It's pretty bumpy.

"Yes, it is. Unlike ponds and lakes, the current of the river inevitably rocks the boat. Some people who are not used to it seem to throw up.

Are you okay with the rocking of the boat, Elvis?

Yes. I've been on a ship before, participating in the Battle of Midway River. Ars-sama was as strong as a demon at that time.

"Was the Midway River a big river in the Arbalest district? I think it was the one that challenged the Arbalest family in a water battle.

That's right. This river is big, but the Midway River was also a big river. On that river, you defeated your opponent's entire fleet by setting them all ablaze, Ars-sama. It was truly an unthinkable way to win.

We get on the ship and move on.

There was a large river a short distance from the Orient.

The river was quite wide and far from the other side.

I hadn't had much experience swimming in water, so I wasn't sure if I could make it to land on my own if I were to drown here.

We took a boat ride down such a large river.

The boatman controls the boat along the river flow to fine-tune the direction it is going, but the boat inevitably bobs up and down on the water.

Some of the mercenaries seemed to get sick from the swaying.

Some of the mercenaries seemed to get sick from the swaying, throwing up into the river water from the top of the boat.

Elvis, who was in relatively good health, and I were talking.

Elvis had some experience of traveling on a boat in a big river like this.

In the past, Elvis had been on the battlefield with his brother Ars, and had also participated in the battle against the Arbalest family.

He tells me about the water battle there.

Basically, he would talk about how strong his brother Ars was, but I had heard this story several times before.

Elvis explained the same story as if it was the first time he was telling it to me, and I replied yes and looked at the water.

The Gulu River.

It is one of the rivers flowing in the Kuzuryu Plain.

It is said to have an abundance of water, and the flow of the river is relatively stable.

Among the rivers in the sub-national group that are prone to flooding, the Gulu River seems to be less prone to flooding, and there has been some water transportation using the river flow.

The Gulu River is also used by many people, and the Orient used to trade with other countries using this water transportation.

This was an advantage when the world was stable, but when the world was in turmoil, the ease of movement became a disadvantage.

But when the world got rough, the ease of movement became a bad thing, as the Orient was attacked from all over the world for its technology and magic.

This time, however, we will use the Gulu River to invade in the opposite direction.

This time, however, they will use the Gulu River to invade.

The lumberyard is located in the middle of the Gulu River, a large river.

It seems that the country that harvests and stores these soft magic trees is called Gurgaria.

The country of Gurugaria has historically been the exclusive custodian of the soft magic wood from the central provinces.

It is said that the wood is basically used for weapons.

It seems that the tree was used to make bows.

The bows made from the branches of the juju tree are very hard.

If you tried to shoot it with just your strength, you wouldn't be able to pull it off.

However, if you can get the right amount of magic power into it, it will bend a lot and thus fly well.

It is said that the people of Gurugaria train with these bows from an early age.

They start practicing with a child's bow, and when they can play an adult bow, they are considered to be full-fledged players.

For this reason, they train with the Jumagi bow from a young age, grow up, and by the time they reach adulthood, they are masters of the bow.

In other words, it is said that the country of Gurugaria is full of archery masters.

The archers of Grugaria, a city-state located near the Grug River, are guarding a lumberyard.

The archers of Grugaria, a city-state located near the Grug River, are guarding the lumberyard, where elite soldiers are stationed to protect the precious jujima wood.

I see it. That's the middle ground. That's the only place where trees grow. It's more like an island than a sandbar, though.

"That's right. And there you can see Grugaria's lumberyard. ...... It's still surrounded by a big wall. It seems to surround the lumberyard as far as I can see from here.

It's true. I'm not sure what to make of it. That's certainly troublesome.

After a long walk down the river, we came upon a sandbar.

Perhaps because the river is so wide to begin with, it's hard to tell if it's a sandbar or land.

In fact, it could almost be called an island.

There were many lush trees growing there.

And next to the forest of soft magic trees, there stood a wall as tall as the trees themselves.

A tall whitish wall.

That must be the [Wall of Atmos].

A lumberyard protected by a 50-meter high wall is an amazing thing.

I thought, "...... is impossible, right? It's impossible to break through a wall that high, no matter how you look at it.

I looked at the wall of that lumberyard and thought.

It's the magic that brother Ars created to fight against the mighty power and size of the Atmos warrior.

That's what the [Wall of Atmos] is.

2,000 people are going to attack the lumberyard that is surrounded and protected by that wall.

I didn't feel like I could do it.

Chapter 2000.

There are also boatmen, and not all of them can go into battle.

The Orient's army, made up of such weak soldiers, did not seem to be able to break through the defense of Grugaria, where the elite had gathered.

"Even if you say it's impossible, we've already come this far, Mister Alphonse. There's no way you can turn back now.

"I'm not saying we turn back, Oliva. It's just that we can't attack the lumberyard. Maybe we'll attack it and not succeed.

What are you going to do then?

I have an idea. Change the course of the fleet. I'm changing our destination from the lumberyard.

Oliva gets impatient when she hears my words.

That's probably true.

The Orient's original plan of attack was to attack the lumberyard.

And the Barca mercenary group with Ian, who is the key to the operation.

If the Barca mercenaries did not head for the lumberyard, the operation itself would be severely disrupted.

But that didn't stop me from going to the lumberyard where the archers of Grugaria were waiting for me as I was told.

Thus, after a sudden change of course, we gradually moved away from the lumberyard.

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