"What...? Is that the truth?

"Yes, Paramère, the waterfront, fell by Fontana's army."

"Stupid. Very unbelievable. In the first place, didn't Arbarest's army start marching toward Fontana territory and then they started moving? It won't be long before we attack Paramedia in Arbarest territory."

"But it's true. Apparently, there was something fast in Fontana's army."

"Anything that moves so fast... No, you're here. Maybe it has something to do with Barca and some other beast?

"Yes, you're right. It appears that the Balkan army, using rumored white beasts, broke into Arbarest territory and immediately attacked Paramedia, the waterfront stronghold."

I see. I've been hearing rumors lately that the footwork with Barca is a lot lighter. If you think there was a riot in Fontana territory, you'll be in Ulk territory next, and now you'll be in Arbarest. But no matter how fast the beast moves, does that impenetrable water fortress really fall in such a short period of time?

"Well, according to the report, Paraméa was submerged."

"Submerged? Paraméa, per fortress?

"Yes, the water level of the lake has risen and the fortress has sinked into the water. At that time, the monsters of the lake invaded and attacked the people in the fortress, causing great damage."

"Wait a minute. Paramedia is a fortress, but there were not only soldiers. Some of them must have lived in the fortress. What happened to them?

"... it's all gone. All those who were in Fortress Paraméa were killed, whether they were knights, soldiers or residents. The rising water levels and the lake monsters seem to have completely lost their escape."

"Oh, my God. How many lives have been lost? What a terrible thing....."

The lord of the Arbarest family, who ruled Arbarest territory, is holding his head.

A message has arrived for the main party marching into Fontana territory.

At first, I thought it was nothing serious.

After all, we weren't even there yet.

House Arbarest mobilizes to attack House Fontana in coordination with House Ulk in the east.

Something terrible happened during the march.

Everyone who listened to the message to report to me must have felt incredible.

In fact, I thought so too.

However, there is absolutely no need for this message to report such lies.

Perhaps this story was an actual event.

But is it possible to submerge a fortress located in the middle of the lake?

It was also terribly short-lived, and literally utterly annihilated.

"The white demon who killed all the Uluk's cavalry used to say that. Doesn't a man named Ars von Barca have a heart?"

"Perhaps so, Zedan. However, the fact that Paramedia has fallen does not move. Do you have a plan for how we should act in the future?

"Yes, Master. It is unexpected that Paramedia fell, but I think it is important to take a broad view of things. The Fontana army, including the Vulcan army, appears to be small according to reports. Perhaps their aim is to stop us."

"I guess so. Stop us trying to intercept with Uluk. That's what they're after."

"That's right, Master. The Fontana army must be trying to seal off our movements by dropping Paramedia and marching there. But now, our priority will be to succeed in intercepting the House of Ulk. I think it would be better to march like this."

"Please wait. I disagree with Mr Zedan. Paraméa was murdered by the people who lived there. We can't just leave the Balkans alone. You should be careful."

"Hmm. I'm sure that makes sense. It is of course important to intercept Fontana territory as originally intended, but the Vulcans in Paraguay may be honest with each other. It's embarrassing to ignore."

"Well, how about this, my lord? Divide our army into two. We will show ourselves attacking Fontana territory ahead of 1,000 to 2,000 troops, and watch out for the rest, such as the Vulcans fighting in Paraguay. Capture and destroy the Vulcans coming out of Paraguay to defend Fontana territory. I wonder if that way we can move on to Fontana without any fear of backstabbing, or even get Paramedia back."

"... I think it's a good idea, but will it come out? Could the Vulcan army's aim be to attract us? If so, even if we leave the advance part-time team behind, I think we have the option of attracting the main team to Paraméa as a priority."

"Probably not. I think sending an advance party would be a big deal to get out of Paraguay."

Why do you think so, Zedan?

"That's because Fontana's army isn't just Barca, it's other knights' armies."

"How does that matter?

"Master, the Vulcan Knight's Regiment is not in contact with the Arrested Regiment. But the other Knights are different. Our advance troops are attacking non-Balkan Knights' territory. And the knights will want to defend their territory. Even a small number of troops would be ahead of us, and we would be divided in Fontana's army."

"I see. The other knights try to defend their territory, and if Barca holds them down, they'll let them go. It's because the Fontana army is not a single rock."

"Exactly. We can hear what Barca can do, but Ars von Barca is not the leader of the Fontana army. The knights are only equal, and ignoring the opinions of other knights makes them so fragmented that they cannot defend Fontana territory. If you have a head that knows that, even if you're unfavourable, you have to push yourself out of Paraguay to stop us."

"I see. All right, all right. Let's send 1,500 advance troops. The rest intercept the Fontana army coming out of Paraméa in the plains of Gilades. The Balkan army in the Fontana army, especially Ars von Barca, will I fight them myself?"

Are you the owner? Isn't that exactly what you don't need? If you leave it to us, we will surely take Ars von Barca. "

"No, the power of Barca is unknown. There is no shortage of opponents. Leave it to me."

"... your pleasure"

No way, I didn't think I'd be dealing with Barca myself.

But then the results would have been the same from the beginning.

The lord of the aristocracy is so strong.

A bundle of knights that can be gathered together but not opposed by ordinary people is not enough.

That is the strength of the lord of nobility.

The Arbarest family's magical Lightning Strike has the ability to repel other knights, but it is not far from our master's superior magic Ranged Lightning .

Because it is an unprotected lightning attack that falls from heaven from a distance beyond our reach.

It's not even possible to get close.

However, Master's superior magic is forced to consume quite a bit of magic in order to exert such power.

It will be the same in other noble houses.

It is impossible for a knight to take on the current Class.

Therefore, the opponent of the main class must be the main class.

Originally, it would be necessary for us not to wear out the Fontana family considering the possibility of hitting Carlos.

However, it was determined that the opponent needed to fight against Barca himself.

Are you so vigilant about what's called Ars von Barca?

If so, I will give you my full support.

I'm sure that you will bring Barca to the scene of death with everything in place.

With that decision, I began preparations to intercept the Fontana army, along with the selection of advance troops.

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