"Wow, it's as dirty as ever. Hey, Kili, are you there?

"Hmm, hold on a sec. I'm busy right now."

"No, you're always saying that. Just show your face. I don't know where he is."

"Mmm, what is it? Ah, Ars. Long time no see. What's the matter with you? Kyle, aren't you here today?

"Kyle's not here. I need to talk to you for a second. Come out of that pile of papers, Kili."

As soon as I got back to Vulcania and talked to Gran, I headed somewhere.

It was a place called the Observatory of one of the buildings in the south-eastern part of the city called Vulcania.

In addition to churches and orphanages, there are schools and vocational training centres in the south-east.

And there's a library, and there's a lot of researchers around that library.

Previously, I had gathered people from all over the world with Kyle's lead surname as bait.

When the painter or the doctor's meme came.

Among them was Kili, whom I came to see.

Kili said he was studying astrology, that is, stargazing.

Originally, it was a family that was hired by some nobleman to work in the field of stargazing and divination.

Even so, this astrology is not magical.

It was simply astrology while looking at the stars, and it did not have a magical effect.

In the first place, there was a way of looking at the stars and dividing them, but it was also necessary to have the ability to answer the question so as not to offend the other party when dealing with the aristocrats.

Kili was born as a family of astrologists, but he went to school as an unusual member of the family.

Because Kili was a woman.

Apparently, learning astrology and dealing with nobles was the job of male brothers, and Kiri could not inherit it it.

But it didn't seem to matter to Kiri.

Because Kiri was an astronomical idiot who simply enjoyed following the movement of the stars.

When Kili was there, I heard that he was gathering talent in Fontana territory in the northernmost territory, as well as in the emerging Balkan Knight realm.

After all, I recruited a technician with this skill, and it was an unlikely condition that would give me magic if it were suitable for the Balkan knight's glasses.

Having listened to this story, Kiri decided to bet on this opportunity.

Apparently, the Kili family knew more about Kili objects than anyone else.

It seemed that some of them were too good to be in the family.

His parents heard that Kiri wanted to go to Barca and thought that no woman, Kiri, could be given a name, even if it was a low-quality name with no attack magic.

Then I thought of sending it out pleasantly and having it come back with a taste of the frustration.

I thought it would be time for her to settle down and go to my wife.

However, the family thought that I had a direct meeting with Kili, who came to Balka behind my back, so I decided to hire him and set up a dedicated laboratory.

Even after a brief conversation, I felt that Kili's knowledge of celestial bodies was very deep.

In contrast, Kili was more pleased to be in Balka.

Because there were binoculars in Barca that could see far away.

Knowing that, Kili got tense with me showing her binoculars, then connected her face with a lens artisan in Vulcania and started researching astronomical telescopes.

As a result, I also advised that instead of binoculars, I have completed a large telescope prototype with a cylinder in one shape.

"... so I decided to make a high-precision watch, so I want to know a solid calendar. Can you give me the file?

"Hmm, can you really make such a high-precision watch? Besides, the amateur Ars may not know, but there are many different types of calendars. Which calendar do you use?

"Actually, I don't really know which one is correct as a calendar. Which one is the most accurate?

"That's right. The calendar is generally easy to understand and for the general public based on the month, but this is quite a deviation. It is easy to distinguish the day of the new moon without the light of the moon from the day of the next moon, but since the number of days varies over the year, it is necessary to increase it by one month in a year once every few years. It's easy to use in that sense, but it's not accurate."

"Well, wouldn't it be nice to have a calendar based on the sun instead of the moon? It's not like a peasant who doesn't know anything like the moon is missing, but can you be a little more accurate?

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about, Ars. Yes, the sun-based calendar is more accurate than the moon. But there are still errors, right? We need to adjust the number of days of the year every few years."

"... isn't that acceptable?

"What are you talking about! Ars said you wanted an accurate calendar. [M] What are you going to do when you give up? Let's see if there's a more accurate calendar than the moon or the sun."

"Oh, I'd like to ask Kiri, a genius astronomer. Could you please give me a more accurate calendar?"

"Fufu, that's nice, Ars. All right, let's announce it. Actually, I have a calendar that I can use when I come to Barca and the telescope is finished."

"Yeah? A calendar that you can use because you have a telescope?

"Shhhh. Actually, there are a few stars that are invisible to the naked eye. A calendar based on that is more accurate than the moon or the sun. They used to use it a long time ago, but it's an old calendar that's not used now."

Was it used a long time ago and was it abandoned? Well, then there must have been some sort of glitch.

"Yeah, that's not true. As a matter of fact, my house used to be noble. Even so, the magic has already been lost. And there used to be a calendar that used to use my magic to observe stars that I couldn't see. But our magic disappeared, and because of that, the calendar was no longer used."

Ah, was Kili's house originally a noble house? But if the calendar itself was correct, I should have kept using it. "

"Ahahah, that's right. However, some calendars are no longer used for the convenience of powerful people. It didn't survive because it was broken and the nobles were gone. I tried my best to revive it, but it was hard to get it back on the calendar again based on stars that I didn't even see."

"I see. So you were so happy to see the binoculars. Can you prove the accuracy of Kili's calendar with that telescope?

"Fufufufu. Actually, I was about to take this story to Ars, too. Here, look at this. It's a record of the eclipse and lunar eclipse that's happened in the last few years, but there's a skew in the date of the eclipse that you expect on the moon and sun calendar. But it's not out of step with the old calendar."

"Hmm, I see. Does it mean that the calendar is accurate enough to predict the next eclipse or something? Hmm, it seems that the moon and the sun are a bit off the benchmark."

"Right. So, the solar eclipse will happen again in a little while. Again, now that the sun is completely hidden, everyone is eating it. I don't know, Ars. If that happens as I expected, who's going to use our calendars in Balka?

Seriously, will everyone have an eclipse in the near future?

As I read the material Kiri showed me, there are records of the eclipse and lunar eclipse that are slightly shifted from calendar to calendar, and it seems that the ancient calendar is more correct.

Well, I wanted to know sooner if I had this kind of information.

Because if I succeeded, I might have missed it.

I was surprised at the information that Kili gave me, but I thought perhaps this was the right thing to do.

After telling Kili that if the eclipse happened, he would revive the calendar, he rushed back to Fontana's city office.

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