"Old man, how about that? Have you tried it?

"Oh, I used it, kid. That's good. Is there such a thing in the east?"

Work in the city of Fontana and go back to Vulcania at night to sleep.

One day, I met my old man at Barca Castle, so I'll talk to him lightly.

This is what I got in the east.

Is it going to sell?

"Of course I can sell it. It is useful because it is only available in the east. It's just a little old, isn't it? You might have to repair it to sell it at a high price, even if it looks like it."

"I can't help it. Even though I asked Princess Charlotte to get it, it looks like it's a shape-shift."


"That's right. I think that magic tool is probably too old to sell in the east. He's bringing it into the variant and selling it to me high."

"I see. And we're selling it at a higher price. Really, the kid found something nice. I didn't think there were magic tools with magic stones in the east."

Me too. I was surprised when I first saw it. Anyway, I was using Magic Stones to warm up my food without using firewood. That will definitely help. "

I got it in the East.

It was a magical instrument made in the east.

There were tools in the east that were effective with Magic Stones.

For example, there were lighting devices that consumed magic stones and glowed.

Apparently, technology using magic stones rather than life magic was developing in the east.

Perhaps it is related to the fact that there are several labyrinths that have been attacked.

Magic Stones that can be safely collected in the Labyrinth without monsters.

And it was Oriental history to use the magic stone to make a number of useful tools.

Sometimes they make weapons for battle, and, apart from that, they make things useful for life.

However, I don't think there is much demand for lighting here.

Anyway, there's something useful here called life magic.

It may be superior to Oriental in that everyone can use Lighting and Drinking Water just by casting spells.

However, Ignition was only a magic way to light a small fire and burn firewood.

The magic equipment found in the east was a convenient way to warm up food without firewood.

Or is that it?

I think the magic equipment I got probably works like a microwave.

I wonder if it's warming up by vibrating moisture with microwaves without using fire.

I was able to warm up each plate of cooked food.

It is clear from the memory of the previous life that microwave is a great invention.

I was impressed that there was something amazing in the east.

That's why I found out about the existence of the magic equipment used by the guards in Atmos, and I was asking Charlotte to buy them in variants.

In contrast, Charlotte also gave me a colorful reply.

Although the number is still small, magic equipment is brought in through merchants one by one, where Elvis and others are supposed to buy it.

Charlotte's immediate understanding of the incident was probably disposed of in stock.

In recent years, the Brillian Magic Kingdom has greatly improved its magic technology and developed new weapons.

The magic equipment used in everyday life was also improved accordingly.

Therefore, it may have been made with high-performance products with low magic stone usage.

But the old magic equipment was sold out.

I guess I just showed up to dispose of it.

I think it may be sold at a much higher price than disposing of stock normally in the East.

But it's still a good calculation.

After all, we are looking at a completely different area beyond the natural wall that people called the Great Snow Mountain cannot cross as a market.

I also think that magic equipment for lighting can be sold quite a bit depending on the appeal method.

But there are two kinds of warming magic equipment, right? This box-shape is easy to use because it contains everything, but is this pot mold reserved for making juice, kid?

"No, I don't think so. I think the box-type and pot-type have different warming mechanisms. The boxes are microwaves, the pots are far-infrared, right?

"Microwave? Far infrared?

"I don't know. It's hard to explain. Anyway, the box type can warm up relatively anything, but the pot type is more specialized, right? Well, I don't think you can make any juice."

"... I don't know. What do you mean the pot type is specialized? What do you specialize in, kid?

"It's rice. That pot-shaped magic tool specializes in cooking rice. I heard that it was designed to be plump and delicious to eat rice, so I'm pretty sure."

"Rice? What is that?

"Food. Like wheat, it is a staple grain, and many people eat rice in the east."

"Oh, the food from the east. Is it good?

"I like it. Would you like an old man to try one?

The greatest achievement of the Oriental expedition.

I don't think it's a mistake that you made a national connection with the Brillian Magic Nation.

As a result, I was able to help you acquire the magic equipment that was made in the East.

But I was more happy than that.

It was about getting rice.

I have lived desperately since I was reincarnated into this world.

Especially since I was still hungry in childhood, I could say that I even thought about food.

So basically, I didn't like it or dislike it, I ate everything, and I wasn't particularly dissatisfied with it.

But the rice was still good.

It is strange that I miss it because I ate it with this body, but I was still impressed by the rice I ate for the first time in a long time.

The pot-shaped magic item was a special magic item that was made to cook such a delicious and plump Oriental rice.

"That's why I'm going to make rice. Don't stop, old man."

"Oh, wow. It's okay, but don't get mad at me for accumulating work again, kid."

It's okay, it's okay.

Rice making is also a fine job in home affairs.

I'm sure the Leons will understand that.

So I started making rice in Fontana.

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