"A casino. I want to make sure we make a profit anyway."

"I wonder how Hibernate's bosom can be profitable. Boy?"

"No, there's a story in a movie about a casino owner who's been damaged by amazing gamblers, so you can't always make money.

"An amazing blow. I wonder if there's ever been a time when my torso could wind up with money....."

"Oh, but I don't know much about it. Does the old man gamble?

"I don't do it as much as my family. As a matter of fact, I've had a terrible time in another territory. I try not to get too close after that."

"What is that? Well, I guess so. Does that mean that if someone comes to beat Balka from the land, it might be even more lucrative? Would you rather make something that involves people than just Vulcanians?"

You got a plan, kid?

"Oh, if you want to call people, you need to make something that can only be done in Vulcans. If that's the case, there are only a few options."

"Oh, what kind of bet are you making?

"It's a racetrack. Let the Valkyrie rider race and bet on the results. You didn't do anything else."

"You bet on the Valkyrie race? It might be interesting. Of course, it can only be done in Balka. If it spreads, the merchants might lose money."

"Ah, the bet dividend can be accurate with Kyle's magical leader. Without them, the calculations wouldn't take long."

"But will it lead to the key profit? You're the kid who said it would be dangerous if you had a great beating."

"You just have to decide on my share. Let's make sure the bodyguard collects some of the money he bet on Valkyrie leaving. Distribute the rest of the bet to the person who scored the race result. This way, my pocket won't hurt."

"I see, I've thought about it. Boy, you're a bad guy, too."

"What are you talking about, old man? I just want this Balka to have a little fun with the residents. The bet is just a little extra stimulus."

I see. Let's do our best to moisturize everybody's life, boy. "

"Oh, old man. Let's get started."

So me and my old man started building a casino in Vulcania.

Vulcania is now largely divided into two walled lands.

The northern ranch area and the southern Vulcanian city.

The central district to the south had Barca Castle, and to the south there was the Free City, to the south-east there were churches and schools, and to the north-east there were timber yards and craftsmen's offices.

And there's a courthouse and a guard station in Sector West.

Basically, Nishi-ku is also a place for training soldiers.

I decided to build a casino in the Northwest End of Vulcania.

After all, it is because I think that trouble will be associated with it even more than it is a casino.

I thought it would be easier to deal with the problem more quickly if there were soldiers to keep the security that my father was putting together.

Build a casino in this northwest quarter.

That said, it's not like a lot of gambling happens.

It was decided to combine something like a racetrack that could be gambled differently with a number of facilities that would play major games in the neighborhood as well.

The establishment of this casino is only for the small wealthy who have come to seek out the use of their money.

As the old man said, if we leave it alone, there will eventually be rubbish trying to divide the bets themselves.

Our best goal is to keep them out and run the Barca Knight Regiment, so we don't stretch our forces while we don't know.

It is of course important to make money by opening this casino, but it is also important to make sure you don't leave anything behind.

And I took into account what Clarisse told me about the other day at the hot spring.

It is also important to keep visitors safe if they want to.

You'll also need to take care of building construction and function as an accommodation.

Of course, I want people with money to come, so it is also important to make it a fairly formatted architecture and pay attention to the furniture.

Clarisse himself and the Graham family carried him along and built a gambling stadium with care for his appearance.

In this way, Vulcania was able to find a racetrack to call people, a gambling stadium to accompany it, and a place to stay on a slightly luxury route.

Incidentally, of course, the construction further reduced Balka's operating expenses.

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