The world is shit.

It is the truth of this world that I have known since I was born.

And at the same time, I understand that power is everything.

The world revolves around for the powerful, and the powerless are always eaten.

I was born in a city with a labyrinth.

I don't remember my parents.

All I remember as a child is that I was always hungry.

Crawl around the ground in the alleys of the city, fishing for leftovers behind shops and restaurants.

But it wasn't easy for me either.

Because he was weak.

If the owner finds out, he'll beat you to death.

In fact, many of the dead vagrants were watching with these eyes.

The leftovers from the shopkeeper's gap are also taken away by another person living in the same alley.

The world really looked like shit.

But I managed to survive because there was a labyrinth in the city where I was born.

In the Labyrinth, Explorers explore the interior and bring home Magic Stones and Monster materials.

It seems to generate a lot of money.

Unlike other cities, this labyrinth seems to have been quite abundant.

The one with the money also leaves the rice ordered at the restaurant.

With that, it seems I survived being a better kid than anything else.

I always thought I'd be a Seeker one day.

Become a Explorer and enter the Labyrinth to become stronger.

Some people seem to get a different power.

It doesn't matter whether it's a good house or not.

Everyone has their own power, and everyone has the potential to get great power.

I will definitely become a Explorer and gain power.

And I'm going to eat a full meal and eat it all.

When I was a kid, I thought about it all the time, and I was hungry and breathing in the alley.

Such a story is common.

Most children die in the wilderness before they reach the age at which they can register as Explorers.

I didn't die by accident.

It was a glittering and frizzy body, but I didn't die until I was recognized as an Explorer.

So I became a Explorer to do what I had long thought.

I can eat now.

I thought so.

But that didn't happen.

Because I didn't have the strength.

In the end, the more power we have, the more power we have.

That was the first reality that came to me as a Explorer.

'Cause it is, right?

I can't even buy decent gear, skinny.

I'm talking about how to enter the Labyrinth and fight monsters.

You just meet him and you die.

The people who lived in the alley like me died before they could be Explorers for so long.

But I couldn't give up.

I can't fight monsters.

That's why it's impossible to get monster materials.

Then there is one way to make money.

Get Magic Stones.

Magic Stones found in the Labyrinth are often buried in the Labyrinth's walls.

In other words, if you go inside without fighting monsters and take back the magic stones you found by digging walls, it will be gold.

That way, you can get money and eat without having to fight, and if you earn more, you can buy equipment.

I don't need any protective equipment.

If you can get even one weapon because it can be small.

That's what I thought, I went deeper.

Well, this isn't my way of doing it after all.

It's a common way for people who live in alleyways that have had nothing for a long time to go through.

Of course, it's not going to work.

Most people die when they meet monsters on the way back or digging walls.

But not everyone.

I survived being a Explorer without dying.

Years have passed since then.

There have been a lot of dangerous things up until now.

But all of them managed to survive on a single piece of paper.

But that was all.

He wasn't dead, but he couldn't say he was alive.

Every day, he walks into the labyrinth without risking his life and brings home the Magic Stone.

But I could only make money to see if I could eat it that day.

You can't buy a single weapon forever.

That's why I decided to bet.

I decided to go deeper into the labyrinth.

The labyrinth is a strange place.

There is a strange stone at the entrance and on the sidewalk.

It seems to be a transfer stone.

I only touched this once when I first became a Explorer.

At that time, I was told to leave immediately after touching it, and nothing changed.

However, it seems that there are other similar transfer stones at the back of the labyrinth.

Touching that stone will allow us to return to the transfer stone at this entrance in an instant.

It was this transfer stone that I bet.

I joined the Explorer's Union when I dived into the Labyrinth.

It is said that this Explorer can use Forward Stones to extract the power of those who have returned from behind the Labyrinth.

I don't know, but I've been given a bitter drink before I dive into the labyrinth every time, and it seems that when I drink this and enter the labyrinth, I can capture the magic of the labyrinth into my body.

And the more the magic goes into the labyrinth, the stronger it gets.

And when the union performs a ritual on a person who has accumulated a certain amount of magic, different powers are gained depending on that person.

Regardless of origin, we don't know who gets what abilities.

But if we get good power there, the world will change.

With the power of magic attacks, you may be able to defeat monsters without weapons.

We have to do it.

I can only dig walls and bring back small magic stones in constant fear of monsters.

Besides, I wasn't alone.

Similarly, there are some of them of similar age who have become Explorers from alleyway life.

They're just like me.

This is a loser who can't be replaced after many years.

So I decided to go deep into the labyrinth with them.

Of course, all monsters are ignored.

If we find him, we hide, and if we find him, we run.

You can't expect help if you're caught up and attacked.

But if we can get to the transfer stone and return to the entrance...

That way, you can have a ceremony at the union.

I can get power.

This fucking world is gonna change a little bit.

We headed deeper into the labyrinth with those in the same situation.

Half of them died on the way.

But I won the bet.

We have arrived at the first transfer stone.

When I touched the transfer stone, I felt my feet fluttering on the wipe.

At the next moment, it was moving to a transfer stone near the entrance where the union guards had not been there before.

It was a strange feeling.

But that doesn't matter.

Now I can take the ritual.

My world has changed.

He was guided back to the building by a guard union member and received a ritual.

What I got was [Collect].

It wasn't attack magic.

This ability is the same as before.

I can collect some luggage in places where I can't see it, but I can't be stronger.

I wanted power.

The ability to defeat monsters.

But I had an ally I'd never had before.

There were four others who survived like me and reached the Forwarder Stone to gain power.

This is what happened, but they weren't all very capable.

