The Rhine River boasts plenty of water.

Using the water of the Rhine River to cultivate a rich land, the Rhinesatz family has enjoyed a stable reign.

The Allied Reed Barca army appeared in the rich Rheinzatz plains.

I will take the Vulcans out here no matter what.

The Rhinesatz army we formed were all burning their minds to that end.

"At last. All right, everybody's stuff. The army led by the House of Leads is about 50,000 to 60,000 even if we gather the absorbed aristocratic army. However, my Rhinesatz army has 200,000 elites. Above all, the heroic Schneider himself is in charge. This fight is our victory."

"" "Ooooooooooo" "" "

"My lord, give me instructions."

"Hmm. Our purpose is on the neck of the Vulcans. Sergio, locate the brothers."

"I understand.... detection"

I raise my voice and raise the morale of the entire army.

I heard a reply from everywhere in the Rheinzats plains, asking whether the voice had reached the whole army.

The soldiers understand.

There is no alternative to victory here.

And I raised my morale and asked Mr Schneider for instructions.

Even so, we had already decided what to do.

I'll find out where they are.

A magic I can use as the first minister of the Reinzatz family.

Among them was the magic of Detection .

Literally, it's magic to find out.

The purpose of using it here is to find a location in the Reed Barca army that is particularly enchanted.

I would have liked to have had a chance to get to know the opponent's magic first-hand, but I don't know the Vulcans.

Therefore, it is impossible to know which magic belongs to whom, but there will still be no inconvenience in this situation.

"There are three reactions from those with a magic amount far exceeding that of the main class. The one with the most magic... is over there. I'm with the lead army."

"Kyle Reed. Is Kyle, my brother, the most magical of the Balkan brothers? What about the others, Sergio?

"Yes, I sense another great magic in the cavalry over there. But is it the least of the three? And the second magic reaction....."

"What's wrong?

"No, I'm sorry. I can feel the reaction over there... but there's no army there. If the Cavalry were led by a part-time van Bart, the rest would be Als Barca...."

"Hmm. I'm sure there's nothing there... I don't think so, but is there a mistake in the positioning in [Detection]?

"That can't be true. I'll try to find it again. Detection"

What do you mean by that?

Indeed, there are three powerful reactions that cannot be attributed to the Rhinesatz army.

Two of them are believed to be Kyle and Byte.

But the rest of Ars Barca's magic position is strange.

Despite the view of the Rheinzats Plains, there was not a single child, rather than an army, where there was a magical reaction.

Where is it?

- Where are you?

Other than me, he was gazing at the spot and wondering if he was hiding in the grass.

That's when I heard someone's voice.

I saw a shadow.

"... shadow? Is there something up there? What is that? Like a bird with wings spread out....."

"No, tell the whole army. Prepare for the assault. That's a Balkan airship. It must be a magic airship. The rock drop is coming!!

When I was looking at something like spreading my wings to the left and right of the sky, Schneider, who was there, suddenly screamed.

A magic airship?

Speaking of which, it has been reported previously.

A flying device used to relay battlefield events, such as radio broadcasts.

Is that it?

The flying dragons used by the Resolute family were also attacking the sky, so they were never neglecting to be alert to the sky.

But can you fly so high?

The magic airship was flying as high as the clouds.

Therefore, I didn't notice.

When I looked up at the shadow, it was small and looked like a bird.

But it wasn't.

The higher the altitude, the larger the size.

It was so big that it was not comparable to a flying dragon.

Damn it.

Oh, my God.

My Detection was definitely able to locate Als Barca.

But I didn't know you were above ground.

Looking at the spot where the reaction came from, nobody should have seen it.

Originally, it identifies the opponent's position, launches a quick attack, and instantly kills them with [moments].

That was the best way to slaughter the Barca brothers.

That's why my [Detection] was supposed to help.

But the opposite happened.

We should attack first, but we were attacked first.

"Evacuate!! There is something falling from the magic airship. The Rock Titans are coming!

Those voices came out of our army one after the other, following our first vigilant master.

And something dropped from the magic airship just like that voice dropped in the air while changing its size.

Rock Titans.

A huge human form, made of rock like marble, was dropped on the ground.

Will that number exceed a few dozen even if I could confirm it in an instant?

The giant rock, which crashed to the ground with an incredible impact, jumped up the Rhine Zats army soldiers.

And it started moving quickly.

Despite being dropped from that altitude, it does not appear to have been scratched on the huge body.

A giant marble with a giant stone sword began to ravage the Rhine Zats army.

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