"Huh? You sell that knitting at such a high price, old man?

"Of course. It's such a nice, warm garment. Don't even sell the clothes you admit, kid."

"But I was wondering if that sweater would be for ordinary people."

"Let's be stupid. Even this Vulcan Knight Leader is short of money. If you have something to sell, what if you don't sell it for the right price?"

"Well, that's true....."

"Besides, think about it, kid. It doesn't matter how low the kid gets, does it?

"Eh, what is it, old man?

"In other words, no matter how cheap the price is, there are a limited number of goats in Balka today. In other words, the amount of yarn you get is set at a small amount. You know what this is?

"Of course."

"That means it is. The people who bought the clothes that the boy sold cheaply would sell them to the others at a high price. It means you can sell it at a high price. I mean, no matter how cheap it is, it's not going to fit the poor."

"... that's how it is. So, is it better to sell it at the right price from the beginning?"

I see. I would never sell it high if I could. I mean, it's smarter to think about selling it to nobles and knights. "

It's for the nobles. I wonder if the color of the yarn is white. Do you want to dye some colors and add value? "

I see. Because it is a beautiful white yarn, it will be easy to dye to various other colors. If you want to sell it for the nobles, you'd better show it to the Grahams, kid. "

I see. Why don't you talk to Liliner and Clarisse? "

Does that mean that the finished knitting should be dedicated to Carlos once?

The added value of the Fontana family seems to be the most effective.

When that happens, it seems like it's no longer for ordinary people, but it can't be helped.

Well, it would make sense in terms of creating new jobs.

So I started experimenting with dyeing yarns in various colors.

"Wow, Lillina. You know how to knit like a pro."

"Thank you, Ars. I'm getting hot all the time... Knitting is fun."

"I don't like complications like that. I don't like weaving such a complicated one."

Yarn dyed in several colors.

Among them, we chose several colors that Liliner and Clarisse recognized and produced them.

However, all the yarns produced during the prototyping phase were to be presented to the Liliner.

It seems that Lillina was originally a hobby for reading, but she was also interested in sewing and so on.

I got stuck in the knitting that was brought in there in one shot.

It would have been nice if that was all, but I used the yarn at hand to do various weaving methods one after the other.

Now he weaves an argyle check sweater.

This world-born liner shows how it was woven around Scotland with a diamond-shaped pattern and lattice lines.

Apparently, I said, "I've heard of this way of weaving. I don't know how to knit, though."

Other colors were combined to complete it.

I'll hear how to knit later and manualize it so that others can do the same.

"But are you glad you've used so much yarn, Arus?

"Oh, no problem. Goat hair grew faster than I thought. It seems like the numbers are going to match."

I see. But you might want to sort this yarn a little bit, Ars. "

"Sorting? What do you mean, Liliner?

"Yes, I don't know for sure because it feels like I've only tried it, but I feel that there is unevenness in the yarn. Does it feel like some of the yarns are smooth and smooth, while others are not?"

"Is there a difference in the quality of yarn? Is it different that only goats remove hair?

"Now, what do you think? Perhaps there is a difference between soft bumpy hair and stretched, crispy hair when it is made into yarn, Ars."

"I see. That's interesting. Let's check it out."

With Liliana's advice, I decided to look further into goat hair.

As a result, I found it interesting.

Apparently, the hair grown from the goat's body differs depending on where it grows.

Soft and delicate hairs grow in certain areas, but otherwise, some places seem to be stiff.

So I tried to gather only soft and delicate hair and knit it into yarn.

The result was a terribly fine sweater.

However, the amount of fine hair that can be taken from a single goat is small.

For this reason, the sweater with its fine bristles was positioned as a higher quality yarn than usual.

He liked this sweater so much when he gave it to Carlos that he went straight to Vulcania to thank me and Liliana.

Thus, the goat hair sweater that can be taken from the balka was officially recognized and sold to the Fontana family.

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