"Forest... or...? It's a wetland."

The crashing magic airship was pushed away by the sky dragon.

Until then, the cracked hull stiffened up, leading to complete destruction.


The magic airship that I was trying to build and use to defeat was quickly turned into waste.

But it's not that far now.

Get all the crew out of here.

Everyone had a parachute session before going on this quest, and I've used it many times, so there shouldn't be a problem.

The last thing I left was to make sure everyone got off and escaped.

Flying away from the ground, I deploy a parachute in a few moments to stabilize my body.

In that state, I finally found out what was going on on on the ground.

It wasn't a wetland.

When I docked in the air last night to sleep in the magic airship, all the ground underneath was wetlands.

But now the woods were spreading.

Where is it?

It has to do with the movement of the sky dragon when it fled for a while, and perhaps being grabbed and transported by the sky dragon while I was stunned.

I would have been moved a considerable distance.

"Hmm. We managed to land. But what is it here? It's like a jungle."

I landed safely and immediately sang [Lighting].

What I saw there were trees that covered the whole area.

However, it seems to have a slightly different vegetation than the forest in the north.

Somehow, it feels like a jungle.

"In the meantime, wash. Poison deactivation."

For the time being, it is a place where I have never stepped in, so I will use the magic of [poison deactivation] after [cleaning].

This will not be a strange disease for the time being.

All we have to do is join the others who fell.

I just didn't have a good view here.

I decided to move in the direction of the slightly open space that I saw when I fell.

"Vargas, are we all here?

"Hold on, General. Looks like there aren't three more."

"Maybe I can't move because I'm injured somewhere. All right, let's leave half of them here and look for a nearby field."

"Okay. You heard me, guys. Move it now."

I moved to an open place after the crash, where I found a completely wrecked magic airship and sky dragon corpses.

Looks like it fell all together here.

At that point, I used my magic to build the tower.

A light of [Lighting] is placed on top of the tower to make it look like a lighthouse.

Looks like we've got a crowd of people nearby looking at this.

However, several others were still missing.

We split up the search party looking for them into teams, and the rest entrusted the defense of this lighthouse and the recovery of the artifacts inside the magic plane with protecting the sky dragon's body.

It appears that the sky dragon was defeated properly.

The scaled attack, which was magical, appeared to have been a special hit, while the rest remained intact with no major wounds.

Perhaps it would be a valuable material if we took his body home.

I thought Gran would be happy and decided to keep it safe.

And I'll leave the land to my rescuers.

I walked around the jungle again with some people.

In a gloomy place, many of the trees are tangled with cedar-like plants.

"There's something here. Be careful."

While exploring the jungle, there was a noise nearby.

They are approaching us with a slight noise.

But that wasn't the sound of a search team or a shipwreck other than ours.

It was an undisputed beast that came out of the trees.

A large body with brown hair.

She is swinging her tail as she moves around with her four feet.

However, he has a strange body.

The head had a fine taste like a lion, king of beasts, wings on the torso, and the tail had a mouth like a snake on the tip.

Somehow, I imagined Manticore, a legendary creature I had heard in my previous life.

In the meantime, I'll call him Feather Lion.

The temporarily feathered lion has a natural high magic power.

And he had a face that could not be said to be friendly to the people who appeared in front of him.

The moment he saw us, he opened his mouth to smile, but insisted that the sharp teeth that appeared there were willing to eat meat.

He's coming.

The feathered lion who showed his fangs moved.

You're squeezing your upper body, accumulating power in your feet, and then releasing that power and jumping out.


Soon, a feathered lion on top speed came into our position.

"Wall Architecture"

I cast a spell on the ground in front of the feathered lion.

[Wall architecture].

It's a spell I've been taking care of, and it's a thick wall that has stopped the big pig from rushing countless times.

It appeared as if it was interfering between us and Manticore.

But should I say that the timing was slightly slower or better?

Just as the walls appeared from the ground, the feathered lion was about to run through the scene and hit his lower jaw.

A feathered lion in the shape of an upper cut is pushed against a wall that protrudes from the bottom and jumps up.

And then it fell on this side of the wall.

Blank for a moment.

The sudden, stupid unfolding stunned us all, but before the twitching Feathered Lion body woke up, I slipped my neck with the sword of light and fell down.

"Something like that. Looks like you're stupid. But, you guys, have you seen what he's doing?

"No, it was too fast to see."

"Me too."

Ask the others I was exploring with.

They've been on a lot of battlefields with me.

But this monster didn't keep up with the speed.

It's called the sky dragon, this feathered lion, is this the land of many dangerous monsters?

Perhaps we should find the missing person and return to Vulcania as soon as possible.

I didn't think the West Side would be so dangerous, but I decided to explore the jungle even further, considering future schedule changes.

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