"Thank you for coming, Lord Brahms. And, Lord Gary. I called you both because I wanted to talk to you. You know what I mean, don't you?

"... hah. Aren't we going to talk about the future of Als Barca?"

"That's right, Lord Brams-von Rubić. It seems that the council made a lot of moves without my knowledge."

"Yes. Unfortunately, on behalf of House Rubić, I submitted the agenda to the Council jointly with House Hermes. I wondered if there was anything I could do to reward Lord Ars for his achievements, and I decided to give my opinion to King Fontana."

"That's what King Barca talked about."

"Exactly. With that, King Fontana agreed with me."

After talking to Leon, I moved the place again.

I came back to Fontana.

Then I decided to meet with the two nobles and talk.

Brahms von Rubić and Gary von Hermes.

These two are relatively young.

After I brought the Fontana army down as Grand General, I became the lord of the Rubić and Hermes.

Because I demanded that my son inherit power from the original owner.

These two aristocracy lords probably didn't think they'd make me king of Barca.

Rather, I wondered if this was what the Lord thought before he made me hide.

In other words, I think it feels like I lost my strength and left the house to my son, but I was talking from behind.

Therefore, it may not make much sense to strongly blame these two on this occasion.

Really? I am very grateful to King Fontana for his appreciation. However, I am worried that it may be inappropriate to assume the throne in this ill-advised body. "

"That's not true, Ars. Even though it was a limited form, everyone on the council acknowledged that Ars would take the throne."

"Brahms is right. My Hermes family does not consider Als Barca to be ill-advised. That's why I decided to play King Fontana with House Rubić."

"... thank you. I really appreciate you saying that to the historic Rubić and Hermes princesses."

Regardless of Gary of the Hermes, it was a little surprising that Brahms of the Rubić family was so determined.

Because Brahms and I had a conflict of opinion once before.

That was during the military reform of the Fontana army.

Until then, the Fontana army had been gathering peasants to build a standing army.

I decided to transform the Fontana army into a new form after defeating the Rubić, Hermes, and [Synthetic] magical Bootica houses and bringing them into Fontana.

It was supposed to name conscripted soldiers.

Barca named the soldiers as engineers, Bart named the cavalry, the Hermes as scouts, and the Reed as communicators.

By giving each magic to his soldiers, he sought to restructure the organization so that it could move more functionally.

But the Luvics were against it.

[Swordsmanship] If the Rubich family could name it, they would also consider incorporating it into the Fontana army as a sword soldier.

But the Luvics refused.

The reason is simple.

It was the Rubić family's saying that it was against tradition until then.

Nobles can use their own magic inherited from their ancestors.

Instead of naming each nobleman and using his magic, each nobleman takes him as a knight and forms a subordinate relationship.

It was a relationship common to all nobles and knights, and it was also a social order.

The Fontana army tried to destroy it.

Feel free to name it as a combat force against soldiers who have been recruited from the countryside.

In this regard, he claimed that he would not be recognized as a nobleman, the Rubich family, and that he had never been able to do a military course called Sword Soldier.

To put it in perspective, the Hermes family was a little more flexible.

Against tradition, the Hermes family, who lost their territory, chose to name the Fontana army soldiers and receive an amount commensurate with their numbers, switching to the only way to survive.

This may be related to the fact that the Hermes family for a long time had only mountainous lands where it was difficult to harvest crops.

I suppose there was a feeling that tradition and pride alone would not swell the belly.

And now the Rubić family is in a much harder situation than the Hermes used to be.

The Rubić are now recognized as aristocrats, but they don't earn enough.

Perhaps such a difficult situation has changed the Rubić family.

Brahms belongs to the Fontana army and leads his troops as a general.

But I haven't named the soldiers, so I won't get enough money to keep the house alive.

That's where the weapons developed by Barca appeared.

It's a magic gun.

A magic tool for attacking, a weapon that can be used by knights that can attack from ranged ranges.

Such magic guns were put into action in the Balkan army and inflicted tremendous damage on the hegemonic House of Reinzatz.

How did House Rubitch receive this shocking news?

Must have been in quite a hurry.

That is why the Rubić family, who are supposed to value tradition, abandoned its doctrinal claims and went to a great battle of a generation.

King me, a peasant.

I came up with this bizarre scheme that would never have been acceptable in my original position as a historic aristocracy.

"However, you two may have behaved badly. I wonder if an unauthorized council would jump over Prime Minister Leon von Graham and give an opinion to King Fontana, Garold. It will be worse than Leon. In addition, the Council will henceforth prohibit any direct appearance before King Fontana. Please be sure to ask the Prime Minister for his opinion."

"Ha, I didn't want to go too far. In the future, we will do so thoroughly."

At first, I thought about complaining to the Rubić and Hermes who had moved on their own.

But I stopped.

If I'm going to take the throne, I'd better stay close to the council, including the Rubić and Hermes.

However, we should keep certain rules in mind so that the Council does not run wild.

This time, I made a loan by specially missing it while putting a nail and a clip on it.

But it's not the second time.

I was a little intimidated and cautious about what would happen if we ignored our intentions.

If you do this on your own, you'll have to talk to Leon and do something about it.

Maybe it'll end up like the Rheinzats.

I suppose both of you got my idea. [M]

With a cold sweat on his cheeks, the council acknowledged that it would not directly succeed Gallows in the future.

After putting a nail like that, I packed more details such as the conditions when I became King Barca.

It was decided to combine the other side's assertion that he would be admitted to be king as an exception in the special case with how we would not lose.

After that, while having a place to discuss many times, the month and day passed, and it was only in winter.

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