"That's the opposite. I strongly disagree, my lord. The act of being given a family name by an aristocrat should not be carried out so cheerfully. Naming knights is something that has been fought for its life on many battlefields, but it should be done with respect for those with noble spirits. It is never given to peasants who have been drafted into the army."

"Does that mean that as a Rubić, you disagree with the proposed military reform, Lord Brahms?

"Of course. I will say it again and again. If you don't do that, let my Rubić family go to war, and I will work for this life. Please think about it, Your Highness."

Really? What about House Hermes? I would like to hear your opinion, Gary von Hermes. "

"I agree with Lord Brahms, General Ars. House Hermes' magic is special. I don't know how to abuse something that inadvertently gives magic to many unspecified things. Besides, I don't think we should use the magic of nobility that way."

"This is the other way around, Barca. It would be nice if the Burmese family could turn the old Rubić to rule, but it's not good that the Fontana army could spread so much magic."

"Why, Elance? The strengthening of the Fontana army should itself help the Burmese family."

"Maybe so. But there are other problems. It is a bit obvious in front of you two, but that means that the presence of the rookies, the Rubić and the Hermes, has grown too large in the Kingdom of Fontana. If that were the case, the influence of the two families on the army to protect the kingdom of Fontana would be too great, and knights like ours could be placed outside the mosquito net."

... I see.

I didn't think about Elance's opinion.

For those who have gone from knights of Fontana Genealogy such as Elance and Ghana to nobles, it may be disgusting for the exterior who suddenly comes in from the outside to have a big face.

However, it is said that the naming of soldiers in the army is not a relationship between nobility and knights, but only that the power of command rests with the army.

Just because you can use Rubich's magic now, you don't have to listen to Brahms.

But it's not that I'm still influential.

Perhaps you're worried about it.


I don't know what happened.

The military reform proposal I told Leon was a brilliant waste of time.

Apparently, I don't get a lot of approval from the people around me.

"... now let's wrap up what we've been talking about. Both House Rubić and House Hermes opposed giving magic to Fontana's soldiers. Fontana's people, including Elance, are also worried about increasing the influence of the two houses. Is that okay?

"That would be too clear, Ars. But apparently that's what most people here think."

"Looks like it, Leon. So, how's your part-time brother and Kyle? Are you opposed to offering magic to the Fontana army?

"Me? I don't care. I don't mind Balt's last name if you take care of the General in Fontana, Als."

"Well, I've always given the Reed family a name, so now I'm not dissatisfied, Mr. Ars."

Well, that's a deal. The Fontana army will have a new squad of 10,000 engineers, 5,000 cavalry and 1,000 communicators, and will be named Vulcan Balt Reed. Provided, however, that the command of the troops shall be vested in the army and not in the Barca, Bart and Reed families. That's all. "

"Wait a minute, my lord. Then the story is different. As I said earlier, the nobles named knights because they had deep trust in each other."

"Master Brahms. This is the Kingdom of Fontana. And you became nobleman of the kingdom of Fontana. If so, please follow Fontana's instructions."

"... how do you do Fontana? Do you think Fontana can easily give you a name?

"Since Fontana was still in the noble realm, fighting with the Urks and the Arrests, Kyle, my brother and leader of the House, has done so. I was selling Reed's last name to a knight with territory in Fontana under my grandfather, Carlos. And it's still the same now. Many of the lead surnames in the Kingdom of Fontana are involved in practical work, etc. All you have to say is that this time it applies to the military as well. To put it bluntly, we were only supposed to sell our names to the Fontana army. Don't you think it's strange that Fontana can't do what she did before she grew up and after she became a kingdom?

"But... That said, there is a history of nobility and knights. Some of you might wonder what it's like to use the magic of historic aristocracy to make money like that."

"Then there's nothing wrong with that. The magic of Balka Balt Reed is a new magic developed by our brothers. It's not historical. If that's the case, if it's not the magic of a historic aristocracy, you can sell it."

"Ugh... That's....."

"May I have a moment, General Ars? I want to ask you something."

What is it, Lord Gary?

"That's the number of engineers, cavalry, and communicators. In the first explanation, it was like giving magic to the entire Fontana army, but in the numbers I've just mentioned, it's not exactly like that."

"That's right. As a matter of fact, it is unlikely that there is anyone who abuses magic, as Lord Gary feared earlier. To do this, I want to create a team of a limited number of believers to give them magic."

"I see. Now, let's give my Hermes a name as well. However, the magic of my Hermes family is a little special. Therefore, I would like you to be the commander of the scout's unit in order to use it. Then we can create a team that can be sure to scout anywhere."

"Is that okay? And even if Lord Gary were a commander, the scouts would have to obey their military orders."

"It doesn't matter. The Hermes became part of the kingdom of Fontana. If so, there is no difference in working for the Fontana army that protects the country."

"Thank you very much. Well, I see. Let's have about 1,000 scouts for now."

Roger that, General Ars.

"Then, the Fontana army will be enchanted by including the Hermes family. Sir Elance, is that all right with you?

"Uh-huh. As long as there is a limit to the number, I think it is OK. But the magic soldier must pledge his loyalty to the army."

"Yes, I understand."

"Mr. Ars, can I help you? If you give the names of Barca and Bart to the soldiers, about 15,000 people will be able to use Road Laying , right? Do you think you can use it as an army?

"Oh, I see. Leon's right. Until now, Barca has been doing a lot of things in Fontana, including improving farmland, laying roads, and more. I want to leave this to the Fontana army in the future."

"In other words, should I hire the Fontana army in the future for development projects that have been paid for by Barca? What else are you going to do with the salt?

"The Fontana army will be the only ones to ask for work and sell the sacred salt to the church. Would anyone who can use the magic of Barca be guilty if they used it on their own to make money? Instead, Barca will receive a fee for the number of people named after the Fontana army."

"Is that okay? Wasn't it the business that supported Barca's management?

"That's fine. Instead, we can get money, and now Barca has other income."

"I see. The improvement of agricultural land is also true, but if the army becomes responsible for the sale of sacred salt, it is likely to be able to cover part of the army's maintenance costs. Good news."

"Okay, that's settled. Here, the forthcoming reform of the Fontana army was officially approved. The council is closing."

The Rubić family has a strange attitude.

You may need to follow up later.

But in the meantime, I succeeded in increasing the number of people who could use magic.

The whole army couldn't be a magician job change, but now the army is going to change a lot.

Besides, the squad's system itself can be used irrespective of magic.

Thus, the Fontana army was transformed into a new form.

As a result, Father and Brother Hector became the main class where [Ice Spirit Summon] can be used.

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