"Still, the damage in the divine world was greater than I thought. I didn't think anyone called the Apostle of God would survive."

"Because the immortal's response has turned backwards. And I didn't like it either. I didn't realize I couldn't get inside the temple that I thought was the safest."

"Speaking of which, the temple usually has boundaries and you can't let it in freely. Why did we normally enter the temple at that time?

"... probably for one reason. Isn't it because Dogma Doren, the fruit brother and husband of God Aisha, tried to enter the temple?

"Isha invited the King of the Immortals into the temple, so we did, too? But didn't Pope Paul say that before? He who becomes a priest in the church enters the temple and swears to God."

"Yes, that's right. Normally, this temple of the divine world is tightly closed by the boundary. However, when the red moon rises, the temple's boundaries are broken and it enters the interior. We'll see when a new priest is born."

"I see. Eisha, who has become an idol, may still have left us an opportunity to use our power for mankind."

The story of Pope Paul and money in the divine world came to an end.

So, there was a conversation about the divine world.

After I froze and sealed the Immortal King in the world of God, I followed Najah down to the ground.

After that, Pope Paul and the warriors of Atmos remained in the temple.

Inside the temple, even the King of the Immortals can purify his unclean magic.

So I told him to stand in the temple.

And it was said that if there was an apostle of God who survived, you would also be protected in the temple.

But apparently, the inner Pope Paul had a boundary in the temple without noticing.

As a matter of fact, temples in the divine realm usually have boundaries and cannot enter.

Only when the red moon rose could it get inside.

In other words, when Pope Paul and the others found out, all the apostles of God had become immortals outside the temple.

Apparently, the lifetime obsession of these apostles of God was in this world of gods, and they did not descend into the earth like Najah.

Instead, there were many immortals trying to get inside from outside the temple, like a herd of biohazardous zombies.

To see if the labyrinth nuclei recovered from the Holy City could be used to bury them elsewhere, I was surprised to see them once I appeared in the divine realm before returning to Fontana.

He panicked to see the Pope Paul in the temple and started a battle of annihilation.

"... but I was surprised. I didn't think anyone would be able to enter the temple where the boundary was."

"You mean Kyle? Well, he seems to have a clean heart for a long time. Remember? There's an old tree in the northern Vulcanian forest that called Kyle and signed a spiritual contract, saying that me and Tanatos don't want to go near it."

"That's right. I see. Does Kyle mean that God Aisha has a pure heart that invites him through the boundaries? Can't I?

"Well, I wonder. I also think I have a clean and right mind."

"I'm sure God's eyes are right."

As he was hanging out with Pope Paul, Kyle walked from the back of the temple.

Kyle came with me to this world of gods, but somehow I was able to slip through the boundary and get inside the temple.

That's how Pope Paul and I were talking about gold outside the temple while Kyle was in the temple.

"Hey, how was it? Did you get to the room with the idol?

"Yeah, I'm fine, brother Ars. But I feel a little sick. I didn't think the church gods were made at the expense of a woman."

"Really." You're a jerk. "

"What are you talking about, brother Ars? Aisha was angry with her brother. He said it was terrible to trap his own brother in ice."

"... did you get to talk? With God's Aisha?

"Yeah, I mean, why can't I hear you both? I've been saving you from outside this temple, and I can hear you."

"Seriously... Did you hear that voice, Pope Paul?

"No, I didn't hear you. Is that true, Kyle?

"Yes, of course, Pope Paul. I could hear it from here, but I couldn't get close enough to the idol to have a clear conversation."

"It's still amazing, Kyle. So, other than being mad at me, what else did you say?

"Ah, that's it. I found a way to bring back Dogma Doren, the King of the Immortals."

"Huh? Can we bring back the Undead King? Uh, what do you mean? The immortals don't go back to normal. Isn't that irreversible?

"Um, there's water in the lowest room of this temple. I wonder if it will just be under the room where the idol is located. It seems that the water is sacred and that Aisha, who became revered as a god, developed it for Dogma."

"Heh, holy water. What am I supposed to do with that? You want a drink?

A little different? If you bathe in holy water every day for about 100 or 200 years, the filth of your body will disappear completely. "

"That's amazing. It's going to take a long time, but as an immortal, it probably won't last. It's a long story, but can you get it back?"

It's a story that makes you cry.

A woman named Aisha whose real brother became known as the King of the Immortals and became a statue [synthesized] with the Labyrinth nucleus.

This woman may have been looking for a way to help her brother even after she became a statue of God.

Using the enormous amount of magic sucked up through magic paths from all over the country, he was creating a new King of the Immortals remedy, an immortal existence called the Idol.

It created a sacred water reservoir that seemed to condense ultra-high concentrations of magic in the room below the idol.

It will take hundreds of years in that room, but by taking a bath, you can recover from being king of the immortals.

It's just...

It's a bit of an idea to get the sealed Immortal King out of the ice again.

Once you step out of the temple, you won't be able to free the King of the Immortals, who can be called a never-ending disaster.

It's too dangerous.

"How about letting it freeze into the sacred water in the lower room? If I can heal over the ice, I'd like to stick it in."

"Yes, that's fine, Ars von Barca. Even a sealed brother can heal with sacred water."

Say what I think.

But neither Kyle nor Pope Paul replied to it.

It's the voice of a woman who wasn't supposed to be here.

Kyle was followed by Aisha, the god that came out of the temple, who spoke to me.

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