"Hello, Aisha."

"Oh, thank you for coming, Ars. What's going on today?

"I have a favor to ask. Actually, I'm trying to transfer the inheritance rights of Kaiser Valkyrie here, but I want you to seal one of them."

"... that's amazing. Spirit? You feel a lot of power, kid."

"Yeah, he's my proud partner."

"You've gotten along well with so many spirits. Ice sperm? But I also feel deep intelligence."

"Kaiser Valkyrie is quite knowledgeable. I can take the information from the intellectuals in Barca and record it in one hand."

"As always, there are amazing things around you. So you want me to seal the magic from this kid? It has also changed that you have inheritance rights, but perhaps you can do it without a problem. What kind of magic?

"[Light of Judgment]."

"... eh?

"So seal the [Light of Judgment] of Kaiser Valkyrie, God Aisha."

"... um, is that a mistake? Can this child use the Light of Judgment?

Return inheritance to the Doren royal family.

There's a word for it.

It will no doubt be carried out after the transaction has been made.

At least you won't turn the story against me.

But I couldn't give it back for free.

A King who can use [Light of Judgment] may be resurrected one day when his heir is restored to the Doren royal family and he regains his power again.

That dangerous, unstoppable, aggressive, widespread magic.

It could not be ignored that it could be used again somewhere.

So I decided to seal [Light of Judgment].

If it's Aisha, God, it's possible.

My Shotgun and Shiota Making are also sealed, and the magic pass that is spreading in the east is connected to them, so they can use new magic. They can also confirm that they can't use it.

And they probably won't notice the fact that it's sealed.

Because Aisha herself sealed the [Transfer of the Divine Realm] to prevent unrelated people from entering this world.

Mirialia and others did not know that the [Divine Transfer] was sealed.

If the magic you cannot use is sealed, it will be extremely difficult to realize it.

Because I think my magic has not reached that level.

In other words, if you seal [Light of Justice] before returning Kaiser Valkyrie's inheritance, Royal Doren will not be able to notice it unless there is much left to do.

I said I would return the inheritance, but I didn't say I wouldn't seal the magic.

I haven't lied to you at all, and I'm sure it won't be a problem.

If there is only one problem, is it that only Aisha can act as a seal?

What do you think when you hear the story that another creature, rather than another person in red, has the magical inheritance that its descendants should have?

Inside, I was a little excited, and so I brought Kaiser Valkyrie to the divine world to talk.

"Is it possible that this child is the descendant of a child born between me and him? Why did you become a spirit? Besides, he doesn't seem to be human....."

"No, they're not descendants. It has nothing to do with you or the First King."

"I see. I'm a little surprised and upset. That's not true."

"In fact, the owner of your offspring's Doren family was murdered by a man. And he took my inheritance. The killer used the magic he had taken from the Doren family as his own, sparking [the light of judgment] in cities everywhere. And then Kaiser Valkyrie took back the inheritance from him, but it was too dangerous and it had a huge impact on society, so I want you to seal it."

"Ah, perhaps you're talking about the undead who entered this realm with the one who became immortal before?

"That's right. Your brother and husband, the First King, immortalized him, and after he got back to earth, it was tough."

"Yes, there are ways to take away the right to inheritance. But wouldn't it be a problem if it wasn't for that magic? Can you fight when a dragon attacked you?

"It's okay. I'll take care of it when it's time."

"Well, that's fine. Shall I seal it?"

"... are you sure? What do you mean, your offspring's magic is limited?

"Hmm, that's right. But do we have to? Besides, they didn't help me or him where there was [Light of Judgment]. Most importantly, now everyone living on earth is like a child to me. Including you."

I thought it would take more time and effort to convince them.

But Aisha agreed more lightly to seal [the light of judgment] than I thought.

It was so unexpected that I overheard it.

I wondered if I could do that.

However, Aisha's response to that reflected her subtle psychological state, which seemed to have included various emotions.

I think when I hear that.

The Doren royal family should have interfered more actively with the church.

God Aisha is a normal person.

It was [synthesized] with the labyrinth nucleus into a church organization that I had long been in, treated as a god, and this state has continued to this day.

And in the meantime, her descendants, the Doren family, continued uninterrupted.

I'm sure she wanted it.

For many years, I was unable to move as an idol, but I hoped for help in a state where I could think.

And it didn't come true.

There are descendants who are connected to their own blood.

The royal family, which was supposed to be so powerful as to divide the church and power, could not help Aisha.

It has been going on for thousands of years, and she has never felt disappointed in the people of the Doren royal family.

There is a blood connection, but there will be affection.

However, I still felt that I could seal the magic called [Light of Judgment].

No matter how powerful magic you have, you will never help yourself.

I wonder if it was because I thought so.

Or, as she says, she may already recognize that all people of the former Doren kingdom are descendants of herself.

After all, it was in her time that she gained territory by fighting a large number of wizards in a place full of monsters.

That's enough people to spend time without fear of monsters anymore.

That is, they may feel that what they did was not meaningless, but that we were born as a result of their efforts.

I don't really know what Aisha thinks or feels.

However, the atmosphere emanating from the magic doll with artificial skin made as a dependency of God seemed somewhat sad, but it still looked like it was blown out.

Thus, the greatest magic possessed by the Doren royal family, the Light of Judgment, was lost in all its name.

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