"Ah, you know, Barca-sama? What the hell are they doing? Why is everybody gathering so much to write something on paper silently without saying a word?

"Ah, the painter. No, those guys over there are the ones I've collected from all over Vulcania. They're doing their job right now."

"Is it work? You didn't entrust me with administrative work, did you?

"No, it's not. They're all unusually knowledgeable in some field. They're compiling information about the history, culture, and life of the Fontana Kingdom."

"... hah, you're starting something again. Are you summarizing the information in various fields? Maybe that's why I was called?

"That's right. You're a painter, aren't you? Naturally, I think I know a lot of stories about paintings that ordinary people don't know. I wanted to ask you that."

"Yes, I am confident that I know more about painting than people because I have studied a lot of techniques so far... Even so, I don't want to go in there. Aren't all the weirdos gathered there with Lord Barca?"

"Well, it's true that the freaks with origami have been gathering people who have excelled in the art for years. There are nerds and maniacs who are very familiar with certain fields. But I'm delighted, painter. You're one of them."

Hmm, it's complicated.

While working as finance minister in the city of Fontana, I embarked on a new idea.

That is the task of investigating history, culture, and ecosystems.

I would like to gather accurate information by investigating not only the books that have appeared so far, but also the actual objects, etc., and accumulating concrete evidence.

It was an incredible escape from existing information mixed with myths and legends whose authenticity was uncertain.

Actually, I've always wanted to try these a little bit.

But that didn't happen.

Because my position wasn't so strong.

It is very difficult to study all history and make a book that describes only the facts.

There is certainly a technical and intellectual difficulty in picking up and sorting only the facts without doubt.

But the more problematic was whether it was socially acceptable.

What if, for example, when I had just been knighted by Carlos, I had denied the history of "once king of the Doren kingdom, king of foolishness and noble king Nero left the Doren royal family because of all the tyranny and rebellion"?

In fact, I know the fact that King Nero was twin, and that he succeeded to the throne even though he was thought to be a woman who did not have the right to inherit the throne, brought confusion to the Kingdom of Doren.

It was only a distorted history of the power struggle that had begun with the incident and the nobles who had used it to run their own territory away from the Doren royal family, but it was later created by the winners.

What would have happened if I had been talking about denying it when I was just a knight serving nobility?

Nero's denial of the story of Fool King could also lead to the overturning of the foundations of independent rule by each nobleman.

In that sense, no one would have welcomed it, even if it were true.

In addition, there is the history of the birth of the Doren royal family and the church.

That was also forged history.

After all, the Church is giving power from God and blessing people.

What happens if I [synthesize] a precious magical woman with the Labyrinth nucleus like a charade and tailor it to God?

At least the Church will never forgive those who insist on it.

In other words, no matter how right the facts are, it is often the case that it is not possible to publicize them seriously in society.

But things are a little different for me now.

Already at the top of the independent Fontana kingdom, it has established itself on the same level as the Church's top pope as a shield of God.

In addition, it is a matter of speaking directly with God, the party.

To a certain extent, it was difficult to be blamed for publishing radical facts.

Nevertheless, I do not intend to disrupt the social order.

In the meantime, I intend to make history books with consideration so as not to rub against the church.

"Ah, thank you. It was Mosh who participated in the drawing frame from Vulka. Thank you very much."

Then, in making a book that summarizes various information such as history, we first convened experts.

More than hundreds of freaks gathered in a room in Barca Castle in heaven.

They are geeks specializing in specific fields.

Mosh the painter, Meem the doctor, Billy the beast, Cleon the [singing], Kiri the astrologist watching the celestial body.

Or architects and clothing craftsmen from around the world, or just old animal lovers.

There really were a lot of them in Vulcania.

We've gathered all the weirdos we've gathered since Barca started as a Knight Leader.

Ultimately, I intend to put information in the book with all the demonstrations.

But before that, I thought about hearing from someone I knew, writing it down, and then checking to see if the information was correct.

For this purpose, I have gathered around people who have been told that I am familiar with unusually small things.

Let's just put together the information that this guy gave us and make it a slam.

But something interesting happened here.

I didn't expect anything to happen when I gathered a bunch of nerds, maniacs and freaks in one room and told them, "Make a book with all the information you can get."

Maybe that's because everyone gathered was named after Kyle.

Everyone is concentrating silently in the same room.

At first no one talked in the room, so I was in a hurry.

But apparently, they were all talking in [preface].

In addition, everyone uses the magic of [parallel processing].

It can hear everything while listening to multiple stories like Prince Saint Tokuo.

But what's even more amazing is that you don't have to talk if you're in [preview].

In other words, while listening to people while using Parallel Processing , they can transmit what they want to say, and the other party can hear it properly.

In short, the perverted insistent knowledge-holders here, while fully explaining their knowledge to others, listened to other people's stories, answered questions if they did not know anything, and responded to objections in parallel and silently.

Besides, it is attached to the botanical paper that is [precautionary photograph] in the hand of each person.

Those who have excelled in the art are probably familiar with other fields as well.

For example, Meem, a physician, knows a lot about the human body, but he also knows plants such as medicinal herbs, animals that eat them, and the culture of the land everywhere.

If there is anything strange in the story of an animal told by an animal lover uncle, by checking and correcting it immediately, it is not only information gathered from a knowledgeable person, but also checked by others.

In this way, information that has been carefully examined from each field is loaded as a document with a huge amount of content written down.

Perhaps this is called collective knowledge.

The freaks are gathered, so I can't dress up a bit, so let's call this a meeting of sages for now.

Thus, in my opinion, the writing of the "Book of Knowledge", which I thought would take decades, was proceeding at a much faster rate than expected.

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