Chase the tracking bird.

Looks like there aren't any bandits in this forest.

Once, turn around and get out of the woods.

Then he flew toward a slightly off course from the direction he was heading toward town.

I even keep chasing it.

The tracking bird could fly faster if it were true, but now it's a little slower.

Originally, I had enough speed to lead the Cavalry on the Valkyrie, but if I flew at that speed, the mercenaries wouldn't follow me.

There are only a limited number of Valkyries in the mercenary regiment, and the rest are all infantry.

But a service beast can be useful at times like these.

Just ask the mercenaries to fly as fast as they can, and they'll adjust the speed.

After a while, all the mercenaries chased the tracking bird, which flew as fast as a foot.

There was a place where the ground grew big and one side of it looked like a small cliff.

There are holes in some of them.

It's probably a cave that leads to the back.

We discovered the base of such bandits and the places they thought they were.

"You were here. I didn't know there was such a cave. This area is usually a place where people don't get too close. But if you look closely, there are still traces of people and cars passing through the ground around here."

Christina, who is with us, points to the ground.

Indeed, there are signs on the ground that could have been made recently.

Wadachi continued to the entrance of the cave.

"Cave, huh? Atmos warriors who grow up are harder to fight in those places."

I see. But I'm strong, Alphonse, even if I don't have to be huge. "

"Sure. Or are the other mercenaries more worried? Though I said I wanted to gain practical experience, it wouldn't be interesting if it was damaged. Let's figure out a plan."

Speak with Ian as you gaze from afar at the entrance to the cave.

Until we find a place that looks like a bandit's stronghold.

But the question is what to do from here.

Of course, there is access to the interior of the cave.

But I don't know anything about the situation inside.

How big is the cave?

Or is there another way to get in and out?

As we enter the interior, can we fight there?

I don't have any such information.

I remember what happened in the magic labyrinth.

At that time, I was anxious to get caught in a situation where I would be driven to a dead end.

The fact that there is no escape in the event of an emergency makes me feel uncomfortable.

Maybe we can't fight calmly.

Then I thought it might be dangerous to enter.

We don't all have to win safely, but we don't have to cut back all of a sudden on our way to Orient.

So I want to create a situation where I can win with some certainty.

"Tracking birds, trace the smell of bandits again to find another way in. Let me know if you have one."

In the meantime, let's just find out what we know.

Ask the tracking bird to find out if there are any other entrances or exits.

If you are using other places as entrances and exits, you will find them if you follow the smell.

"Elvis, let the mercenaries gather what burns. Whatever you want, just give me a lot."

"I see. Besides, you might want to keep an eye out for other bandits outside the cave. Shall I turn you around?

"Yeah, you too. If the tracking bird finds another entrance or exit, I want you to use mercenaries, so leave some."

Roger that.

Command Elvis to move the mercenary regiment.

Preparations were under way for the bandit's base attack.

"Are you ready?

"Yes, as I was told, we're all set. You can always do that."

All right, let's light it up.

Attack the base of the bandit you discovered.

That's why we decided to set fire to the base.

Nevertheless, burning the entire cave is not enough.

Therefore, the purpose was not the fire itself, but the smoke that came out when the trees were burned.

Light the tree branches collected at the entrance to the cave with [Ignition].

Some branches of dry trees, others not, but quite a bit of smoke.

Then the smoke gradually entered the cave.

This operation is simple.

The bandits are in the cave.

I'm sure of that with the tracking birds.

But when you go inside and fight, you don't know what's inside.

That's why I decided to get you out of there.

The cave sees other entrances and exits.

And some of those other holes I found were already blocked.

Blocking the cave itself was easy.

Because with Wall Architecture , you can create large thick walls outside the hole in an instant.

Some of the mercenaries who lived in the variant could use this magic, so I sent some of them to another entrance and it was already done.

And after blocking the other exits, he burns the trees in front of the first hole he finds and sends smoke.

Nothing. It's just smoke and it doesn't contain poison.

But what if the caves that they use as their beds are filled with smoke?

Normally, they suspect a fire, and they run away.

We don't know where we're going to get out of the cave.

But the other exits are already crushed.

That means that eventually everyone inside will come out of this hole.

This operation is about waiting for you.

Some mercenaries struggled to send smoke into the cave.

In the meantime, continue to strengthen your senses by the side to see what's inside the cave.

"I'm here. There are signs of people coming from inside. They're coming this way."

So the bandits finally arrived.

Many humans came to the cave we were waiting for, whilst making loud footsteps.

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