"Hah... I mean, what you're trying to say is that there's a magical relationship between the human body, right, Meem?

"Yes, that's right, my comrade. I discussed it with my comrades when I was doing an autopsy, but my physical abilities fluctuate due to the amount of magic. Of course, it also involves the natural healing power of the human body. It's pointless to talk about the human body ignoring the amount of magic."

"That's true. But for the time being, I decided to gather commonly available information, and it was basically just the farmers that I dissected and looked into."

"That's right. As a result, human anatomy is a study suitable for the general public with no prominent magic amount, and some are unsuitable for those in positions such as knights and nobles. Comrade, you know that, don't you?

"... well. Originally, the Uluk family's magic [fox] grew its ears and tails on its body. When it was reversible and could return to its original body. I had to make an anatomical view of the human body, ignoring the circumstances."

"What are you talking about, comrade? You are no less useless than the Uluks."

"Heh, am I?

"Isn't it true that the Barca family has [Poison Nullification]? I have to tell the doctors to cry even if they take poison that is clearly lethal in clinical trials."

"I see. That's true. I don't think the structure of the human body has changed, but perhaps it is functionally a departure from the realm of man."

"That's right, it's an unmistakable fact that the human body is heavily influenced by magic. Then we should also look at how magic can be involved with people other than humans. That's where the two things that my comrades encounter become important."

"The two things I was involved in? What was that?

"Oh, don't you know what you're like? What a shame. That won't allow us to dig deeper into our studies. It's really easy. If I may say so, it means the Immortal Bone Dragon and the Mud Doll."

"... I see. You mean Magic Stone and Magic Steel? Neither immortal bone dragons nor mud dolls can move biologically. There was a nucleus that made it possible to act."

"Exactly. Yes, it is. When bones and mud are destroyed or removed, they become incapable of acting. So, what about humans? You think the human body has a nucleus, my comrade?

"... hey, meem. Is that why you were so happy to repair Carlos' body? What did you do?

"Fufufu, I didn't think I'd have the chance to see the nobleman's body with my hands. Even after he died."

"Hey, just answer me. What did you do then?

"Don't look so scared. I was just observing if Carlos's body had any nuclei. While repairing the damage."

"Did you do that at that time...? At least talk to me about that in advance.... and you found it, what about its nucleus?

"... a magic stone was found under the umbilicus of my abdomen, in a place called Tanda. There's no doubt that this was something that the public didn't see."

"Magic Stones in your body? That means maybe...."

"Yes, my comrade. This barca is filled with magic stones. There's no way I can't take advantage of it."

"... maybe you've already done it? Human experiments."

"Of course. I have to study it for medical research. What kind of changes does the human body take in magic stones from the outside show afterwards, or is there nothing? We need to find out."

"May I ask you something, Mr. Meem? Does anyone else know about the research?

"Yeah? No, nobody else knows about this but my comrades. I was responsible for the surgery myself."

"... did the painter not see you?

"Mosh, is that you? No, he's not in surgery. What's wrong with that?

This guy was serious and crazy.

It turns out that he's a mad scientist, no offense at all.

Exactly, I can't take this a bit.

Especially if they find out that Carlos was playing around with his body, it's over.

Not memes, me.

After all, I was the one who told Carlos to embed and clean his badly damaged body, and I chose the meme to repair it.

I'll kill him when it's time.

But the research itself is certainly very interesting.

Could there be magic stones in my body?

As I watched a meme that talked enthusiastically about Pelapella and my research, I kept listening to the story, placing my hand on the pattern of the ice flame sword on my waist.

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