"Hmm... what is that?

"Back off, Charlotte. An unidentified flight object is approaching us. I don't know what it is. Evacuate."

"Yeah, yeah. I understand."

When the winter is over and the snow has stopped falling.

I went to the last place I was supposed to deal with Ars von Barca.

Apparently he hasn't come yet.

When we arrived earlier, we held the curtain and waited a while.

I suddenly began to scramble outside.

I wondered what was going on. I went out and found out the cause.

Something was flying towards us.

Mysterious flying object flying over our heads.

It passed over our team and then turned around and came back here again.

Maybe it's some kind of monster.

A flying monster is extremely dangerous.

The General has ordered me to evacuate, but I may as well join the fight.

Unlike me, I'm not helpless now.

You can fight monsters using magic, not just magic weapons.

I have the power to protect my men here.

I stayed there while the General told me to run.

But apparently, I was worried.

I don't know what it was, but it wasn't a monster.

Because people came down from something like an ugly bird that stopped snugly in the air and spread its wings to the left and right.

"... what are you going to do? That explains something, doesn't it, Ars?

"Hello, Charlotte. Is that it? That's a magic airship. No, I thought I'd make some magic equipment at home. So I made it possible to fly and move."

"... flying through the sky. Is that what that is? No, I saw it flying in the sky with my own eyes... really?

Yeah, that's right. Would you like to ride with Miss Charlotte later? It's really fun to see the ground from the sky. "

Really? Let's think about it.

... you're kidding, right?

Is that a magic instrument?

Um, a magic tool the size of a man flying in the sky?

Is that possible?

There is no such thing in Brilliant Magic Country.

The magic tools created using the magic team's technology are all very valuable.

However, research on flying in the sky has been going on for a long time, but it is said that there have been no successful reports yet.

Did he make that?

That's impossible.

When I visited his territory, Vulcania, there was no magic tool.

And yet, it's impossible to make flying magic equipment that can't even be made in Japan.

I couldn't believe it with the real thing in front of me.

Well, then, let's get things done before we have fun. The deal is exactly as we talked about in advance, isn't it, Mr. Charlotte?

Yes, but I have something to tell you first.

What do you want to tell me? What is it?

"We want to continue our good relationship with the Kingdom of Fontana in the future. But we can't keep trading weapons like magic weapons forever. Therefore, although we will continue to sell magic equipment in the future, we will stop weapons-related transactions."

That's another sudden story. But are you sure? In that case, you may no longer be able to exchange magic bags or give them magic.

"Yes, they are fascinating, but we also need Spirit Stone weapons. Therefore, I have to say, it is difficult to continue trading."

"I see. I see. So, this is the last deal, right?

... that?

That's strange.

I thought it would be more regrettable in my expectations, but it is lighter than I thought.

Regardless of the rock crossbow staff, don't you want more magic weapons?

Are they not coming down?

And I feel something is wrong.

I was distracted by the magic airship and I hadn't noticed it before.

But when I was talking to Ars, I finally noticed the discomfort.

"Um... are you sure you want to ask me something I don't know?

What is it, Charlotte?

"... aren't you weakened?

"Ah, do you understand? That's right. I think the amount of magic is reduced compared to when I met Charlotte-sama before."

"I knew it, but why? Didn't you say you would defeat the Demon King? Is that okay?

"Thank you for your concern, Charlotte. As a matter of fact, I managed to defeat the Demon King safely. Now the kingdom of Fontana is peace itself."

Oh, that's right. Congratulations. "

Thank you very much. I defeated the Demon King and became peaceful, so I let my son inherit my power. Rest assured, my magic has only diminished. "

"... inheritance? Your power to your son? What's that?

Ah, excuse me. If you say so, you didn't explain. The ritual that I gave to your men, such as Charlotte, cannot actually be passed on to the next generation. Inheriting it to a child requires a different ritual of inheritance. I inherited my power from my son Alford, who had inherited it by the ritual of inheritance. "

Really? What's that?


Is there such a thing?

What should we do?

The analysis of the named magic team has been completed, and I have already succeeded in using that magic team to name others and give magic to my subordinates.

So you can freely increase the number of wizards in the future.

That's why I offered to stop the deal.

But this way you can't inherit magic from the next generation.

No, that's not it.

What did he just say?

Didn't you say you could let my child inherit your magic?

Can you do such a thing?

At least not in Brillian Magic Country, but as far as I know, I've never heard of any other country that could do the same.

Historically, countries have formed marriages between men and women with a lot of magic, and as a result, they should be taking steps to increase the magic of the clan little by little.

However, he claims he can increase the amount of magic of the next generation in other ways.

Moreover, his own flesh has proven it.

The magic amount of Arus is clearly lower than it was before.

It feels like the magic that was supposed to be close to the royal family is halving.

Does that really mean you inherited all that magic?

It may have been premature to offer to cancel the transaction.

Isn't there something he doesn't know yet?

I always wanted to see his amazing face, but I saw and heard completely unexpected things, and I became more confused.

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