"I can't help it. Anyway, we need to deal with it right away. Fortunately, the Carmus district will be ready with a transfer stone, so I'll go straight to the scene and build an apartment."

"Yes, please, Ars. How do we move?

"For the first time, I'll send food for the migrants I took in. For now, there is something we have stockpiled for earthquakes and other disasters, so why don't we transport some of it and cook it out?"

"Cooking? For the time being, even if it exceeds the rush, we can't keep feeding the migrants.

"I know that, Leon. Well, let's split up the settlers appropriately. If you're related to a nobleman or a knighthood in the kingdom of Fontana, you should go near it and send the rest of the people with money here to the city of Fontana."

"That's right. But aren't the vast majority just farmers without money?

"I guess. Then we'll send them to the newly discovered iron mine in Bite brother's territory, where we'll build a little river at Vargas and expand our farmland. I still don't think it's enough....."

"... in that case, Master Ars, I have a suggestion."

"What is it, Leon? Do you have any good ideas?

"Yes, what I'm feeling when I look at the city of Fontana right now is that the immigrants also live on the same land, but they need work, right? Now you can get to work in the new castle and cathedral architecture of Fontana in this city. It's not expensive, but you should be able to earn as much as a family by working hard every day."

"Yes, but you said that the number of immigrants in the future could be as large as the construction staff. It's not enough at all, so we'll manage to spread it all over the Kingdom of Fontana.

"Yes, but I don't think it's a bad idea to create jobs with large-scale construction. The river works in the Arbarest district are part of this. So, one more thing, why don't we try to build more?"

"You mean public utilities like river construction? Well, I don't think it's bad, but what are you gonna do? It would be as much physical labor as any migrant can do."

"Let's make a grave, Arus. The royal tomb of Fontana."

"... the royal tomb? Garrod-san is still fine, but you're not going to make that tomb anymore, Leon. Does that mean Master Carlos' grave?

"That's right. Fontana became independent as a kingdom, but it is only a matter of territory. Arus aims to bring young people together in a conscription system to encourage unity, but it will take time to achieve it. That's where we build the royal tomb."

"You're saying that making graves helps us put the country together?

"That's right. Carlos, the late ancient lord, was only the lord of the Fontana nobility. but make it the ancestor of the founding kingdom of Fontana. That's right. How about we now call Carlos the Grand King? And we will build a royal tomb to keep an eye on the Fontana kingdom forever, so that the death of the prodigal King, who worked so hard for its founding, may be reassured."

"Well, in other words, the ancestral king will assume the role of spiritual pillar of the country. And you feel like planting the perception that you are part of the Fontana kingdom by having emigrants from around the world do the same?

"Exactly. I wonder if it's a good way to grasp people's hearts and give them jobs. But if there's a problem, we need money to build it."

I see.

There may indeed be a way for Leon to say it.

After all, Carlos' funeral was solid, and I acted to keep the name for future generations, but it became the name of the liquor.

And perhaps an ancestral king.

Carlos, who had fought for King Doren and died, was working dangerously to build a kingdom.

It is certainly easier to explain what it meant to make Fontana a country when there was such an episode.

It can be said that he did not die for King Doren, but for the founding of Fontana.

Carlos' body might still be there.

I performed a funeral at the church, but at that time I used Ice Spirit Summon to ice pickle Carlos's body.

It's not my decision, it's the way the Fontana funeral was done.

It seems to mean sending the dead with the top magic of the Fontana family, but I was the only one who could use the top magic instead of Garold, who was still young at the time.

And Carlos' body is still in clean condition without decay.

Some will believe it if they put it in the grave and watch over the Fontana kingdom.

Thus, in Fontana, it was decided to create the tomb of Royal Fontana as one of the measures for migrants.

With tens of thousands of migrants coming in, a fairly large utility was launched that could absorb it.

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