Wells was also very shocked: "Sorry, Captain Jackson, we didn't expect that Huaxia actually developed plasma...plasma stealth technology...I am willing to bear all the consequences..."

Jackson snorted coldly: "Bear all the consequences? Are you sure?"

Wells stopped talking.

Jackson didn't ask any further. He turned his head to look at Jefferson and asked, "Professor Jefferson, do you think China has really developed plasma stealth technology this time?"

Geoffel raised his head, with a bitter look on his face, ashamed to say: "Judging from the current situation, Huaxia...has indeed mastered a newer stealth technology, and our anti-stealth radar...is useless."

After hearing the news, Jefferson was greatly shocked.

Anti-stealth radar is a work that he is very proud of, and he has also put a lot of energy into it.

In fact, the research on anti-stealth radar has been carried out for a long time, but it has only been announced that it has only been carried out for three years.

But the hardships involved are known only to Jefferson himself.

When it was developed, he even shed tears of excitement.

But with the forced suspension of this exercise, he realized that the anti-stealth radar he had developed with great concentration was useless in the face of Huaxia.

It's like, he finally figured out how to attack the enemy, but the enemy has developed a more advanced fighting method, and he falls behind again, and it's useless again.

This kind of frustration made him, a well-known old professor in the scientific research community, unable to accept it for a while.

But there is nothing he can do. Now he has to admit that Huaxia has indeed developed a new type of stealth technology, anti-stealth radar, which is useless.

"Yin Wang, what do you think about this?" Jackson didn't want to stop asking, he continued to look at Yin Wang and asked.

Yin Wang kept his head down, he didn't dare to look up or face Jackson's eyes.

He boasted about Haikou in front of Jackson before, tried his best to sing praises to M country, and belittle China in various ways.

Saying that China's scientific research environment is not good, it is impossible to develop plasma stealth technology.

Fortunately, Huaxia has really developed a new stealth technology!

He just felt a burning pain in his face.

slapped in the face by madness.

This tm, what is this called!

"Yin Wang, didn't you say before that it was impossible for Huaxia to develop it? What do you think about it now?" Jackson asked again.

Yin Wang only raised his head this time. At this moment, his face was so red that he was about to bleed, and he hesitated: "I...I...I didn't expect that Huaxia would actually be able to develop it..."

"Mainly...mainly that Lin Yi...that freshman..."

"Okay!" Jackson slammed the table and shouted angrily.

That Lin Yi freshman was the most unexpected person for Jackson.

It's something Jackson didn't expect the most.

Just a freshman, can actually develop plasma stealth technology?

This matter, if not for this exercise, would have been witnessed.

None of them could have imagined that a freshman could do so much!

Is this still a freshman?If the truth is as Huaxia said, this freshman named Lin Yi is the key person who developed the plasma stealth technology.

It can be said that there is a genius in China that is difficult to encounter for thousands of years, a genius that is enough to make all countries in the world very jealous, but very desirable!

Such people are really scary.

Today, he can develop plasma stealth technology, and tomorrow, he may develop something even more powerful.

If things go on like this, it is very likely that under the leadership of this Lin Yi, Huaxia will reach the top of the world!

Just thinking about it, everyone present felt a sense of crisis.

Why was such a talent born in China?Why don't they have such talents in M ​​country!


the other side.

Huaxia, Jingnan Military Region.

Three hours later, it was night.

The celebration banquet of the commander of the Jingnan Military Region is not over yet.

But Lin Yi, Professor Wu and others already wanted to leave.

It's not that the celebration party is boring, but that this time is really too tired.

During the period when Lin Yi was in a coma, Professor Wu and others did not rest for a day, and they were always developing plasma stealth equipment.

After Lin Yi woke up, he only took a short recuperation for two days, and once again invested in the test flight of the plasma stealth device.

Now everything is over.

They do want a good rest, too.

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