"All right, then, just check it again. Leon brings Fontana's army to garrison in King's Landing. Then, from the king's capital, he laid a veil on the kingdom of Resolute, while subordinating the northern nobles to the kingdom of Fontana. Is that all right with you?

"That's right. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like Ars to come to King's City once and set up a transfer magic team to connect with the city of Fontana."

"Okay. In the meantime, I'll kick out the remaining Royal Resolute Army south to get the southern Rhinzats. Kyle then goes west to attack Fort Costumble and then attack the Rhine Zats Capital to take complete control of Rhine Zats. Is this the right policy?

"Yeah, definitely, brother Ars."

After discussion between the three of them, the Fontana army decided to put it in King's Landing, not in the city of Rishal.

This has several meanings.

One is to show inside and outside that House Reed abandoned the King's City altogether.

I am satisfied that I was active on the battlefield and raised my martial name, and I entrusted what I got there to King Fontana.

This may improve the impression of the nobility around you a little.

But there was also the fact that Kyle's burden was too great.

The battle of the allied forces of the King's Capital, who captured them all alive.

As a result, a large number of prisoners had to be raised in the city of Rishal.

And use that prisoner to negotiate.

Again, it will take a lot of time for the other party, as several aristocracy are the subject of discussion.

Each situation differs from house to house, so what you are thinking about and what you are looking for requires a very persistent negotiating power.

Anyway, it would be a waste of time if we decided not to give any color to the King's Land or the land of the northern aristocracy.

Then I'm going to throw a round at Leon.

This would mean Kyle would sell the Fontana kingdom a huge favor while giving up his troublesome work.

Leon brings the Fontana army into King's Landing.

Therefore, we will use the Fontana army to stabilize the Wang Metropolitan Area and the surrounding area, and also embark on negotiations with the northern nobles.

It was easier to do that in King's Landing than in the city of Rishal.

And he stretched his hand toward the kingdom of Resolute to the south, while it was situated in the king's capital.

You'll be moving underwater for a while.

So, while Leon was doing the chores, we were going to move the troops that were bumping into each other on all sides and finish the fight.

I will go to King's Landing to form a transfer magic formation and expel the Royal Resolute army.

It is time to see the summer of this battle that began early this spring.

Let's finish this as soon as possible.

I finally started seeing some goals, so I got back on track.

"... ah, Ars. Can I ask you something?

"What's up, part-time brother?

"I understand the approximate flow of your story just now. The House of Reed has entrusted King Fontana with judgment of the cut territory, demonstrating its loyalty, so that only the Reinzatz territory can be secured. As for the Fontana kingdom, there is a possibility that the Risolte kingdom will be captured while preventing the Reid from becoming too large. That's good. That's fine....."

"So, what's up, part-time brother?

"What is it? I don't know. What does Barca get out of this fight? Fighting like this and talking about what Barca has gotten so far has made him famous for broadcasting the first fight on the radio. I wonder if this is an award."

Soon after I flew to King's Landing, I returned to the Vulcans I had left to my part-time brother.

Therefore, I conveyed the approximate results of the discussion to my part-time brother and others, and from now on, I united my will to fight the Royal Resolute Army in earnest.

But apparently, my part-time brother had something in the story that really bothered him.

That means that the response to Vulca is completely out of order.

It is strange to think that we have fought so far and nothing has happened.

The claim of the part-time brother was a natural one for all nobles and knights.

Oh, is that so?

"Is that what you're talking about? Why are you so carefree? It's foolish to work without any reward, Ars."

"In your best opinion. Well, my part-time brother is right. When this battle is over, I'll give you a reward."

"Of course. I only worked this hard, so I won't get what I deserve."

I see. But the battle isn't over yet, part-time brother. The next one is probably the main squad of the Royal Resolute Army. Let's tighten our minds. "

Rewards for Balka.

It is not that the story did not come out of the three.

But as for me, I didn't want the territory to be such an enclave.

As a result, some treasures and rights are being adjusted, but nothing has been decided yet.

Does it feel like I need to talk to you after I'm done?

My part-time brother would not have been completely convinced by my words.

However, it seemed sufficient to realize that I was not operating on a profit profile.

Then, quickly switch to focus on what to do next.

Thus, the Vulcans moved again, triggered by my rendezvous.

It was decided to cross the Rhine and confront the Royal Resolute Army.

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