Ah, welcome home, Alphonse.

"What? Why are you here, Mr. Ars?

"Just a little errand. Long time no see. How are you, Alphonse?

I haven't heard about the labyrinth in a long time.

I wanted to go to the labyrinth. I went back to the Mansion after taking classes that day.

Then there was brother Ars.

Sky King.

My brother, one of the kings of the Fontana Federation, ruled the sky.

The Ars brother is the most childish of my brothers.

But unlike what it looks like, it's very strong and I know all sorts of things.

His brother Ars suddenly came to the mansion and was drinking tea.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've been getting eye training for swords lately."

"Oh, I know. I have received a report. But it looks like you've trained a lot. It's so different from Alford."

"What's wrong with Alford?

"No, it's not a big deal. He seems to be obsessed with drawing these days, and he's been painting for a long time. Perhaps you prefer the art system to fighting. Looks pretty good."

Oh, yeah.

Alford, your brother's child, is now the head of the Barca family.

Unlike me, she doesn't want to use magic to fight, but she does everything about art every day.

He likes to read music and books as well as paintings.

"Still, you look happy, Alphonse. Did something good happen at the House of Lords?

"Ah, yeah, you know? Today, I heard about the labyrinth. Training there makes you stronger, and defeating monsters makes you stronger."

"Monster? I heard there aren't many monsters in Brillian Magic Country, but are they in the Labyrinth?

"I will answer that, Ars Barca."

Listening to me, it seems that Brother Ars is caught by the word monster. [M]

Ai answered the question, not me.

"There are indeed hostile individuals in Alphonse's labyrinth. We call it a monster for convenience."

"Wow, so you're not actually a monster, are you?

"Yes, it's the Magic Army."

"Magic army? A magic weapon?

"A little different. Magic Armor is not a Magic Weapon. The magic stones created by the influence of the labyrinth nucleus react to the magic formation and become human. You can't manipulate it like a magic weapon."

Yes, it is.

One of the classes I took today also had the explanation.

It seems that the Labyrinth under the control of the Brillian Magic Nation was once a research facility for the Magic Faction.

And at that research facility, research was being carried out to make magic weapons.

But there was a problem.

This was caused by the introduction of the labyrinth nucleus as one of the research materials.

Until then, the research facility had been studying whether magic teams could react to magic stones to create soldiers.

At that time, I drew a large magical formation on the ground and floor, and put magic stones there to pour magic.

It is said that it ran wild by the labyrinth nucleus.

As a result, the research facility was transformed into a labyrinth, and a human magical armor continued to be created from its magic team.

But this didn't seem so bad.

This is because research to move the magic stone into a human form, which had not advanced well until then, has advanced one step further.

This later led to the development of manipulable magic weapons.

In addition, the magic of the Labyrinth nucleus used to create a labyrinth where magical armies continued to be created.

It seems like it could be used as a training ground.

The Magic Armor created from the Magic Faction on the floor only moves to protect the Labyrinth.

That's why he didn't come out of the labyrinth.

And no matter how many you defeat, the magic of the Labyrinth nucleus will once again create a magical armor.

In other words, it could be used as a training partner.

By entering the Labyrinth and training, the aristocracy and knights of the Brilliant Magic Nation were able to increase their magic amount and establish a mechanism that recognized their strength according to the strength of the defeated Magic Army.

It turns out that monsters are quite different from the original wildlife.

"Oh, I see. Interesting, the labyrinth."

"After all, you think so too, don't you, Mr. Ars? Students going to the House of Lords go to the labyrinth, so I'm going to try."

"That's fine, but can you fight properly? Even though it's a training ground, they're attacking, right? Instead of injuries, it can be life-threatening.

"It's okay. I've been trained by Eye."

I see. Well, let me show you what Alphonse is capable of. Shall we do a mock fight?

"Are you sure? Yeah, let's do it, brother Ars."

I did it.

I was about to tell you about a mock fight with my brother Ars.

They're going to do it.

Actually, I've never had a mock fight with my brother Ars before.

She seemed busy, and that's because her part-time brother used to do it for me.

I'm excited.

So he went out to his usual garden with his brother Ars, whom he had met for a long time, and pointed his swords at each other.

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