Stay in the ice-sucking rocks, Ice Sperms.

I took it out of my waist magic bag from an ice-absorbing stone found in a snowy mountain.

Ice absorbing stones occasionally found in extremely cold environments throughout the year due to their too high altitude.

I succeeded in magically remembering and reproducing that ice-absorbing stone.

But I didn't just take out the ice absorbing stone that I made with magic.

I took out the natural ice absorbing stone that I found in the Great Snow Mountain.

Ice absorbing stones have the property of taking in the surrounding cold and becoming larger.

And the ice absorbing stone was very popular with ice sperms.

While crossing the snowy mountains, ice sperms took the trouble to find naturally occurring ice absorbing stones, make shelters there, and rest, while the ice absorbing stones absorbed energy.

After overnight, the ice absorbing stone was a little smaller, so there was no doubt that the ice sperm brought some power.

That's why I recovered the ice-sucking stone.

I will throw the original ice absorbing stone into my magic bag and install the newly made ice absorbing stone on the spot.

And they gathered some ice absorbing stones that had stored up a lot of energy while crossing the snowy mountains.

Use it.

Because the number is limited, I didn't want to use it much if possible, but in this situation, I don't think we should spare it.

The ice sperm jumped into the ice absorbing stone I had in my hand.

"... a snake. Nice, ice snake."

And the ice absorbing stone shrank rapidly.

The clear ice absorbing stone, like a large chunk of ice taken from the mouth of the magic bag, melts away.

But it didn't disappear.

The next moment, the ice snake appeared, wondering if the ice absorbing stone had disappeared and the bluish light had blinked.

I think the total length is more than 10 meters, and the body is also a thick ice snake.

That's him.

An Ice Snake appears when Elance of the Burmese family, one of the border ancestors of the Kingdom of Fontana, uses Ice Spirit Summon , but it is very similar to that.

Yes, this ice snake is an ice sperm.

When I used Ice Spirit Summon , a blue ball of light came out that didn't have much attack power, but somehow others were able to summon another form of Ice Spirit.

Bite brother is an ice wolf, and Vargas is a great turtle.

But I finally managed to use my fightable Ice Spirit.

It is conditional on the use of ice absorbing stones that absorb the cold air collected in the snow mountains and accumulate power.

Perhaps an ice absorbing stone has something to do with ice sperm.

For example, what about the hypothesis that the ice absorbing stone that naturally exists keeps accumulating power, and the ice absorbing sperm like the ball of light that I can summon takes up that power and changes it into some form?

In short, it's like an evolutionary item.

Incidentally, the ice sperm that I forced to change using ice absorbing stones does not turn into an ice serpent every time.

I think it may be different every time I think about it because it was different before.

"Go, take down those who surround the Oriental expedition."

Order the ice snake.

Hearing that, the serpent moved his body around and headed for the guard.

Ice sperm in this form is very helpful.

Because it would be scary simply to see a big snake approaching, and it would do a lot of damage if it was crushed by its body.

Unlike a ball of light that just floats in space, physical attack is very good.

And they act autonomously so we can focus on something else.

The ice serpent moves his torso at an incredible speed, knocking down his opponent's troops, wrapping them around, and consolidating the passing area with ice.

The magic wand used by the other side also took the attack with an ice body and tried to catch it.

Because like the opponent's Magic Weapon, they can also use surrounding snow to repair injured bodies.

The guard, who should have surrounded the Oriental expedition, is surprised and confused by the sudden appearance of the ice serpent.

And after watching the ski, my part-time brother and Elvis' ice sperm also went on offensive.

Bite brother Ice Wolf and a slightly smaller wolf, Elvis Ice Spirit, were surrounded, disturbing the surrounding opponent at that speed and not narrowing the siege net.

However, it seems that there is room for me to use my snake as a trigger.

You can use Ice Sperm to attack, not follow your surroundings.

When I looked at it, I felt that it seemed okay over there for now.

So I can look again at the rock giants Tanatos is fighting.

Tanatos used a number of magic weapons to swing the dragon stick against the opponent.

Apparently, one of them has already been pushed to a deactivation.

However, it was only a coincidence that I was able to strike a black pattern stone that would become the nucleus, so I am struggling against an immortal opponent.

I can't help but think it's a terrible battlefield.

Both factions have a restorative presence that is fierce.

But there was a decisive difference between the two factions.

That means that the Magic Weapon could not be dealt with immediately by our Ice Spirit against what I and the Atmos warriors could have done.

The magic wand that struck the rocks was powerful, but it probably didn't have enough power to deal a massive blow.

Apparently, there was no such thing as a rock that was large enough to put magic into it, and the speed at which it could fly was not increased, so it was lacking in decision making.

As a result, after Lyla shattered the last magic weapon, she was unable to stop our Ice Spirit and Atmos warriors, and after a while, the trend decided.

Thus, Atmos's samurai defenses were brought down by the victory of the Oriental Expeditionaries.

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