Each and every one of us is weak.

But it wasn't if the five of us acted together.

I was weak enough to enter the Labyrinth alone and fight monsters, but if I entered the Labyrinth with five, one or two monsters could win.

So we dived into the labyrinth in pairs.

After that, it was fun for a while.

It remains as poor as ever.

But they all came from alleys without parents, but they were nice people.

The five of us dived into the labyrinth together, but we didn't have to.

Without going further into the dangerous depths of the Forwarding Stones again, dig the walls to get Magic Stones where they can safely proceed.

Even so, they earned more money and could eat more.

We were all talking about our dreams of growing up every day.

Sooner or later, you'll go deeper into the Labyrinth and become an envious Explorer for everyone.

The one who wants to save up money and open a store.

The one who goes outside the Labyrinth and becomes a mercenary.

Some people, like me, wanted to eat a lot of food for now.

I talked about it every day, stayed at a cheap lodging and ate dinner.

Perhaps it was enough happiness to think about it now.

Dreams come true one day.

Everyone thought so.

'Cause it is, right?

When you dive into the labyrinth like every day, even in the shallow layers, your body takes in the magic that drifts through the labyrinth and gets stronger little by little.

We lived like that for a while, and we were only able to pick up magic stones from where they were normally transported.

This meant that he had the strength to jump back with the transfer stone at the entrance from the beginning and go further.

When this happens, it belongs to me.

If you buy a weapon for a little more money, I'll be able to fight even if I only have Collect .

That way, we can go further and make more money than we already have.

But the life suddenly ended.

There they are.

They were exploring the depths of the labyrinth, and they looked at me.

No, it's not.

I looked at my [Collection].

[Gathering] didn't have the power to fight, but it was a useful ability.

It can be held by hand anyway, and things will not be damaged while moving.

I've never seen it, but it looks like a magic bag belonging to a nobleman or something.

At first I thought it was a hassle [Gathering], but I was secretly proud to be diving into the labyrinth with my friends and working for everyone with this power.

So when they asked me to come with them, I said no.

I didn't mean to say no once to favor the negotiation or do such a rush.

I just didn't like being away from everybody.

But I still regret my judgment.

They attacked us when we were turned down by a group of deep-seated people we met in the Labyrinth.

Of course, there's no way my people can get to the bottom of this.

Everyone was killed in an instant.

He died instantly.

And then they killed my people right in front of me, and I was trapped and hurt.

I've been beaten to death, and I'm about to lose consciousness.

He wants you to come with us.

All I could do was nod.

And he cried, weeping, and begged for his life, and cried out that he would be one of them.

But I didn't get what they said right.

They just said, "Come with us."

He didn't tell me to be one of them.

I mean, for them, I was just a magic bag replacement.

It wasn't a buddy or anything, and a human being like me was just their property.

Then we dived into the labyrinth with them.

But every time something happened, I was beaten and kicked.

It was a routine thing to be hurt to the point of not dying.

And it was the same after I left the labyrinth.

I was pushed into a room in Shinjuku and half-dead just trying to get out of there.

I can't get you to eat properly either.

I can't raise a protest.

Anyway, when I said it several times, I was more careful than usual, and after that, I couldn't answer anything.

I regretted it.

It was sad.

Why do I have to be like this?

What did I do?

I just wanted to eat a full meal.

Why do you have to live such a miserable life?

I wanted strength.

I wanted as much power as I could solve everything myself.

I was asleep thinking that way all the time, weeping.

After that, life continued to be used as a bag for the deep group.

All the time, all the time.

One year passed, two years passed, ten years passed, and I became a gentleman.

But the treatment didn't change.

Since I was diving deep inside, my body captured only magic.

As a result, I feel a little stronger and harder to catch a cold.

But I haven't changed how I've been treated.

But it finally ended.

And then I finally understood how to use my powers for the first time.

The deep crew that took me is dead.

I was in the Labyrinth and I was surprised to encounter a powerful monster that was supposed to be further back than usual.

Some of them were dead, and most of those who survived were dying.

At that time, I felt like I heard a voice in my head.

It's only now.

I barely survived and managed to reach the transfer stone, stabbing them with a spare sword removed from [Collect].

Nothing was difficult.

I suppose you didn't expect me to attack like this, even though I've been quietly beaten and followed.

The defenseless back, which was about to touch the transfer stone with constant breath, was rarely cut, and all those who were on the spot were stopped from breathing.

And that was the first time I killed something.

It's the first time I've known that I killed them.

You can also [collect] his abilities from the opponent you killed.

I've acquired the ability to work deep in the labyrinth and the equipment they had.

But they treated me as a bag, and I was quite famous in this city.

Despite being treated as a thing, they said it was a luggage bag that would take the labyrinth around and stick to them like a parasite.

This world looks like shit.

And so is this city.

Nobody helped me.

No matter what I saw, I kept ignoring my surroundings.

I didn't want to stay here.

Let's go somewhere.

It doesn't apply to combat technology, but it's still deep, and if it's just physical abilities, it should be beyond people's reach.

And some of the money I took from them.

Let's get this money out of the labyrinth and go somewhere.

Yeah, that's right.

It may be interesting to realize the dream of a dead or old companion instead.

I can't even read the letters when I have a store, so I guess I can't.

Yeah, let's be mercenaries.

If I go outside the city and join that mercenary regiment, my physical abilities might help there.

However, I don't know what to do if they find out that I only have Collect .

We have to be careful not to find out.

So, I left the labyrinth, and I left the labyrinth town with my feet.

As a Mercenary Naja, I joined the Marshall Mercenaries a while later.

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