"Dear Carlos, why don't you fight? If this continues, the Vulcan Graham army that is attacked by reinforcements will be destroyed."

"Don't rush, Peeta. We'll still have positions over there. It's not a good idea to leave now."

"Why, Carlos? It is now possible to break through the Uluk forces surrounding Fort Eindrad and attack the Uluk headquarters attacking the Balkan Graham forces. That way, Ulk will withdraw his troops and the battle will be over. And why!"

"You're right, Peeta. If we attack the Uluks here now, they will leave."

"Exactly. Isn't that good?"

"There's no good in it. There's Uluk's next master's pesh over there, and I'm the Fontana's master here, right? Look, Peeta. This is not the chance to defeat the protagonists of the adjacent territories. Try us out here in a hurry. The opponent that detects it immediately pulls it up into their territory. Do you know what that means?

"So... does Carlos sacrifice Lord Ars and Lord Leon to destroy Pessi de Ulk in the Ulk army?

"I didn't say that. But there is the right time to launch an attack. We can't just shake a chance that might never happen again to help them. You understand me, Peeta?

"... yes. I think that's exactly what Carlos said. However, I believe that they are the only ones in Fontana territory who are fighting the Uruk army now. Can we at least tell you how Carlos feels about how many more days they can withstand the attacks of the Uluk army?

I see. The Arus guy used an interesting Envoy Beast to call for reinforcements. Alright, Pessie can't keep using the top spells for days. In five more days, we will definitely be able to defeat him. Let me tell you how long it's impossible to postpone it at the latest. "

"I see. I want to look forward to their struggle."

"Leon, part-time brother. Carlos replied. Five more days, and I'm sure I'll take the pesh. You think you can stand it?

"... that must be difficult."

"Stupid, you. I don't know if that's possible."

I see.... what do we do? You want me to surrender? I've worked so hard and fought so hard, but I can't protect you, so why don't you just save my life and raise a white flag to the Uluk army?

"In that case, the soldiers may be saved, but Arus' neck will definitely disappear.

"Well then, no. But if you keep going to the cage, you'll just die. Why don't you dig a hole under the ground and spend five days in hiding?

"Oh, what an unexpected idea, Ars?

"Calm down, both of you. We're just being investigated and discovered by lice crushers when the defense is gone. And even if you survive, you'll die as a knight afterwards. In that case, I think we should fight through the end with our lives."

Well then, I'll say no. If that happens, there's no point in living. Ars, that was undone. Never. "


If you might survive, I'm sure that's the case.

But it's getting really bad.

I mean, bastard castle fights are shit.

Perhaps the most important thing is the strength of the will not to give up.

At least I don't think I have the strength to stand for Cage Castle.

But even if you say that, it doesn't start.

I think it is impossible for us to endure Carlos' thought period as a sense of the field.

I don't know if it's just a cage castle battle, but I want you to think that it's amazing just to endure the combined attack of Uluk's superior magic Black Sword .

There's always something burning inside the position and there's a flame rising.

The walls that have been built out of order in our positions to prevent stone throwing are increasingly blocking our defenses.

I still feel that the only reason I can endure it is because of the magic of Balka.

That said, it's not just because there's magic in building walls.

Instead, [meditation] may be the most important thing in this battle of the cage castle.

[Meditation] is just magic that prevents any magic from coming out of your body unconsciously.

However, if you rest with this [Meditation], your recovery will be faster.

In addition, not only physical fatigue, but also mental fatigue can heal.

To tell the truth, I am convinced that this [meditation] is the reason why I have been pinning even when I have been on the battlefield and seen miserable sights.

If it hadn't been for this, my mental health would have been worn out.

I wonder if I didn't have a decent life with trauma planted in my heart a long time ago.

And that applies to everyone who has a Vulcan surname.

It was under the command of the Leons that they were caged and properly defended under overwhelmingly unfavourable circumstances, but there were no other Vulcans who fought refreshed physically and mentally with [Meditation].

