"What's a contract? What's gonna happen?

I heard it out loud against Norn.

A way to be stronger.

I have proposed it using the word contract.

Or is this not a sword?

I thought it was just an interesting, unusual weapon.

But maybe not.

Norn the Magic Sword with his personality may not fit into the classification of weapons.

(I see. I am the mightiest sword. But that's only one side. Rather, the original purpose was not a weapon called a sword, but a ceremonial sword.)

A ceremonial sword?

(Ah. Bloodborne magic gathers power and performs rituals. That's how I use it.)

(What is that? Then I should have explained it from the beginning.)

(When I first met Alphonse, I thought I didn't have to say anything. In the first place, I didn't think I could suck enough blood to reach that stage)

(Ah, so you're saying that you can already make that deal now?

(Exactly. By the blood Ars gave us. I could smoke so much of the finest blood that I would normally die. Besides, the blood is the same as yours. This will also make the blood contract a success.)

Speaking of which, there was a lot of blood sprayed because it was healed with [recovery].

The sword of Magic Sword Norn turned bright red.

It is no longer the color of the original red and black blood stains found, and it certainly looks like it could be used for some kind of ritual.

I mean, wasn't this guy for combat?

(Um, what happens after all? How can you be stronger if you sign a blood contract?

(I see. To explain it, I'll tell you about my past first.)

That's what Norn started talking about.

I don't know how long it was going to be, but I've been told stories that date back to when Norn was built.

There are several countries in the east.

Brilliant magic countries, religious countries, empires, etc.

One of them, the Empire, faces something like a big lake called the sea.

There seems to be another land across the sea.

The Magic Continent.

There is a large continent called that, where Norn was built.

Behind the Magic Continent was what used to be called a vampire.

Blood feeds you and increases your magic.

And the vampire seems to have lived a long time.

It was said to live overwhelmingly longer than people.

Well, no one knew how long the vampire could actually live.

There was someone who looked at the vampire.

That said, it's not like I fell in love with a vampire.

They were attracted to the length of their life.

And that's what he thought.

If I become a vampire, I might be able to live longer.

With that in mind, I studied it, and finally the delusion became real.

The ceremonial Magic Sword is complete.

That was Norn.

The Magic Sword boosts its magic by sucking blood.

And I was able to use that magic to perform the ritual.

The ritual allows you to acquire vampire traits.

In other words, blood mediates life and magic.

And using it, the person became a bloodsucker and made a country.

A vascular power once existed.

I just don't have that country anymore.

Because there was a lot going on, and there was a problem from inside and outside, and it was going to be destroyed.

The turmoil brought out the Magic Sword, which later fell into the hands of various people.

Even so, not all the people who had the Magic Sword became blood suckers.

Blood contracts don't always succeed.

You can suck a lot of blood and collect magic to perform the ritual, but if it doesn't go well with the blood collected at that time, you may fail.

In short, a blood contract cannot succeed unless it is compatible.

But I said I already met that demanding condition.

Normally, it would have been lucky to be an adapter of rituals and compatible with the blend of blood and magic of many people to satisfy the conditions.

However, the Magic Sword Norn received abundant blood and magic from someone who could not die even if he slashed it in a sense.

Besides, it was left empty without a drop of blood on the Magic Sword for hundreds of years.

In other words, the Magic Sword currently only gets blood from me and brother Ars.

For that reason, the key to the success of the ceremony is its compatibility.

What do we do, Alphonse? Now you can be reborn. You can be the king of the bloodsucking species once called the mightiest. That way we can even beat Arus.)

(... beating Mr. Ars? Are you saying you can beat your brother Ars?

(Of course. It's possible. However, even after becoming a bloodsucking species, we will need to collect that amount of magic.)

Win against Brother Ars.

Perhaps you can be stronger than that brother Ars.

That seemed like an even more fascinating proposal.

That's why I nodded.

If this ritual is to be performed, it is only now.

It can only be done now that the conditions are met and no other blood is mixed.

If we miss this opportunity, the blood contract may never succeed again.

So I decided to accept Norn's offer. [M]

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