"Vargas, I asked for this castle. In other words, I don't know what happens when it rains heavily just because of the location. Could you make it a castle that can be used in the future, considering the increase in water?

"Oh, I see, General. I'm getting used to building castles. Leave it to me."

"Please. And may I have one for the Ghanaian lord?

What is it, Lord Ars?

"Our Fontana army has beaten the Arbarest army and dropped water fortresses and other Knights' Mansions. However, Barca will be heading east to support Carlos. So I'd like to ask you to be vigilant about how Arbarest works."

"I see. Let me know if there's anything I can do."

"Thank you very much. Whatever you say, can you manage the loot?

"I appreciate that, but is Balka good? Maybe we'll run out of money in this fight.

"That's right. Instead, what about the two thunderbolt swords we got from the master of Arbarest and the knight in the river?"

"... hmm, I'd love to have this one, but you're the one who knocked down the magic sword yourself. You won't be eligible to ask us for it. I see. On that condition, we won't complain."

Well, please do that.

Hmm, I wonder if this is the case for now.

I won the battle against the House of Arbarest in the west, but I immediately headed east.

But we can't turn back without any help.

As a precautionary measure, we will have Balgas maintain a new rush defense castle for future use, and have other knights take care of Arbarest territory.

Well, if there's anything later, it's then.

Luckily, I found the thunderbolt sword, so I'll keep it.

I am personally satisfied that I have acquired a magical weapon that I rarely have.

"Okay, so we're heading east? Leon's coming, isn't he?

"Yes, we can't just leave Ars alone."

"I don't trust you. Well, thank you."

Hmm, I don't even feel like I'm losing subtle trust from my older brother.

Lilina, your brother's looking at me differently.

Maybe you should show me something better.

While secretly vowing to work harder, I started moving from west to east.

"But if you look at it this way, it's quite different whether there's a road or not. When I went west on Arbarest territory, there was no such thing as a solid road, so don't think so."

"I guess so. In other words, Arus-sama's magic is amazing. There's probably no magic way to get around this far. We can travel many times faster than usual, so I think we'll get to Carlos soon."

"The speed of travel is the same, but it's also nice to say it's hard to get lost in the road. If you keep going straight on the road, you can get to where you want to go. In fact, when Leon contacted me in Arbarest territory, I was a little worried that I could return to the castle I built between the rivers without hesitation."

"That's what they say. You won't get lost if you go this far. Hmm, I was happy to get the Graham Knight's Collar, but should we think about road construction?"

"Oh, I see. If you're at Leon's, I'll give you a discount on staffing."

"... can't you just do it as a relatives privilege, Arus?

"I don't know. I'm a money man. I mean, if I don't get it, my family's a fire truck."

"Ars is always spending money. Don't let your sister get lost in the street.

"I know, I know. What about the Grahams? What are you thinking about making money out of your territory?

"What should I do? In the meantime, I need time to calm down and think about it after this fight."

Return to Fontana territory from Arbarest territory and head east as you left it.

But I didn't rush to Carlos at full speed at a glance.

Well, it was stopped by Leon.

Leon said that he didn't know when he was going to fight if he approached Ulk territory in the east, so he said he should go while maintaining his strength.

So I decided not to ride and run with all my might, but to go east at the maximum pace that the infantry could easily follow.

The road was well appreciated along the way.

It is quite easy to travel on roads that are well paved and can't be moved at all even if you pull the luggage truck up on the stone at your feet.

That said, the Arbarest Territory and the Fontana Territory with the roads even felt like a completely different world.

It is strange to make magic by yourself, but I am impressed that it is often made like this.

"Hey, Ars. Are you sure you want me to take this instead?

"Hmm? Isn't that nice? I have two thunder swords."

"Really? Don't tell me to give it back later. It's mine now."

"I know, part-time brother. The thunderbolt sword belongs to my part-time brother. I'll keep what the Lord of Arbarest has. We need Carlos to look at the evidence that we've defeated him."

"Ok, this is the magic weapon I dreamed of. Als, I'm going to be more active now. Watch this!

"I'm already active enough, my part-time brother."

My part-time brother calls me when I'm talking to Leon while I'm on the move.

I wanted it for a long time, so I gave my part-time brother the thunderbolt sword of a magical weapon.

When I attacked Arbarest territory with cavalry, my part-time brother always fought on the front lines.

When I attacked the Knight's Mansion, I was the first to attack.

Of course, there were times when it was dangerous.

It's a valuable magic weapon, but you've done enough to give it to me.

But I wonder if I can carry it around like a child who gave me a toy and try to use it at any time.

A thunderbolt sword that emits electric shock from the tip of the sword if enchanted.

After applying magic, if you wave the sword, the electric shock will be emitted, and if you hit it, you will be electrocuted and unable to move.

It was a magical sword that could be more useful in battle than the Ice Sword and the Kuo Sword.

It's a very easy weapon for a part-time brother who rides a Valkyrie and storms his opponent.

After watching his part-time brother play with such joy, he continued his journey and finally approached Fort Eindrad where Carlos was.

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