How to use Parallel Processing .

It was originally magic that I recommended to Kyle to make when I heard that she could hear multiple people at the same time.

And when Kyle succeeded in creating the spell "Parallel Processing," those who already had Reed's surname used it for their work.

In other words, when I was doing clerical work everywhere, I used that magic to listen to multiple people and do some processing in my brain at the same time.

But what Ella's sister did was not work efficiencies, but learning efficiencies.

By performing parallel processing, in order to be able to process many things in the brain at the same time, things such as manners, manners, and standing by behavior were learned earlier than usual.

If you ask me this as a story, I think so, but I think it was a bit of a blind spot.

Because Kyle named them "those who have completed their studies to a certain extent."

There's a school I built under the authority of Barca and Fontana.

We taught the basics in elementary school, and those who seem to have a good land and are motivated to study there are also institutionalized so that they can study in Vulcanian schools without paying their own fees.

And Kyle named those who wanted to work in Barca and Fontana from among those who had learned letters, calculations, and other subjects well at school, and hired them as liaison officers for administrative work and [memories] everywhere.

But isn't this going to be a waste of time considering what Ella's sister did?

When I entered school, I began to wonder if I could use Parallel Processing to improve my learning efficiency.

Well, that's why no one can give him Kyle's magic.

In addition to the fact that Remarks magic is excellent and dangerous depending on how it is used, it is dangerous to be able to use magic so easily unless someone swears to work for Barca and Fontana.

But it is also true that there is something I want you to remember as soon as possible now.

"Hey, Kyle. Would using [parallel processing] like Ella's sister did make it possible to learn the words quickly?

"Words? Oh, yeah. You want more people to speak Oriental languages, don't you, brother Ars?

"That's right. Since then, several Atmos warriors have gathered in the variant. I haven't brought him here yet, but we'll have to bring him here eventually. But I figured if I could interpret, Kyle and Tanatos, and then Grant, I wouldn't be able to lead a decent life."

"Didn't you say Elvis over there is starting to talk?

"He feels like he's communicating forcefully with his gestures. Maybe you still can't talk properly."

I see. So what do we do? Do you want to teach the Oriental language to someone who can use [parallel processing] as Brother Ars says?

"Who taught you that? I don't think Kyle and I have enough time to teach people language from scratch. Instead, let them remember."

"Someone at the scene? Maybe you want the people in the variant to remember? Surely most of the comms came back with Mr. Ars?

I see. Now there are only a few people out there who can use Reed's magic. I also have to leave it to exchange things. Does that mean Kyle needs a new name? "

"Hmm, is that a quick way? Then why don't we start by recruiting someone to take care of the Atmos Warrior and I'll name him after me."

I guess so. All right, let's jump into the variant together, Kyle. "

Speaking an exotic language is quite difficult.

Just because you go abroad doesn't mean you can speak the language of that country.

You won't remember unless you actively try to learn from yourself.

Perhaps the majority of those who have been left behind in the variant have not yet reached the level of speaking the other language.

However, if [parallel processing] is used, the speed of language acquisition will certainly be considerably faster.

Anyway, while listening to the other person's words, you can also translate them into your own words to understand the meaning.

Furthermore, the conversion of the word returned to the other party to the Oriental language and the conversion to the oral language can also proceed simultaneously.

[Parallel processing] makes it possible to hear multiple human words simultaneously, so it is possible to interpret the brain while listening to the Oriental language.

So I went with Kyle to the variant.

Hundreds of Fontana people remain in the variant.

The ultimate aim of these people is also to become the main class.

But it may be delicate whether everyone can work hard for that purpose.

After all, it is a place that is completely different from the place where it was born and raised.

I'm thinking of naming the surrounding settlements and Charlotte's people through me to increase their magic, but after a while, some of them will still want to go back to Barca.

Here's what I'll tell them.

If you want to go home, you can use Parallel Processing under Kyle's name and instruct him to study the language.

If you can interpret the Oriental language, I'll take you home, and you'll study hard.

Apparently it wasn't a mistake to think so.

Many people were beginning to be homesick, knowing that even if they remained in the variant, they could not easily become the main class.

So I named Kyle and told her to remember the words from Sula and others.

Ultimately, if you can interpret the Atmos warriors and the Balkans, I'll take you home.

Somehow there were many who wished to return, and dozens of those who remained in the variant began to study as much as possible as Oriental language experts.

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