However, no matter how tired you get and relax your mind, the injured body is not healed.

There were no scratches or anything in the position.

Rather, there's already been a lot of damage.

"Hey, Ars. Do something. If we stay like this, we'll really kill all of us."

"I know, part-time brother. I can't help it. It's dangerous, but we can hit it with one or eight. Assault the Uluk army and manage to take out the pessies alone. If you don't, you won't survive."

"Wait, Ars. Exactly. That's too dangerous. In that case, I think it's still possible to endure five days like this."

"No, the situation is contentious for a moment. If we spend more time, we won't even have the leeway we need. Then you won't be able to do anything, Leon."

"I know how you feel., but that spare power already does not exist. It's impossible to attack the Uluk army with their current power to take out the pessies."

"Can't you? I wonder if my part-time brother and Leon could surround the pepper with all three of them...."

"That's... I don't know what to say myself, but I think it's hard. Among the three of us, Arus is out of power. However, it will still be difficult to win a one-on-one battle from the front against the awaiting leader. And even if my magic amount is less than that of Arus-sama and Bitsu-san can help me a little...."

"Damn it!! You mean I'm in your way, Leon."

"... unfortunately, Mr. Bite. It makes no sense to say comfort words here, so let's be honest. We don't have enough power."

"... okay, okay. Then let's increase the power of our part-time brother and Leon. So let's have three peshes together."

"What are you talking about, Ars? Our power does not suddenly increase. Looks like you're a little tired. I think you should rest and calm down for a while."

"No, I'm cool, Leon. I have a way to increase our strength."

"... no way, Ars. You gonna do that?

"Oh, yes, my part-time brother. Let's give it a name. The part-time brother and Leon name the soldiers who do not have a last name on this position and connect the magic paths. This will increase the amount of magic for at least two people."

The forbidden method I used to use to fight the Fontana army.

The mysterious technique that only the church has.

Create a parent-child relationship by naming it, teach magic from parent to child, and pass magic from child to parent.

There will be no more allies in this position right now.

But there are ways to increase your combat power.

All you have to do is cast magic on all the people in this position.

And it's not up to me to name him after my part-time brother Leon.

The Vulcan Graham army has also suffered a 20% wear and tear rate in three days of battle in the cage castle, but the magic of hundreds of people can still be greatly enhanced by sharing it between the two.

From those who do not have a Balkan surname among those who survive now, there should be about 300 of them divided between the Balkans and the Grahams.

Leon is already a knight with territory, but I just made a sudden decision the other day, so I still got the magic from Carlos, but I haven't made my men knights yet.

Let them name them Leon, too.

"Wait a minute, Ars. Is that what you call it? It's a church thing to do during a knighthood? Are there any church officials involved in this situation?

"... oh, yeah. Don't you know Leon? I can do the naming ritual. Ah, even so, this is a private conversation. Don't spread it too thinly."

"Are you kidding me? How can Arus use the secret magic of the church? Eh... that's impossible. Don't you do that to turn the church against you? Ah, maybe Ars has something to do with the church? No, that's strange. Something about the church can't have attack magic...."

"Yes, stop, Leon. I can't afford to worry about that right now. What matters now is if I can do the naming ritual and you're willing to do it. If I survive, I'll fool the church."

"Of course I'll do it, Ars. Naming it means I'm building a new house, right? Ok, I'm suddenly getting more motivated."

Didn't you even ask? My part-time brother seems to be motivated. So, what about Leon?

"I'm sorry, I'm upset. If you're surprised at what Arus-sama does, you can't follow Arus-sama, right? I see. I'll do it, too. After all, I became a knight with territory, so I'll decide whether it's early or late."

"Okay, that's it. Don't tell me we're not scared if we cross the red light. Then let's do it quick. Counterattack on the Uluks."

So, after being hunted down, I decided to name it again.

Shortly thereafter, hundreds of new knights were born to use their magic on positions inside the walls of a hellish pot of smoke.

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