"Oh, wow. Is this the clock tower you were talking about?"

"It's amazing, my part-time brother. The clock tower built here in Baltonia is the same type as in Vulcania. Fontana's city is one more turn than this."

"Heh. But you're in trouble, Ars. Are you running around Fontana territory to build this clock tower?

Well... Sometimes I make it with magic the fastest. "

While I was building the Barca Culture Broadcasting Station, Grant completed the Clock Tower in Fontana.

And we had Vulcania build a simplified version of the clock tower as a model.

The shape is similar, but the height is lower than in the city of Fontana, and the clock is only in two directions.

Then, I covered the simple clock tower with magic and cast a spell of [memory preservation].

Heal My magic amount that can even be used can remember the structure of the clock tower.

Of course, it also means that the same clock tower can be magically reproduced based on the stored information.

That's why I went out to the main city in Fontana and used my magic to build a clock tower.

It is mainly made of hardened bricks around the appearance, and then the necessary parts are mounted inside to adjust the time.

I had already built clock towers everywhere before I went to the Baltic Knight Regiment ruled by my part-time brother.

In line with this, I have decided to actually check the situation in various places with my own eyes.

Everything seems to be recovering somewhat from the impact of the earthquake this year.

Here in Baltonia, too, life was alive and many people seemed busy.

"But is this okay, Ars?

"Hmm? What do you mean, part-time brother? I don't know if it's okay if it stays that way."

"Well, that's settled. You haven't fought anywhere yet this year. It's gonna snow soon."

"It was just the right thing to do in the Territory, wasn't it?

When I think about what to say, it seems that my part-time brother would like to complain about having barely had a fight this year.

Well, I guess so.

Winter is approaching this year.

As I get older, it gets too late, but is that a little different?

An earthquake struck around the end of winter this year.

I spent the spring coping with the earthquake and moved around to rebuild.

From the fear that the victims might come to the big city, I went all the way to create a new city called Dressina.

Then, when I was talking to Meem about deciding the standard body shape for dressing in the dress liner, I was informed of the existence of Shizukuishi magic stones in Carlos' body, and I also invented a bulka-style enhancement technique.

I was busy after that.

The knights from all over the world were gathered again and reinforced.

Thanks to this, the current class has grown beyond me.

At the cost of strengthening, we have agreed to create a railway line that can stretch throughout the Fontana territory, and have developed a new magic called [railway laying], which we use to introduce trains that use Valkyries everywhere.

Then Bishop Paul established a method of defect treatment by [recovery], and became Archbishop after being recognized as a saint.

Now that he became Archbishop, he also built a new church in the city of Fontana, and accordingly he rebuilt the castle of Fontana, even the clock tower.

When I think about it, I wonder what a full year it is.

I mean, if there was no earthquake, I would think that there would be more time, but that would be what I said.

As far as I'm concerned, there was only good because of the lack of war and the lack of internal affairs.

But my part-time brother didn't.

My part-time brother also ruled the territory of the Baltic Knights, so he should never have been free.

Instead, I think there must have been a lot of problems because we took the territory of the Uluk family, which was hostile until now.

Not much, but nothing went wrong in the Baltic Knights.

I heard that some of them were rebellious, even though they were under my part-time brother once suppressed by force.

He was also embarking on a little armed intervention.

But I don't think I'm satisfied with that.

After all, by embedding Shizukuishi magic stones, my part-time brother has also become a master.

It will not be opposed to the extent of the Knights' luxury.

Perhaps he wants a more bloody battle.

Well, this doesn't seem to be the opinion of my part-time brother alone.

If you think you have power, it's normal for you to have the desire to have more.

Then, what such powerful knights seek is honor and territory in battle.

Fight and win, thereby increasing your territory and allowing many to recognize your power.

That's why so many of the knights in the realm gave me permission to provide land in my realm and build tracks to undergo the Vulcan fortification I did.

The current Fontana family has the potential to rub together with the Trinity Alliance, but has succeeded in scapegoating the Percival family.

Although the Percival family attacked by the other two houses has been quite resistant, it is still helpless and disadvantaged before a number of forces.

Therefore, it was also conceivable that the Fontana family, which had a relatively stable capacity to accumulate local power, would move once the period of the death of Carlos had ended.

What would happen if only me, my part-time brother and Vargas became the main class at that time?

You won't have to think about it.

When fighting between nobles rather than between knights, there is a big difference whether or not you can do martial arts or not.

That's why many knights sought the power of the current class, even if they offered a portion of the land that might be more important than life.

Don't let your faction stand behind you in the coming battle.

This, in other words, means something else.

It means that many of the knights of the Fontana family are waiting for a new battle now or now.

"So, again, what are you going to do, Ars? Aren't you going to fight somewhere around next spring?

"Hmm, well, I have to tell my part-time brother. Actually, I'm already thinking about the next battle. I want the Baltic family, led by my part-time brother, to help me."

"Oh, my God. I knew you were going to do that. All right, I'll help you anytime. When are you going to fight? As soon as next year's harvest is over? Or is it going to work right after the snow melts?

"No, it's not. Not next year. It's this year, and I'm thinking of moving in time for the snow."

"... what? It's almost winter, Ars. It will snow soon. You know that. I can't move if it snows."

"That's why. Snow makes it difficult for any nobleman to move his army. That's why I aim for the time."

"Oh, wow. Is that going to work? I mean, where are you going? Just south of the aristocracy?

"No, it's not. We're going further south. The territory of the Percival family. Carlos' condolences. Hit the Percival house."

"... the Percival family? Three great nobles, that great nobleman? Are you serious, you?

Ah, my part-time brother is poking.

I knew it was unexpected.

He looks at me like he's crazy.

But of course I'm serious.

I told you I would spend a year in mourning for Carlos' death, but that doesn't mean I've been in mourning all year.

Carlos died last year while escorting the king before winter came.

In other words, it means that a year has passed by the time of winter, which means that the period of time spent in mourning has passed.

So it moves at that time.

The target is the Percival family, which is part of the three nobles.

I managed to raid the other two houses that were attacking, making them think they could hold out till winter.

I decided to discuss this march with my part-time brother in detail.

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