"Oh, welcome back. How'd it go, Ars? Did you see the ocean?

"Ah, you're here, part-time brother. There was a lot going on, but I found the sea. Why don't you take a look at what you brought home later, my part-time brother?

"But didn't you just take the fish and stuff home? I prefer meat to fish."

"But this isn't just about fish, is it? There were all kinds of monsters out there. He was always so strong."

"Oh, is that so? Oh, the monster. Tell me what happened, Ars."

Nelson successfully completed his first exploration of the ocean beyond the wetlands.

No, can I say it's safe?

The magic airship is wrecked, so I can't say it's very safe, but I've set up a transfer magic team over there, so I can do it safely if I just travel around from now on.

Incidentally, magic airships are currently treated as my own vehicle.

At first, I thought about making a lot of it, but there is a history of stopping it.

I made a safe bed of heaven above the sky.

I wasn't willing to build a large number of magic airships that could get in there without permission.

But it's not like we only built one magic airship.

As I heard in my previous life, I remembered that it was better to always make a spare in anticipation of failure.

Even if the prototype is broken due to some kind of trouble, it may be safe to build the same spare machine.

As a result, the crashed magic airship was destroyed, but now the spare plane is being used as my private jet.

Thus, I formed a transfer magic formation in the western sea cove. After returning to Vulcania, I used a magic airship to descend on the Vulcan line.

We are continuing urban development with a rapid pitch, and the landscape has changed since we saw it a while ago.

That's why I'm talking to my part-time brother who was here to play.

"Oh, sky dragons, feathers, lions, snakes and turtles. Looks like there are others, and it's not like the ratio of the northern woods. Does it make sense to build a transporter magic squad there?

"Hmm? Well, of course you do. We can get what we don't need.

"Yes, it is. As far as I'm concerned, you and me, Vargas and Atmos warriors are the only ones who can fight the western monsters. How do we keep securing the land to the west?

"Oh, that's not what my part-time brother said when he started running the territory. I used to tell you to let me fight. I'm just a candle."

"Don't tear it up. So, what do we do? Do you need the help of Atmos's warriors?

"That might be good. But I'm going to leave the task of securing the western lands to another, more reliable, helper. I'm more sure of that."

"Other helpers? Who's there? Are you going to ask Leon to let the Fontana army out? But the Fontana army is only an army against humans, and they're not that good at monsters."

"Ahahah. If you take the Fontana army there, it will be very damaging. I don't think so. I'm going to ask Valkyrie for help."

"... Valkyrie? I see, you're taking the horns with you to the Forward Magic Team."

"Correct. Valkyrie is the best fighter and magical beast. Perfect for expanding dominance."

My part-time brother asks me questions, so I decided to talk a little about my plans for the future.

As pointed out, the strength of the monster over there is exceptional.

It is dangerous to fight alone, even if it is a major class.

It's natural to wonder if it makes sense to build a base in such a place.

That's why I decided to put my strength into it.

We decided to send a herd of Valkyries to the west with magical horns.

Valkyrie can now be said to be the strongest part.

You can share magic in a crowd and use a lot of magic.

Even if the monsters they encountered could use attack magic, they still have the magic called the Magic Wall .

As a last resort, there is [the light of judgment], so if there seems to be an opponent that you think is very difficult, you may give permission to use that magic.

Release those horns from your base.

The aim was to destroy the surrounding monsters and keep them safe.

And after the danger level in the vicinity decreases, it is said to install a wall as well.

[Wall architecture] So let them build a wall to surround Valkyrie's sphere of action.

That, to put it mildly, gives meaning as a marking.

Within these walls are the forces of the Valkyries, claiming to be territory to the surrounding monsters.

Speaking of monsters, seeing them like game monsters doesn't unconditionally challenge them into battle.

If we know that there are enemies in the land that we cannot beat ourselves, we will never come near them again.

Therefore, I decided to temporarily return from the western base where I set up the Transfer Magic Team and entrust Valkyrie with securing the land over there.

However, there is only one thing I am concerned about this operation.

There's an empty dragon.

A giant and powerful dragon that flies through the sky.

It may not make sense how much Valkyrie built the wall and surrounded the territory.

Are there any other sky dragons?

Considering that the magic airship was capturing and moving, it is not strange that there is a dragon's nest.

I was forced to think of countermeasures to do so.

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