"Why don't we build a grave and have a funeral?"

"... what are you going to say now, Arus? Whose tomb is this? Perhaps you're not going to make a fuss about stopping someone from breathing?

"Hey, Leon. That's exactly what you said. What kind of barbarian is that?"

"It's a joke. But what happened to the tomb? The tomb of our grandfather, Carlos, is under construction. However, it's too splendid and it's still going to take a while to finish."

"Well, it's also a public utility for job creation. No, it's another grave. Make peace with the Doren royal family. I thought I'd make you the tomb of the late King Doren."

"Mr. Ars? I'm not subordinate to Royal Doren when it comes to reconciliation, and for what reason are you going to do that?

"No, you were told by Leon the other day. My impression is not very good. So I thought I'd do something nice and win a good impression."

After a few days or so, I decided to make King Doren's grave.

Of course, I haven't told Royal Doren anything yet.

I'll let you use it for my image enhancement.

"I did talk about that the other day, but why is it a tomb?

"Hmm, I'm just trying to do something good, but I can't think of anything like this. But I usually attend funerals at various people's places, right? That's quite a pleasure. So, the predecessor King Doren has been missing for so long. I mean, we don't have a funeral. So I thought I'd mourn you as God's shield. That way, I think you'll be valued as a kind and compassionate person to deal with even once you're hostile."

"... mourning the dead is certainly a good thing, but it's a very greedy story."

He looks at me like Leon is stunned. [M]

But I think this method is a pretty good idea.

After all, it had to do with the idea of life and death around here.

What happens when people die?

Perhaps everyone thinks this for once in their lives.

No matter how much you think about it, it's pointless.

But even if you know that, you can always think about it.

This idea of what happens when a person dies is roughly divided into two parts.

It is the idea that when you die, you go to heaven and other worlds.

And the other is to reincarnate around the circle and come back to life in this world.

Of course, there may be others, but it's more or less either.

And many people in the former Doren kingdom, including the Fontana kingdom, seem to have the philosophy of dying and going to heaven when they die.

This is a fuzzy knowledge I've seen and heard in my previous life, but it's probably because the crops I can harvest are wheat.

It is said that there is a tendency for food to be abundant in areas where it is thought that it will return to the world again, like reincarnation as a concept of life and death.

I've heard stories that if you have abundant food, you won't suffer from hunger or living, and that's why you want to return to the world again, so it leads to the idea of reincarnation.

And they say that's a lot of thought in the rice growing area.

In contrast, what happens to those born and raised in societies where crops are difficult to grow and suffer from hunger?

I don't want to return to a world full of suffering until I die.

In other words, they tend to want to go to heaven without hunger or suffering when they die.

This is more likely to be the case in areas where wheat is made than rice.

I don't know if this is true, but many of us in the former Doren kingdom want to go to heaven when we die.

Well, this may be because of the existence of something called the divine world.

There is actually a place where God lives and is called Paradise in the Sky.

It was said that only a very limited number of people in history lived in the land, but the Bible of the Church also states that if they lived purely and correctly, their souls would be purified and summoned to heaven.

In other words, if you die, you will be one of those who live in paradise in the sky, the church says.

And it's what many believe and want.

Thus, in the custom around here, death is not an end, but a salvation.

Freedom from this world of hunger, suffering, and violence.

Therefore thou shalt mourn the dead as politely as possible.

And if he should be immortal, and not wander the world, he shall purify the body, and deliver it unto God.

That is what those left alive strive for.

So when I returned my inheritance to the Doren royal family, I promised to build a grave and perform a grand funeral.

After all, I am the shield of God, and I actually enter and exit the world of God, which can be called heaven, and I even meet God.

Even a historic royal family cannot refuse to see you off from such a person to God.

Shall I make a tomb in a sacred city floating in the sky, not in the divine world?

There is no way to make effective use of it.

Moreover, the church's home is only a large church in the city of Fontana.

Though it will be rebuilt as a sacred city, it will also become a paradise in the sky, in the sense that it can bring another function rather than a church headquarters.


Unfortunately, I think it's a pretty good idea.

Because in this theory, I am the one who sends the dead away.

In other words, I wonder if that setting can be adapted to the previous opponent who fought me and lost his life.

In other words, it could be said that he did not take his life hostile, but sent it to God.

Some people may trick me into saying that what I've been doing is not killing, but saving my soul.

So I decided to start a death relief business to raise my brand image.

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