"Very nice. You're starting to practise magic quite naturally. Let's move on to the next stage, Alphonse."

"I did it. So you're finally going to practice [meditation]?

"No, not yet. The next step is to bring extracorporeal magic into your body, as always."

Huh? Huh?

I wonder what that means.

Haven't you been doing that training all along?

I think I can naturally capture the magic in the air when I breathe. [M]

That's what Eye said.

"What do you mean? Is it different from before?

"Yes, until now, I've been taking the magic of the air outside my body into my body. In this lesson, we're going to use magic from something other than air."

"Something else? Is there anything else you can do to incorporate magic?

"Yes, there is. Actually, it is something that Alphonse puts in his body every day. Do you understand?

Eye asks questions.

I noticed recently that Eye often asks me questions. [M]

At first, if you could tell me anyway, I was hoping you'd tell me right away.

But maybe not.

Don't you think Eye doesn't want me to do just what I said? [M]

I want you to think for yourself and find the right answer.

But if you don't know, you can ask.

You'll tell me as soon as you hear it.

But then I want to surprise Eye.

I want you to derive the correct answer yourself and say yes.

That's what I was thinking for a while. [M]

And finally, I realize.

Apart from the air, I put it into my body every day. [M]

It came into my body not from my nose but from my mouth.

"Okay, Eye. The answer is food. Isn't it?

"That's right, Mr. Alphonse. Everything alive and alive is eaten. And what you can eat also contains magic. In other words, people use magic in their bodies through meals, whether they're trying to be conscious or not."

"Mm-hmm. That's what they say. I've never thought about it before."

"You're likely to miss it because it's a very common behavior. But it was Ars Barca who noticed it. Als Barca realized that he could not only take in the magic of the atmosphere by breathing, but also take in the magic from his meal. So we studied how we could incorporate magic more efficiently from our diet."

Another brother, Ars.


I didn't think you'd notice that often.

Is that what you always think about when you eat?

"From food to magic. But what am I supposed to do with that? Should I concentrate when I chew food, like when I breathe?

"Unfortunately not. People chew with food in their mouth and then swallow it. But they're just small, crushing shaped foods to make them easier to take in. These actions are called digestion. But you have to be careful how you absorb it."


"Yes, that's why I need to study, Alphonse. To understand digestion and absorption, you must understand the structure and physiology of the human body. Learn how to move through your body after food is bitten and smaller in your mouth."

Er... I want to be strong. I hate studying. "

"You want to be strong? In that case, it is also important to capture magic from this meal. If you can't do this, you'll never catch up with Master Cleman."


That's a cowardly way to say it.

But if you say so, you can't escape.

Because I said I wanted to be strong.

I don't really like reading books.

In that case, it's definitely more fun to wave your sword.

But let's do it.

I hate to study, but Eye seems to be good at teaching, and maybe she can teach me how to study.

That was the only time I thought about it.

The next moment, Eye took an incredibly thick book out of her magic bag.

I don't know, but Eye says it's a book about the structure of the human body, which is well read in church.

It explains the part of the body as it is shown.

It has a lot of characters and it's difficult.

I just wanted to be strong.

How did you end up studying like this?

I thought so, but Eye taught me how to study.

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