"Looks like you're right, Ars."

"Wow, you got a bad feeling about this? So Naja took all the magic that the murdered priest had?"

"Yes, I checked it in the middle and it seems to be correct."

"Well, this has been a big deal, Archbishop Paul."

"Yes, it's a surprise."

Based on what Lucica and Jane told me about Naja, I finally decided to talk to Archbishop Paul about it.

I told him what I thought after being careful that it was hypothetical and I had no idea what it was actually like.

Immediately Archbishop Paul moved to confirm the hypothesis.

And I came to a conclusion as a church.

My hypothesis is correct.

"So that's it after all? Does Naja have access to the magic of naming rituals? I got a way to name it without going through the church."

"That's right. That's how all the mercenaries belonging to the Marshall Mercenaries can use their magic. The church uses disorderly names to avoid disrupting society. There is no fact that the church named the mercenaries of the mercenary group."

"Then Naja named the mercenaries herself. And now the mercenaries can use the magic Naja can use. It's settled."

"I'm in trouble. I didn't think anyone else would steal your sacred ritual."

"Ahahah. Well, couldn't I tell you about people? But if you practice using magic teams, you'll be able to name anyone.

"It's not that easy to imitate. It's unusual of you to be able to name yourself after just seeing it at the baptism, Ars."

"No, if you do it, you can do it. I could've done it."

"Absolutely. But you don't know anything about other rituals, do you? Maybe a man named Naja can even use it."

"Is it possible to use inheritance rituals? That means the mercenaries are not transitory, they are inheritable groups."

Naja's [Collection] is not just a magic bag.

I understood that clearly.

It is a terrifying skill that takes away the magic and inheritance of nobles and knights.

As far as Najah can now predict, he has also taken power from the priests of the Church, along with the thrones of King Doren and Heikei, as well as the knights of the Gizanian family and some other knights.

The priest took away a huge amount of magic from local residents, and with it, perhaps healing magic can be used at the moment.

But what was more troublesome was the naming ritual used in baptism and so on.

If only Naja had believed Archbishop Paul's testimony that the Church was not involved in the fact that all the mercenaries of the Marshall Mercenaries could use magic.

Probably named each of the mercenaries after a magical formation.

In other words, Naja's position within the Marshall Mercenaries would be as promised.

Anyway, it's a powerful opponent.

It's just that Naja did the same thing I did to fight the nobles in the Balkan unrest.

Lucica and Jane said the old Naja didn't seem to be able to tie up the mercenaries, but if they could name it, it would be a lot easier to hear.

Anyway, if you say something defiant, you can get your name out of it.

Otherwise, you can group together by imposing sanctions by force.

No, is that a bit of a chronological thing?

When the Marshall mercenaries destroyed the Heikails, they already had information that the mercenaries could use their magic.

If so, would it mean that it could be named from before?

After we destroyed the Heikails, we took another important base and occupied it, and if we attacked the church there, it would be a mistake.

If so, perhaps he has already attacked the church somewhere before?

So, I got a naming ceremony, but then I learned that I could collect magic passes from local residents.

Is that why the priests of the church, an important hub with many local inhabitants, aimed to reap the benefits of more magical paths?

"... in other words, Naja will continue to target the church. Is that what you're trying to say, Ars?

"Perhaps. The church is built in the territory of every nobility. To that end, we renounce force to avoid unnecessary clashes. If you look at Naja, it's not strange that she looks like she's got plenty of flesh left unarmed. If so, it is no wonder that there have been further church raids."

"I see. Let's deal with it as soon as possible."

The church may be in danger.

When I told Archbishop Paul about it, I immediately moved on to the countermeasure.

I hope the church can handle things well and keep Naja under control, but what will happen?

Nevertheless, I thought again.

I know how dangerous it is to use the named magic team to increase the number of people who can use magic.

Moreover, the less importance it attaches to the history and traditions of knights and nobles, the more threatening it becomes.

I wonder if it's okay to say that this is like a demon.

Well, Archbishop Paul told me I was one of them.

How dare Carlos try to keep me in his pocket, a threat that suddenly appeared at that time, and now I'm even more impressed.

If I were Carlos, it would be dangerous enough to get rid of it without asking questions.

Now, thanking Carlos for his God response, I hoped that the Church's response to Naja would be successful.

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