"The King's Landing Alliance is approaching the lead army. Looks like they're going to crush the lead with the whole army."

Here we go.

A battle between the Allied King's Landing and the lead forces led by Kyle.

Just like a few days ago, I'm broadcasting the fight on the radio with Eye and Miss Kili.

Apparently, the King's Landing Alliance has embarked on an unexpected operation.

There are 120,000 of them in your faction, and only about a tenth of them are opposed.

Normally, if you fight firmly, you will have enough results.

However, it appears that they went on an all-force offensive without it.

Perhaps this is because they were listening on the radio to the battle between the Vulcans and the Rhine Zats.

An overwhelming number of Rhine Zats attacked your battle first.

But it bounced off brilliantly and the Vulcans succeeded in winning.

It was powered by the Vulcan army's extensive equipment.

However, we have broadcast on this radio that the Reed army does not have that much equipment.

Some magic guns have been deployed, but not all of them.

And above all, when there is no sealed magic bracelet, etc.

If so, I wonder if they are aiming to settle early by oversighting the damage and crushing it with the whole army.

... are you sure you're okay?

I think this radio broadcast was certainly helpful in the hustle and bustle of Balka's overwhelming victory.

However, I have to wonder if it would be good to include a detailed explanation in this way.

If you know how to beat your opponent, next time they will also take action against it.

Even if you show strength, if you know the secret of strength, you can fight.

If that's the case, why don't you make sure no one else knows how to win?

Obviously, I felt that the King's Landing Coalition would have decided on this operation from the content of the last broadcast, and I felt like I couldn't say anything.

"The King's Landing Alliance has gone on an unexpected operation. Probably turned the Rhinesatz army's way of fighting the Balkans into a teacher. But perhaps there is a temporary king or House Bismarck influence."

"What do you mean, Mr. Vargas? How is the new extraordinary king from the Doren royal family and the Bismarck family involved in the operation?

"It's easy, Miss Kili. This alliance of kingdoms is a mixed army of various nobles. It's just a collection gathered in the name of a newly assembled temporary king who eliminated the existence of the temporary king. Behind that extraordinary king is the House of Bismarck, a prominent nobleman in the King's Land. But the Bismarcks are not martial nobles, they're cultural nobles. In other words, it is not enough to command the battle."

"So, is it possible that the Bismarck family couldn't do anything other than a full-force raid?

"It's possible. Until now, the Doren royal family had formed alliances with the most powerful aristocracy of our time to create the existence of hegemonic aristocracy and have them bring together each aristocracy. The Doren royal family doesn't have the power to assemble and move all kinds of noble armies."

I see. But maybe so. It's going to be difficult to adjust things like which nobles to take the lead on. "

I see. That's why an all-force raid is easy to understand in a sense. Just tell each aristocratic army to move as you like, and you can do the rest once you've won. It's not the way I can do it over and over, but if I just have to win this big one, I guess there's a way to do it. "

That's right, we can't just broadcast the anxiety in our hearts on the radio.

Therefore, while pretending to explain, I will point out the lack of ability of the Bismarck family and hence the Doren royal family.

But this is never a lie without roots or leaves.

No matter how many, it is not tactically good to attack with the whole army.

Speaking of why we are doing this kind of operation, there is also the impact of the last radio broadcast, but the lack of command line capability is the reason.

However, if it was still sufficient, I would have judged each of the nobles in the Allied King's City Army to be in charge.

On the contrary, I think there was an idea that it would be easier for the Bismarck family to attack the entire army at their discretion than to give them strange orders on the battlefield.

That's why this operation went wrong.

"Kyle Reed stood at the head of the Reed army. Looks like we're going to intercept the King's Landing Alliance."

"... eh. Is this true, Mr. Eye? Kyle, you're really standing alone in front of the army."

"There is no lie in this footage. In fact, Kyle Reed is going to intercept the opponent by herself."

"Hey, what are you talking about, both of you? Are you going to say something stupid, like that Kyle guy is trying to hold down the other guy's army in front of the army?

"Ah, well, that's really true, Mr. Vargas. Kyle is clearly standing alone in the lead army. What are you going to do?

"... is that true? I don't know how much it is. Kyle always fights the way he fights, treating the leader like a limb and teasing the opponent's army. I mean, there's no way I could have 120,000 of them on my own. What are you thinking?

Maybe it's just a self-destructive act?

The general had no doubt that Kyle could beat the King's Landing Alliance.

Kyle will do his best to meet that expectation.

But there are things humans can and can't do.

No matter how much you try, the impossible is impossible.

So Kyle left the battlefield without turning his back on the general.

Let Eye see you fight the allied forces of King's Landing until the end.

I wonder if that's what you're thinking.

"No, Kyle. Don't hurry up. I don't think I can handle it alone. Miss Kili, contact the general. We need to get to the rescue now. Kyle's in danger."

The anxiety swelled up suddenly inside me.

Kyle dies.

Such an unpleasant future comes to mind.

Originally on this radio broadcast, which was supposed to convey the victory of the Reed Army, I suddenly said that to Miss Kili as I stood up to help Kyle with my voice roughly.

After all, I still underestimated Kyle's power.

This was the first day I knew what Kyle was capable of.

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