"Give me the grand? Is that what the Boutiques say, Paine?"

"Yes, that's right. House Boutika is asking for Lord Grant's handover."

"I don't think so. Gran is a hard man for Barca. I don't know what you mean, but there's no way we can deliver Grand as a condition for surrender to the Fontana kingdom.... what are you thinking, Bootica family?"

"Perhaps you would like to incorporate Grant's blacksmith technology. The Bootica family is famous as an eccentric nobleman. His name is known as the aristocracy of the eccentric who has never been associated with any aristocracy and has pursued smithing techniques in his territory."

"Perhaps Gran, who is almost the only blacksmith in Barca who made the Holy Sword, is a celebrity of the Boutika family."

"That's right, Ars. Not only the Holy Sword, but also various magical weapons such as the Hard Tooth Sword and the Yoyo Dragon Stick. Grandpa's name is known everywhere."

"Oh, yeah. So, to capture the technology? Hmm, but I still can't. I'll crush it if I tell you to give me the grand. Tell the Bootica family that again, Paine. Can I ask you something?"

"Thank you. I'll be right out."

It was a pane that came to the house of Boutika as a messenger and communicated the outcome of the negotiations, but soon it almost returned.

The Bootica family with the magic of blacksmithing apparently wanted Grand.

The Boutika family is a slightly special aristocracy and has even forged in their own territory for generations.

Instead of taking action on any territory, they are fiercely opposed to those who try to attack their territory.

Combined with the good quality of weapons and armor and the terrain effect that it is difficult to attack in mountainous lands, nobles have always tried to invade the Bootica family.

Instead, it seems that the Boutika family was able to purchase weapons and armor to make every noble family inviolable.

To put it mildly, it was like a neutral country forever.

I'm sure there have been unusual events in that history.

The Boutika family responded with a recommendation to surrender.

Depending on the conditions, I will surrender to the Kingdom of Fontana and go underneath.

Fontana was delighted to hear that, and I was a little dissatisfied with Gran's request.

But for other people, even if it seemed like a good condition for a nobleman who had been neutral by himself to make things, it was different for me.

Gran's worth is endless.

To put it bluntly, it was because of the existence of a man named Gran that I came here because Carlos gave me a piece of land called Barca.

"Bite brother, get ready to move your troops. We're heading to Bootica territory."

"Ok, we'll be out in a minute, Ars. The Bootica family will be dusty."

I just sent the pane back, but I don't want to wait long for a reply.

I immediately assembled my Fontana army, descended from Hermes territory, and began marching toward Boutika territory, which lies further afield in the snow mountains.

"I am very sorry that there are minor language differences this time around. My Bootica family did not demand the identity of Grand Barca. I hope you understand that."

"Hmm. So my messenger made a mistake on his own? Is that what the Bootica family wants to say?

"No, that's not true. I just think this happened before we got to know each other better. We were never thinking about that. Rather, I respect even Grand Barca as the same maker."

"I see, it's certainly the first time you and I have talked face-to-face like this. If so, if you are hungry and talk here, you will be able to recognize each other. That's what I'm talking about, Luke Boutika."

"That's right, Ars von Barca. I have nothing to say as a legitimate son of the Bootica family."

"... so the Bootica family is under the umbrella of the Fontana Kingdom, right?

"Yes, but as I said to Messenger Paine, there are conditions. Unless the terms are accepted, the Bootica family will continue on the path of nobility without going under Fontana."

"... I see. So, what is the condition? You're not asking for Grant's identity, are you?

"Of course. My Bootica family's wish is the pursuit of forging technology. To do this, I need Grand Barca's technology. That is by no means Grand Master's request. I would like you to teach me Lord Grant's technology, which came from a country further east of the Great Snow Mountains. To fulfill the Bootica family's aspirations."

"The Bootica family's grief? What's that?

"Didn't you know Ars? My Bootica family's grief is to create a weapon that transcends the Holy Sword. And to do that, I want Lord Grand's opinion by making the Holy Sword Grand Barca. That's all."

Beyond the Holy Sword?

What the hell is that?

That sounds like an interesting story.

After leading the Fontana army to a visible position in the Boutika realm, I was to meet Luke Boutika, the eldest son of the Boutika family, who was waiting there.

He told me he wanted to speak directly to Luke on the screen he had brought in to solve his misunderstanding.

As a matter of fact, I thought I might be fighting the Bootica family if I came this far, but I thought I'd listen to you if I came that far.

That's why I have to fight. That's why I'm so thankful.

And Luke said something unexpected.

After all, I was wondering if I could justify Grant's request, but my unexpected story popped up.

The Bootica family has continued to forge independent steps without interference from any nobleman.

The aspiration of such a noble family is to "create a weapon beyond the Holy Sword".

The moment I heard that, I thought I wanted the weapon because I could put out a grand.

I was drawn to Luke's story in no time, and I listened to it.

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