
"Nh, yeah, Kaiser Valkyrie. Looks like someone's here."

The ruins of the sacred capital rise slowly.

As altitude gradually rises, there are gradual signs of people.

That said, I didn't hear anybody.

However, there were signs of people moving.

What does this mean?

Places that once prospered as sacred cities should have been destroyed by Najah using the Light of Judgment.

The terrifying magic of turning buildings and people into salt.

The use of it has left the Holy City empty.

The part that turned into salt has been scattered by the rain and wind since then, so now it is only the ground where the salt has disappeared and become bare.

Even so, it did not appear to be flat or even like using leveling , and there were irregularities on the ground.

I suppose that meant there was someone in a position that I couldn't see from where I was standing right now.

The question is, is there a person in the middle of the night in a land where there is nothing?

The altitude is so high that it can no longer jump off the ground that there is no way to escape from here except to travel with the transport magic formation I have set up or to board a magical airship.

If there is a problem with the transfer magic team, I decided to investigate it lightly.

"I caught up. Don't move. Move and we'll attack. You are not allowed to speak without permission. Put your hands on your head."

Riding the Kaiser Valkyrie quickly, I headed for a place where people could see signs.

You were watching it, or someone I was trying to get close to was trying to escape.

But Kaiser Valkyrie didn't seem to be fast enough, so he quickly caught up.

Not much magic, probably just ordinary people.

But I don't know what's out there, so I pull out the sword of light and talk to the other person.

"Children? And how many are there? Hey, you there, answer my question. What were you doing here?


"Answer the question. What were you doing here?

"... I picked up the salt."

"Picking up salt? What the hell is that? Why were you here at night?

Looks like I'm talking to a child pointing a sword of light from above Kaiser Valkyrie.

There were three children there.

From what I've seen, I don't think the clothes I'm wearing are good.

I wonder why people are here and why they have children.

Besides, I don't know what salt is picked up.

"We collect and sell salt here. I didn't do anything wrong."

"There's no more salt here, is there?

"It's not a lie. This has salt on it."

That's how I try to point at something the child had in his hand.

I warned him not to move, so I suddenly tried to counterattack him, but he didn't seem to harm me, so I watched him.

Apparently, the child had some kind of plant in his hand.

"Salt grass, it's fine. This grass stores salt in its roots, and then it takes salt."

"Oh, there's grass like that. I thought nothing could grow because I heard it was a land of death, but isn't it? Well, I'll keep it for now. You guys aren't the only ones picking up salt here. Someone's got you all together. Is he here now?


"If you don't want to answer, you don't have to answer. In that case, I may never be able to go back to Earth again."

"Eh... yeah, okay. Um, I'll show you around."

Apparently, there are people gathering plants here that have the properties of storing salt.

I didn't expect anyone to gather such things in a place that was already destroyed and didn't even have a building.

But I can't let them stay here like this.

After all, this is going to be the Reed's outpost.

So I decided to take them to the leader in charge.

The boy started leading the way, so I decided to follow him.

"I'm sorry. My name is Mirialia, and I'm the head of these kids."

"Is it the church? I was surprised. Isn't that the amount of magic you have, Bishop, or Archbishop? Why are they making children weed in places like this?"

"Oh, this place is unusual. This is not so much a sacred city as a city that has perished. Isn't it strange that there are church officials like me there?

"It depends on the time and the case. But, Miriam, is that you? I've heard of it. The one called the Blue Virgin is in the wilderness, not responding to Pope Paul's call. You were here."

Other children had already gathered ahead of the salt-picking children.

Apparently, there were more children than I thought.

And at the center of it was a woman.

She seems to be the boss in charge of the boys.

Unlike the other children, they are dressed properly.

Beautiful, long, crisp blue hair.

And even in the loose church women's clothes, there is a place that can't be hidden, and a good body with a retracted place.

A woman in her early 20s with a somewhat relaxed atmosphere with a so-called crybaby on her left eye.

There was only one person famous for his characteristic body as a member of the church.

Before Pope Paul stood at the top of the church, before the demise of the Holy City, there was a presence called the Blue Virgin, who was said to be closest to the Pope.

Once upon a time, the next pope, Virgin Miriam, was there.

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