"Okay, let's do it. What am I supposed to do? Another mock fight? Or is it just pretense?

"Are you feeling better now?

"Yeah, it's okay. So let's get started."

"I see. Now, let's begin training."

I was breathing with zeezy, but I'd like to practice my sword sooner.

I tried to be quick and I decided to have Eye teach me.

I wonder what to do.

If you can do that swordsmanship, you can do anything.

"Now, let's get started. From now on, it's a watching lesson for Alphonse."

"... see practice? What's that?"

"Watching is watching. From now on, I will hold the sword and show you various movements, so Alphonse will look at it."

"Um, just look? It's not gonna be training."

"No, watching is important. Alphonse doesn't know how to handle a sword right now. I'm just swinging around. However, the sword also has the right treatment. I want you to learn how to use your body to handle a sword while watching my movements."


In short, is that it?

In order to absorb magic from food, it was necessary to understand the structure of the body, so I studied.

In the same way, Eye may want to say that he needs to study to use the sword.

In order to know how to use the correct sword, Eye sets an example instead of teaching a book.

You might want to look at the movement first and learn it.

"It doesn't seem very interesting. Are you sure you can get stronger just by watching?

"Of course, it doesn't make sense to just watch without thinking about anything."

Well, do you have a way to see it?

"Exactly. I'm going to show Alphonse my swordsmanship. Please manipulate your magic. It splits the magic of your body between your eyes and your brain."

"Eyes and brains?

"Yes, this is a surprisingly difficult technology. Some people can do magic manipulation on their own. However, most people tend to focus on just one point of the body when manipulating and moving magic. However, if you can distribute magic to any number of locations depending on the situation, the scope of application will expand considerably."

"Heh. So far, I've been concentrating on my brain when I'm studying and on my intestines when I'm eating, but I didn't split it it up. Is it okay to look at the eye while strengthening your eyes and improving your memory and cognition?

"Exactly. Now, let's do it."

That's what Eye said, and I'll try to manipulate the magic right away.

But this was surprisingly difficult.

Now I thought I was used to magic manipulation.

But I can break bones more than I thought I could disperse magic elsewhere.

It was difficult to disperse, but it was also difficult to maintain it.

For example, halving magic in your eyes and brain is hard to keep constant.

If you relax, there will be more of either, and if you try to put it back, there will be too many of the opposite this time.

It took a lot of concentration just to keep my intended amount in separate places.

"This is worse than I thought. I wonder how you can watch practice like this?

"Do it. You'll learn swordsmanship sooner. Besides, there are other applications of the technology. Ars Barca and others are always using magic to fight during battle. Enhancing your eyes and brain can also help you more accurately recognize the movement of your opponent."

"... okay. I'll do it. I'll do it."

Brother Ars again?

Is it really that magical to manipulate while you're fighting?

But if Eye is like that, I'm sure it is.

Then we have to do it.

After that, I asked Eye to wait until I was able to concentrate on magic dispersion for a while, and although it took time, I managed to form it.

And finally, the Eye Demonstration began.

"Wow, that's really awesome. Eye movements are easy to understand."

Focusing magic on the eyes and brain was more effective than I expected.

First of all, when magic gathers in your eyes, it changes the way you see it.

Especially my eyesight seems to be getting much better.

It's not that my eyes are not bad, so I usually see it well, but it gets better.

It looks farther and closer.

And I understood well what it meant to increase my comprehension when I gathered magic into my brain.

So, first, you can see the other person's movement slowly.

It's easy to recognize the movement because it looks like the opponent is moving slowly, as if time has been stretched.

How to carry a sword and use your body.

Learn from the Eye Demonstration using a brain that can see well and slowly recognize it.

Kensei showed me the movements of swordsmanship that he used to use one after another and kept watching them.

Such watching exercises continued for some time.

When I look at it, I see what Eye wanted to say.

I understood the meaning of just swinging the sword until now.

Eye movements are not wasted.

All movements had meaning and led to the next move.

As I watched the sword dance of an eye that even felt the beauty of art, I remembered the movement.

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