Alus-sama, I beg your pardon for your rudeness so far.

"Eh? What happened suddenly, Sula-san?

I knew that Arus-sama was not an unusual person. But knowing that, I only said disrespectful things to protect the village. Forgive me. "

"... I see. I don't care about this, so it's okay.

Thank you very much.... so, I'd like to ask you, is it God's help that cured Lyla now?

Yeah, well, when it comes to the power of God, it does.

Oh, I see. That's right, that's right. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to heal Lyla in such an instant. Ah, thank you very much. "

Lyla, a warrior of Atmos, was seen in the room led by Sula.

Lyla's body suffered from painful wounds and arm and foot injuries.

It appears that this Lyla is an acquaintance of Tanatos and was wounded in an attack on the Atmos River.

Use Healing Magic on Lyla at Tanatos' request.

Then, in an instant, all the wounds healed.

I think this healing magic is amazing no matter how many times I look at it.

But it seemed to have hit me and Tanatos even harder.

Well, it's only natural to think about it.

The sudden return of the lost limbs is a miracle that cannot be seen in the previous life, when medical technology developed.

It is not strange for anyone to be confused if they see such things in front of their eyes.

As for Lyla, who had recovered from her treatment, she had been a Pocahontas for a while, but Tanatos had noticed that her body had healed when she called.

For some time, I was confirming the feeling of my resurrected hand as a carrot, but after a while, I began to burst into tears.

Tanatos looks somewhat fresh as he looks at it and tries to console himself in a hurry.

In Fontana, I still felt like I was somewhere approachable and a step away from the surroundings, but when I looked at Tanatos in a hurry, I thought that Atmos was definitely the home of Tanatos.

It took a lot of time and effort to get here, but I wonder if this is all I've ever had.

But apart from that, some people were confused and acting strangely.

A woman named Sula, who heads this village.

I wonder if she suddenly fell on her knees and lowered her head, and now she is worshipping me with her hands together.

Asked whether the healing magic was the power of God, I said "it is the power of God" because of the power obtained by the protection of God from the church.

Maybe you think of me as God or something.

Well, it might not surprise me if I could actually treat the defect.

And I wasn't really willing to correct that misunderstanding.

It seemed a little better than being alerted to the first burglary.

Nevertheless, you protected Lyla, who often ran away from Atmos. Normally, in a village like this, the acceptance of the seriously injured is only a burden on the village.

Is that so? It certainly is a burden, but it makes sense for Lyla to be here. When a dangerous beast comes out, she puts Lyla in the van and takes her. If the beast is threatened by Lyla, the daughter of a giant, that's all it takes to escape. "

I see. Instead of a caution stick? Even if you lose your limbs, Atmos warriors can handle animals. "

Besides, this village was originally built by the flow of people. Even strangers can accept it. "

After that, I talked to Sula a little bit.

Apparently, it wasn't just humanitarian considerations that helped Lyla.

Lyla probably put it in the village because she played a role as a guard to protect the village.

But there were other reasons.

Because it seems that this village is also a destination for those who are on the run or who cannot live on other lands.

In the past, the countries east of the Great Snow Mountain were punished by banishing criminals and others to this spiritual peak.

That leads us to the roots of our ancestors, who eventually settled west across the mountain.

But, of course, there was no way that everyone who had been banished could cross the mountain.

Rather, the vast majority could not cross the mountain.

Then it seems that all of them died in the wilderness at the spiritual peak.

It is a place that is too harsh for people to live in, but some people form settlements and live in steep mountains.

And it seems that the village was originally a settlement in that context.

Currently, such exile sentences are less prevalent, but some people live here.

In addition, there are still people who escape to the spiritual peak for some reason, and they play a role in accepting such people.

I thought it might be dangerous to have a stranger, but it is empirically known that the blood is too thick in a limited group, so they are also welcome.

'I see. Does that mean that the land around here is not owned by some powerful person?

That's right. There are no people like the city, and crops are not expected to be harvested, so they are abandoned. You don't know where and how many people live. However, because the yarn and fabric of Nishiki potato worms are good, merchants and others come occasionally, so it's not like there's no interaction with the outside world. "

"... by the way, how far is it from here to the nearest city of power?

That's right. Not to mention the powerful, but the lands ruled by the widening faction are still a few places to cross the mountain, so you'll need to walk for more than five days. "

5 days, huh? Then how far is Atmos?

Since Atmos' village has to bypass the valley, I wonder if it will be 10 days without hesitation.

That's pretty good... Um, are the powerful people living five days away raiding and occupying Atmos' village? Or is it another faction?

Ah, it was a country far away that attacked the land of Atmos.

Really, I see. Now, this village is my land. Please tell anyone who has any objections to use it as a base for the Atmos Tori Liberation Front. "

Huh? Arus will rule this village?

That's right. Now let's call this place a variant. Isn't that nice, Mr. Sura?

I see. But I want you to promise me this. I never want people living in this village to do anything bad. We all have nowhere else to go. "

Yeah, I know. For the time being, I swear I will not collect any taxes. I will also swear to punish the villagers severely if any of the soldiers I have brought come with me. How do you like it?

Well then, one more favor. In addition to Lyla, there are injured people in this village. If possible, can you cure them with Arus' help? I think that will make everyone admire Arus. "

Is it treatment?... that's right, that's fine. Originally, this force is not meant to be used lightly, but only this time should the person who wants it be treated. However, even if you think it's normal for me to treat you in the future. "

I know. No one would expect to receive such treatment at any time. Let's get everyone together and explain it to me. "

That's good. Well then, good to see you again, Sura. "

Good, good.

I don't know, but I was able to seize the land quickly.

Failure to collect taxes for a few years is no disadvantage to us.

Because the purpose is only in Atmos.

We are also thinking of using this as a temporary base and retreating in case of need.

Thus, the Oriental Expeditionary Army decided to place the village beyond the Great Snow Mountain under its control and use it as an outpost named Variant.

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