"Hey, kid. Can I have a minute?

"What's wrong, old man?

"No, that trend has been around for a long time, but it has become more pronounced recently. I'm still fine, but I thought I'd report it to the kid before it becomes a problem."

"Hmm? What are you talking about? What's wrong with you?

"Oh, sorry. Finally, the price of beast eggs has been rising lately. It's getting harder and harder to get."

"The beast's eggs? Valkyrie still wants more, so don't bother."

"Right? The price has been rising for a long time, but it has been rising more recently. Still, more and more buyers are making it harder to get it."

Really? I didn't know because I left it to you. But you left it to your old man to get the beast's eggs. I mean, the old man has to do something about it. "

"Don't say that, kid. The same goes for you when you lose the beast's eggs. And in the first place, one of the reasons why prices are rising is because of the kid."

"Am I the cause? Don't lie, old man. I didn't do anything."

"I won't let you say you didn't, kid. There's no doubt that the increase in demand for beasts is due to the boy."

We expanded the north of Vulcania to create a new ranch.

There are Valkyries and goats in there.

There are horns here and Valkyrie is with them.

If anything happens, Valkyrie will use Shotgun , so the goats will live quietly.

When I finished building the ranch, the old man spoke to me.

Apparently, it's about the servant beast eggs.

Eggs of a beast that seems to be on the rise recently.

I am responsible for the price increase.

"Look, kid. We've been buying beast eggs for years. Even if I just bought fishing so far, the price would go up normally. The supply itself hasn't changed."

Well, maybe so.

"But there was a lot more to it. Thanks to your Valkyrie."

"Valkyrie's work?

"That's right. A lot of people found out about Valkyrie, who works on the battlefield. Not only the Fontana army led by Raymond, but also the Valkyries' cavalry made a huge difference against the Uruk army. Look at that, there are more of them who want to grow other beasts."

"... but you've been doing that for a long time, right? Besides, I think we can raise Valkyrie's selling price if that happens."

"Oh, my God. It's famous that you don't sell magical horns. What I want is a beast-type service beast that can only be used on the battlefield. Of course, there are no horns, but there are no buyers."

"I see. So, because I don't sell Valkyries as beast types, the demand for servant beast eggs has grown because we can't produce them ourselves."

"That's what I'm talking about. This story is not limited to Fontana territory. It seems to be happening in other aristocracy."

"Finally, the price of the servant beast eggs is rising as we reach Fontana territory.... are there any restrictions on sales? Don't get too many Valkyries in Barca."

"I don't know. So far, it may not be that far, but I can't say it's unlikely."


It was good to be active on the battlefield itself, but I didn't expect to be affected in this way.

Apparently there is an unprecedented service beast boom in the world.

And in a way that confronts my Valkyrie.

This problem may not be good if we leave it alone.

Shut up, the biggest battle force in the Barca Knight Regiment is Valkyrie's herd.

Very high mobility makes it a big weapon.

But it's not okay as it is.

Speaking of greed, I want to increase the number of Valkyries even more.

That's why, like the Keema Cavalry in Uluk, the cavalry alone should exceed 1,000.

"... Speaking of which, I've been wanting to ask you before, how do you get a servant beast egg? An egg that absorbs magic and gives birth to a different form of service beast is now a strange egg."

"Oh, that's right. The beast's eggs are produced from some beasts. I have a servant beast who lays the eggs of a beast."

"A beast who lays eggs of a beast? Unlike Valkyries, do you have a beast that can lay eggs..."

"That's right. It is said that it is also a beast type. They use magic to lay eggs."

Spawning is still magic. But if you have a beast like that, can't you buy it? If you lay eggs, you don't have to buy them as beast eggs, do you?

"It's impossible. You're under strict control, and you can't go home alive if you just try to take it out."

I see. I wonder what's going on. "

Was that what the beast eggs looked like?

I didn't care at all because the old man had brought it to me.

However, it is very troublesome not to get it in the future.

You'll have to do something.

There's still time. Now.

"All right, old man. Get all the servant beast eggs you can get now."

"What are you gonna do, kid?"

"If there is a servant beast that produces an egg of a servant beast, I wonder if I can reproduce it. Try it."

"Reproduce the [spawning] beast of service? That's impossible. You don't think anybody's ever done that before?

"Well, I can't, so let's try it. Just collect as many eggs as you can."

That's how I decided to hit my hand to steadily get the beast's eggs.

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