yi, what a great 3.6 initiative!

Ben Jieyi couldn't be more excited now, his heart was even more excited than Lin Yi.

Lin Yi, who created an era, also indirectly made the Nobel Foundation.

At this second, Benjieyi suddenly developed a strong interest in that distant, mysterious eastern country.

It seems that in the subsequent Nobel Prize nominations, more consideration should be given to Huaxia.

Lin Yi did such a big favor for their Nobel Foundation.

Their Nobel Foundation must return the gift.

And these are all Benjieyi's own real thoughts, others don't know yet.

Lin Yi doesn't know now either.

What Lin Yi didn't expect was that he came to participate in the Nobel Prize Ceremony this time, which opened a door for scientific research scholars in China.

Let the scientific research scholars in China also have the qualification to lead to the world's scientific research event, the Nobel Prize Ceremony! .

Lin Yi took a step and came to the front of the stage, where the microphone stood still.

Immediately afterwards, the applause from the audience sounded again.

"Thank you for the applause and the Nobel Prize Ceremony for giving me this opportunity."

Lin Yi stood in front of the microphone with a smile on his face.

Having won three Nobel Prizes in a row, any scientific researcher would be crazy happy.

To get one is already a great honor.

Lin Yi is better, if he doesn't get it, he will get three.

Don't say how happy you are.

Therefore, even if it is a speech, his tone is a little trembling.

"Before, when I came to the awards ceremony, I really didn't expect to win the award, nor did I expect to receive so many awards, which is really surprising." Lin Yi said with a smile.

When the words fell, the expressions of everyone in the audience immediately became speechless.

Good guy, it's as if they can think of it.

Who would have thought of winning three Nobel Prizes at once.

There has never been such a thing as being able to win two Nobel 08 Bell Awards at the same time, let alone winning three at the same time like Lin Yi.

At this time, these people are envious, jealous, and somewhat helpless.

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