"Hmm... I think I can handle it."

Looking at the fallen Spear-held Magic Armor, he exhales.

Holds the opponent's attacks and stuns them with magic.

I think the victory was due to the fact that we didn't miss the gap and moved to the attack.

After that, he was able to defeat the bronze knight with the spear by launching several attacks.

Collect the remaining bronze armor and spear.

While paying attention to the surroundings, I was thinking about the atmosphere just now while doing those tasks.

I wonder if it was because of the low amount of magic that struck it that ended with the first underdevelopment.

Alternatively, it might have been better if the second mood had succeeded in targeting the other person's gap in motion.

Perhaps the moment I was attacked and forced to pursue it, I was struck by magic, and I stopped for a moment.

If that were the case, it could be that the success would depend on the situation of the other party.

Verification will be required.

Well, I figured I'd do something about it.

It is somehow refreshing to call the act of building up the magic and stopping the movement by hitting the opponent.

Is there anything else I can call it?

Even though I was in the labyrinth, I thought about it for a while.

"That's right. How about" intimidation "? [Intimidation] seems stronger than the mood to stop the opponent's movement, and I'll call it that from now on."

It wasn't a spell, but I decided to call it [intimidation].

From now on, let's try a little more in action.

But even without [Intimidation], I thought I'd fight the spear.

Because I think that if you don't stop the other person's movement, you won't win, which means that you won in a real sense.

Even if the opponent's weapon is farther away than ours, it will be stronger.

I swore it in my heart with a good hand, and then I walked around the labyrinth.

"Ufu. Hey!"

Flash vertically.

By visiting Helmet Discount , it succeeds in causing damage to the opponent.

The hard tooth sword I swing down hit precisely the articular part of the bronze knight's armor that was considered to be a weakness.

The left wrist was slashed and rolled to the ground.

The opponent I was fighting was a bowman.

A magical armored soldier in bronze attacked us with a bow.

Moreover, unlike individuals with swords and spears, they recognized us from afar.

Perhaps the bow holders will be able to locate the opponent from a distance.

I detected an arrow coming from a distance from a magical army with such a bow, and I approached the opponent avoiding the attack.

Thus, the opponent flew three bow attacks closer to our reach.

It appears to be of the short bow type, with low power but high firing performance.

I was more scared than I thought of the arrow flying from the front against myself as I ran towards the other person with all my might.

However, the accuracy of the arrow's hit was probably not as accurate as it was accurate.

If I kept the magic flowing through my eyes, I knew it wouldn't hit me that way from that trajectory.

That's how I managed to get closer to the opponent through the flying arrows, but instead I was able to hit the opponent first.

Instead of cutting off the powerful armor, I decided to target the joint.

Earlier, it was aimed at the joint of the left hand that was holding the bow, and it was successfully released the bow by arm from the magical army with the bow.

Almost there.

And this attack will continue.

He attacked not only his left wrist, but also his joints.

While watching the opponent's movements closely, he throws a thrust through his shoulder.

With the sound of Gashan, the hard tooth sword blew the left shoulder joint of the bronze armor and pulled the arm off its torso.

Apparently, the attack method of targeting the joints seems to be a success.

You can disable the opponent with much less force than rough work that knocks out the armor with force.

After that, he managed to fully seal the movement of the opponent by still getting up and throwing a thrust on his right shoulder and both hips.

All hands and feet are scattered to the ground from the torso.

... if this were a human opponent, it would have been a terrible sight.

I can't help but think so.

But he's not human.

Even so, I couldn't be alarmed.

Even in this state of fragmentation, they will attack.

I was vigilant thinking that way.

Perhaps your torso and detached arm will move independently and grab you from this blind spot to your ankle.

I imagined that I would feel fear if I did, and I watched the magical army as I sipped the cockroach.

However, it seems that when this happens, it is impossible to move.

The disconnected arms and feet that fell to the ground were not moving.

And there is no movement in the torso that will contain magic stones.

But just in case, I decided to have the neck part separated from the torso.

Shake the hard tooth sword and cut your head off from your torso.

The joint attack is effective.

It took a while, but I was able to disable the opponent.

And most importantly, I was able to defeat the Magic Armor without crushing the Magic Stones that entered the torso.

Bronze armor with a bow that is completely immobile.

I succeeded in getting the magic stone in its entirety. [M]

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