"Well, I disagree, Ars Barca. No matter how far apart Pope Paul was from him, he was in the church. It's the opposite of splitting the church in two to capture it."

"Don't split into two, Madonna. You will build a new church in this sanctuary. I'm not dividing an existing church into two."

"What are you talking about? There is only one church. Isn't it strange just to say that there are two?"

"No, it's not. That's not true, Madonna. You just have a narrow world you know. There are countless religions in the world, and church organizations are disrupted by them. No matter how many churches there are, it's not weird."

"Ugh, don't lie to me. There was always one church. Two things don't exist."

"No, it's not. There are currently several churches in the east. And each of them forms a society in coexistence. It's no wonder the Virgin is building a new church."

"And the East? Is that the world beyond the Great Snow Mountain where you went? And I can't believe it."


Mirialia is more resistant than I thought.

She protests in a fairly strong tone in a relaxed atmosphere.

I may have missed my profiling as a Pope.

If she wanted to be a pope, I thought she'd take this story.

No, maybe she doesn't know yet.

The fact that Aisha, the god, has sealed the magic called the "Transfer of the Divine Realm" means that no matter how much magic she raises, her ranks will never rise to the end, and therefore she cannot become a Pope.

The system of judging a rise in rank with magic that can already be used to promote within the church is different.

That's why I decided to tell Mirialia about it.

"Is that true?... no. Even if it was true. Even so, it's the opposite of building a new church."

"Why? Or perhaps, if you think realistically about Pope Paul, it could happen at some point. No, there's actually a movement in the region."

"I can't believe it....."

"It's true. Pope Paul brought together leading bishops from all over the country as Archbishops. And I issued a restraining order. Tell me that I will raise the church from the land where there are rulers who cannot obey the order. There are already people who are planning to set up their own church."

"Nah, what do you mean... But even so, I disagree."

Hmm. I see. Okay, here's what I'll do. Let's put the establishment of the Southern Church back on paper. However, in order to revive the sacred city at the site of the sacred city, we must have the strength of the Virgin, who is also effective in the King's Land and the southern regions. Therefore, I would like you to guide me to the sacred city where you have been resurrected. "

"I see. If you don't want to divide the church into two churches, I'll take it from you."

"Ah, but I also made a concession, so I need you to listen to me...."

"No, please stop. What are you going to say next?

"No, I don't mean to be impossible. I just want you to write a memo. As the person responsible for the management and operation of the rebuilt sacred capital, he must obey the decision of the Pope at the church headquarters in the city of Fontana. Please submit a memo promising not to create a new proprietary church organization, but to seek instructions from the church headquarters properly."

"Ah, uh, yes. I see. If that's the case, do whatever you want."

Until now, Mirialia was angry with her beautiful face turned bright red.

But the last request I made was unexpected, and I couldn't respond right away.

But my request was to follow up on what Mirialia had claimed the other day, so to speak, just to write down what she said.

She can't refuse this.

Apparently, the story has come to an end.

It was the relationship with the church that bothered me the most when I heard about Kyle's acquisition of territory and decided to reach out to the vicinity of the Holy City to aim for it.

The church organization regrouped in the kingdom of Fontana has so far been unified under Pope Paul.

It can be said that the church organization did not collapse because it moved immediately after the destruction of the Holy City with the money lent by the Bank of Barca.

But it was hard to say that the truth was still completely stable.

Basically, church organization is irreparable when the divine world and sacred cities are lost.

We're just trying to keep it together.

But what if the sacred capital, which is still regarded as a special sanctuary by church officials, nobles, knights, and the general public, were to be rebuilt?

After all, the church's prime home is the sacred capital.

But if that happens, it hits the question of whether to return the church organization to the sacred capital again.

Can the Church be stopped from returning to a place near the King's Capital of the Royal Doren and now ruled by the hegemonic aristocracy of the House of Reinzats?

If so, what would be the relationship between the Fontana Kingdom and the church in Barca?

Totally unknown.

That is why we physically separated the sacred places that people believe from other forces, in the rubric of floating the sacred capital sites in the sky.

And now the holy city, or the church, shall be laid down.

Mirialia, a candidate for the administration of the Holy City, admits it.

The church's headquarters are in the city of Fontana.

And the Pope in the cathedral in the city of Fontana has command over the administrator of the Holy City.

By the way, the signature of the memoire is also the name of Mirialia, but the position is as the general manager of the sacred capital.

Therefore, if she dies and is succeeded to by others, this memorial will not cease to be valid.

In other words, the church was always headquartered in the city of Fontana, where the highest-ranking pope was the main sacred capital, and it was now stipulated with this time.

Now, even if those who did not obey Pope Paul come to the ruins of the Holy City relying on the blue Virgin Miriam.

She has already admitted it.

Never break the church in two.

In this way, I made a slightly risky bet, but I succeeded in preventing sectarian conflict from happening.

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