"Welcome aboard, King Sigma Doren."

"Nice to meet you, Als Barca, the shield of God."


Is this the provisional king of the Doren royal family?

You're not a child yet.

When I spoke to Joseph at Charlotte Castle, I was surprised.

The Greatest family has fled King's Landing.

Joseph, who was attacked by hard-line nobles in King's Landing, including the Bismarck family, fled with his wounded self to the city of Rishal.

It is not so strange in itself.

I'm sure it was because I didn't know what would happen if I stayed in King's Landing.

But I didn't expect King Doren to be among the escaped Greaters.

The ancestral King Doren was killed by Najah and his inheritance was taken away.

As a result, no new magic pass was transferred, and the prince, who had the highest degree of inheritance, was temporarily appointed king.

Sigma Doren, the provisional king, was still a child.

I've heard that he's an eight-year-old boy this year.

The kingdoms of King's Landing were responsible for these children as gods.

Indeed, it will still be difficult for this child, as king, to hold between each nobleman and divide something.

I see, so I think that nobles like Joseph and the others were plotting a number of tricks in the King's Land.

Perhaps it was easier to prepare a shadow warrior because he was still a young child.

Joseph was anxious when he was summoned by the Bismarck family and was ready to take King Doren out of King's City at any time.

At that time, I needed a shadow warrior to leave in King's Landing, but it might still be a little easier for children than adult men.

If you have a similar outfit, you can create a similar atmosphere that you can't tell from a distance because of the blood connection.

If you were an adult, you might have a job as a king, but you thought you could earn time, especially because you're a child who doesn't work.

"Now, come here, King Sigma Doren. This is called the Transfer Magic Squad, which can be moved instantly to remote lands. You will use this to get to Fontana City."

I decided to take the child Sigma Doren to Fontana.

He said it was necessary to restore Doren's right to inheritance.

Of course, you don't have to.

All you have to do is bring Kaiser Valkyrie in front of this boy and we'll clear the inheritance.

But I was reluctant to bring King Doren into the city of Rishal as much as I wanted to and restore royal inheritance.

Maybe I'll be the bad guy.

It is no strange situation that an old man named Joseph was used to rob the king from the king's capital.

It is difficult to overturn this situation.

So we decided to create other complicity.

In other words, by bringing Sigma Doren back to Fontana's city, we decided to involve at least Leon and the others who spoke about the situation.

It wasn't me who pulled the thread behind it, it was someone else in Fontana.

We should be able to leave room for that.

So King Doren vanished from the king's capital, and was soon to be in the capital of the kingdom of Fontana.

"No, don't try to push the problem here, Ars."

"I'm not pushing you, Leon. I'm just saying we should think about this."

"It's the same as pressing it already. Why is this happening? I never thought I'd bring King Sigma Doren here all of a sudden."

Me too. Very confused. In the first place, when Leon heard the false news of Joseph's death, it was like this. So I want to borrow Leon's wisdom. How should I treat the king?

"... that's hard. I just want to make sure I haven't seen anything."

"Don't say that. In the meantime, the immediate problem is dealing with both House Greated and House Bismarck. I wonder where Fontana will go."

Dealing with it on my own is a little troublesome, so I dragged Leon into it and cut the story out.

So far, I have brought King Doren with me, but I have no vision of what to do after this.

However, there will basically be only two policies.

And join forces with the House of Grated, which is Joseph, to make Sigma Doren, the interim king, a righteous king?

Or shall we seize Joseph's men and return again to the south, and push him into the king's city?

In other words, the choice is whether to return King Doren to House Bismarck.

I think there are both options.

If Sigma Doren were king, Sigma and House Greater would owe him a great deal.

And while King Doren is in this city of Fontana, we can make peace between King Doren and the kingdom of Fontana.

We can argue that we helped King Doren regain his throne at his request.

On the other hand, I don't think it's a bad choice to go back to King's Landing and throw out Joseph and the others.

Because it leads to loans to the Bismarcks and other aristocrats.

After all, it doesn't matter who Fontana is.

Either way, Leon would be the best choice.

After all, I am only the Minister of Finance in the Kingdom of Fontana.

I'm not the one in charge of this country right now, Leon.

So I'm going to follow Leon's decision.

Thus, all of a sudden, without any premonition, Leon was entrusted with deciding on the future of Royal Doren, and he was sighing and putting his thoughts together.

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