I see. I see. This Mr. Banagher has a very dangerous plan. Maybe this plan is not the one passed by the Congress but his own.

After the discussion with Banagher, we went to the compound where the mercenary group was waiting.

I explained to Sula, who was waiting there, what I'd done with Banagher, and told her there would be a plan in a few days.

Then Sula murmured something that bothered her.

'What do you mean? You said you're a member of the Orient, and if you're a member of the Orient, wouldn't the Congress approve of the operation if it was his idea?

I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. But parliaments often take a long time to make decisions. Everyone gets together to talk and make decisions. That's a good thing, but it's also difficult to move on in a quick decision-making process.

I'm not sure I'll ever agree with the king's words. It's a good idea. But what makes you think that this is Banagher's own move this time?

It's time, Master Alphonse. Master Ars and Lord Banagher must have discussed this beforehand, and they knew that a band of mercenaries would be coming here. However, they did not know that there was an Atmos warrior among the group of mercenaries. Perhaps it was Kristina who told them of the presence of the Atmos warrior, Ian, who sent him on his errand earlier.

...... That being said, it's not really a given that Ian is going to follow me. It wasn't a given that Ian would follow me,

Well, is it possible that they may have been investigating it while we were here? But there are too many uncertainties, I think, when you have certain information about the presence of the Atmos warriors in the Barca Mercenaries and decide to place them at the center of the operation. I think it's only natural to wonder whether the Congress will approve the operation before the mercenary group arrives.

That's true. But then, what did Mr. Banagher have in mind when he came up with this plan?

I don't know. I don't know what's going on in this country. I don't know the inner workings of this country, but it's just that it's not right. And that the Congress is not a monolithic organization. It would be good to know about the relationship between Banagher and the Congress.

Banerjee explained that this operation was meant to help the Orient nation.

But Sula says that it might not be something that was thought of through the Congress that runs this country.

How is that possible?

However, it is true that a strategy using Ian would be unthinkable or impossible to execute without his presence.

I think it's too early to tell the Barca Mercenaries, who just arrived today, about such a plan and then decide to carry it out a few days later.

That means that Banagher may be working on his own.

Come to think of it, I've heard this story before.

The story goes that while they were in the same camp, their allies got into a dispute over how to fight.

The knight who likes to attack insisted on going into battle, while the knight who is good at defending argued that he should further strengthen his defense in a walled-off base.

In the end, it's a funny story that the two sides couldn't agree on anything and made the situation even worse by only being able to attack and defend halfway.

I think this also led to the cautionary tale that choosing one side or the other would end up making things better than either side was right.

Maybe that's how it works in Orient countries too.

Those who, like Banagher, think that they are impoverished if they only protect themselves, and try to find a way to get out.

And then there are those who would argue against it, saying that they don't have enough strength to fight in the current situation, but what if they send people out there to cause more damage?

If people with conflicting views are in the Congress, where they set the policy of the country, how do they set policy?

It would be nice if we could talk about it, but we can't keep talking about it for too long, can we?

Perhaps Banagher was on the verge of numbness in such a situation.

Just then, the Barca Mercenaries arrived.

It wasn't just a group of mercenaries, either; it was the warriors of Atmos.

Perhaps a single Atmos warrior was bigger to Banagher than a hundred mercenaries.

And the power of that Atmos warrior is widely known in this East.

This is because giants with overwhelming strength, even on their own, can be a major disruptor of power relations on the battlefield.

Before such a powerful force is used only to defend a city, I want to put it into operations to further strengthen the war potential of the Orient State.

That's why I thought of a mission to attack the lumberyard even though the mercenary group had just arrived.

It could be .......

I don't know for sure what their intentions are, no matter how much I think about it. In the meantime, I'm in for this mission. But I want you to stay behind and find out more about Mr. Banagher and the Congress. We could also use some merchants like Kristina.

Yes. I don't know how long I can do it, but I'll try. I don't know how much I can do, but I'll try.

A mercenary is hired by his employer to risk his life on the battlefield.

But in order to do so, you need to know if your employer is someone you can trust.

In this case, you have to know the Parliament of the Orient as well as the Banagher, I guess.

However, I still decided to take part in this mission.

In any case, I don't know if the Barca Mercenaries will work on the battlefield myself.

I didn't have any problems with fighting bandits, but I don't know how well they would work.

That's probably true of the country's legislature as well.

Anyway, let's take credit for this mission.

Then, if we can show the power of the Barca Mercenaries, the situation might change again.

Then, it's a given that the mission will be a success, and if possible, I'd like to defeat even the most famous people.

Would there be any famous knights in the lumberyard?

While thinking about this, I was preparing for the mission to be carried out a few days later.

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