"I thought you were stupid, but I didn't know you were so stupid. As always, you've done far more than I expected, Ars."

"I'm sorry, Carlos. But I've cleared up the stigma. I put my foot on the young knight who licked Carlos."

"... which mouth says that? If you're not feeling well, I'll give you the lead myself."

"I'm sorry, I'm reflecting."

Ichichi. I'm in a lot of trouble for wandering around with my permit. You didn't make me a cause for territorial invasion. You've got a lot of nerve. "

"No, I didn't want any territory. I just had to fight the situation. And this is all my fault, Lord Raffin, for saying that."

"Sure, that's one of the reasons. That's why there's one that goes that far. I should have finished the duel with no rot."

"Oh, I see. Is it a duel? That's what it is, isn't it? Let's do it next time."

"Well, next time, tell me before you do anything. Behave yourself."

Okay, Mr. Carlos.

A series of events that began with the construction of the dam.

Events proceeding at a speed I had not anticipated eventually spread throughout Fontana territory.

In other words, there were aspects that led me to do so from the middle.

I took down the Barca Knight Leader and the adjacent Garness House, and even destroyed the Knight House that moved to the reinforcements.

So I decided to make things even more complicated.

The documents that Carlos gave us describing it as a snowflake against Raffin were scattered throughout Fontana territory.

I have justice.

My actions are the will of the Fontana lord.

That's how they spread it.

But all of a sudden, some of the other knights who were told this would get a letter like that, confused and rebellious.

Particularly rebellious were the former Raymond knights.

Whatever I hid, it was all the old Raymond knights I took from them.

They began to move to help their people, as if they remembered the unity of the past, rather than the cause of Carlos' word.

Having seen that, I decided to further complicate the situation.

I sent more documents to some of the old Raymond knights.

It was the knights who attended the New Year's celebrations, spoke to me during the banquet, and bought the magic of the House of Leaders.

In other words, the knights who fought directly with me as former Raymond's men and were introduced by Peeta, who, on the other hand, fought with me on Eindrad Hill.

I sent them these papers.

Peeta is connected to Barca and has already placed Barca's troops at Fort Eindrad.

You, who are connected to my Barca in his introduction, are in the same faction as us.

Together, let's confront what challenges Carlos's decision.

I finally tried to create a faction among the old Raymonds.

Incidentally, there is circumstantial evidence that there are actually Balkan surnames in Fort Eindrad, including my part-time brother.

Of course, just because they received the paperwork did not make them a trusted companion.

But it didn't matter what their intentions were.

I wish the old Raymonds had thought that this faction was the knight who embraced the magic of House Reed.

So, while I was sending the paperwork, I said to the old Raymonds, "Can you come with me because the guy you know is here?" and delivered the documents.

In this way, the situation in Fontana territory became chaotic.

We had a situation where we didn't know who was on our side, and we both fell into suspicion.

But there are still people who will respond decisively.

The knights of the former Raymonds were at the centre and began to show solidarity.

What do you think of this situation from other territories?

The neighboring territory is trying to reduce its power by fighting internally on its own.

I mean, you think this is a chance.

Who will be in the greatest trouble if that happens?

Carlos, of course, is the head of this Fontana territory.

Carlos needed to catch up with this dramatic development.

And as soon as possible.

That means Carlos needs to clean things up.

Carlos is responsible, not me, who keeps greasing the fire.

Carlos has two choices to make.

It was a choice between me and the old Raymonds.

Carlos was angry with me for using him to attack Barca.

In that case, it will be an unlimited bad situation for me. [M]

After all, Carlos chose to attack the old Raymonds about me.

They will take into account my scattered paperwork and the time it takes to resolve the problem.

Thus, the sudden outbreak of civil unrest in Fontana brought about convergence through Carlos' swift judgment and military operations, in the form of the disobedience of the former Raymonds against Carlos.

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