I saw the reality that people die in winter.

At the very least, I wonder if it would be easier to pass the winter.

The causes that come to mind now are still food problems and cold.

In times like snow, there is no other way to make decent food in winter than the greenhouses I built.

But now the greenhouse is a medicinal herbal garden.

Hopefully, the greenhouse that uses the heat of the hot spring will continue to be used to make medicinal herbs.

If so, it is necessary to ensure that food is produced during snowy periods.

Well, I think this will improve somehow.

I mean, that's why I have my magic.

Unlike the situation where only poor agricultural technology has existed so far, my magic will definitely improve the condition of the soil.

Even so, I have been using magic in the field for many years, so I think I have enough track record to say so.

In addition, I am sending my part-time brother to other lands now.

In fact, even though last year was rich enough to want new technologies such as rotary grain removal machines and flour grinding by windmills, there was no wheat left on hand.

Still, I think it's a lot more stockpiled than usual, but it wasn't good to have a fight.

Sometimes I didn't want to fight hungry on the battlefield away from Barca myself, and I was transporting a lot of it.

As a result, the consumption was huge.

It was because of that that that my part-time brother was sent out of the territory to improve the farmland while taking the risk.

If it is abundant on other lands, it will be possible to buy food from them.

More importantly, if the crops are abundant, there is no need for the people of the land to migrate to the Knights of the Balkans in spite of poverty.

In winter, dead people come out, which means that people who are dying are coming to Balka.

If there is a little more food on other lands, these people will not come to Balka, which will also reduce the number of winter deaths in Balka.

But even if the food problem is solved, that's not all.

After all, the cold is severe.

The climate around here is snowy enough to move more efficiently with a sled in winter.

The problem is that we don't have the warmth we need to survive this cold.

I think it is problematic that the clothes you are wearing are basically too poor.

No matter how much firewood you give me to warm up, I can't keep the cold out of what you're wearing.

I want warmer clothes.

It is said that food, clothing and shelter are important to people's lives, but they need to be well organized.

"But those boys are wearing fur coats that look warm, right?

Well... The fur of the big pig is being used effectively. "

"Shouldn't we have that? Because the fur of a big pig can be used as a coat, and it can also become leather armor."

"No, that's impossible, old man. The number of big pigs is definitely not enough for the demand in the city. I want clothes that can provide a steady supply."

"How many clothes can everyone wear? You're gonna need a lot, kid. But if that happens, I'll make a lot of money."

"Clothes are pretty expensive. Well, with you. I don't know what's going on."

Ensuring warm clothing as a means to survive winter.

Me and the old man are going to check one of the hands I was hitting beforehand for that.

The place was a ranch on the north side of Vulcania.

Me and the old man came to the ranch on a road that still had snow.

The purpose is naturally goats.

Last year, a wildlife goat with the magic of jumping from a snowy mountain east of Uluk.

I tried to keep it in a city surrounded by walls in order to jump a considerable height, but I failed.

They jumped over buildings all over the city, and residents complained.

So Kyle solved the problem by putting the goats in Valkyrie's stables as an emergency measure.

When the goats tried to jump, the horned Valkyrie threw a [shotgun] and intimidated the goats.

I saw it, and I decided to let the goats and Valkyrie live together in a ranch area surrounded by walls.

The ranch area was empty during the winter.

I make buildings and put food away to avoid snow, but is the goat safe?

I came to check on it with my old man.

Open the door to the ranch and enter Valkyrie and Goat's Paradise for the first time in months.



"... old man, have my eyes gone crazy? Looks like the goats have changed."

"What a strange encounter, kid. Same goes for me. Is that really the goat we brought to Barca last year?

Entering the ranch, we saw Valkyrie and the goats walking around there.

Valkyrie is as usual.

There are two horns growing on the head, and white straight hair flows through the body like a salad bread.

It would be fantastic to walk on a snowy ground.

On the other hand, there were goats beside it.

This one also has white hair and feels a little moist.

But this is strange.

When I first saw the goats with my old man in the hills of Eindrad, he certainly had brown hair.

Besides, the length of the hair was not that long.

Why has she changed her appearance?

I mean, I might not have recognized a goat at at first glance if I hadn't seen a goat horn in my head.

"Is it possible that goats grow hair and turn white in winter, old man?

"... no, I've never heard that before. But it's definitely a goat. White, but I'm sure that's true....."

"Hmm? Old man, look at the goats. Are they bigger than they were before winter?

"That's right... Yeah, well, if they say so, it looks like it's getting bigger. But what's wrong with that, kid?

"No, maybe. I thought the goats might have changed because they ate the beetle stalks until they got bigger on a safe ranch with no enemies."

"Is that what happened?

"I don't know. I just came up with something."

I see. Well, if you say it's okay, it's okay, right, kid? I saw that the goats had changed their appearance, but it seemed to be wintering safely. "

"I see, old man. Exactly. Or is it good that the length of the hair has grown? Let's cut the goat's hair and see if we can make clothes."

The appearance of a goat who was transformed for some reason.

My old man and I got a little confused when we saw it.

But, as the old man said, there is no doubt that the goats passed the winter safely on Balkan soil.

Besides, the hair looks warm.

Just now, me and my old man caught a goat and took him back to Barca Castle.

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