"Dear Carlos, I see the northern city of Burma."

"Hmm. What's going on with the part-time team?"

"Yes, it appears that we are attacking Burma, the northern city, but we have not yet achieved significant results. When we were to meet, I told them not to push it, so it looks like we're keeping a perimeter around the city."

"Alright, we'll have a military conference when we get to the position. Tell everyone to get together."


I put Fontana together last year, and I moved to recapture the hills of Eindrad, which I hadn't been able to do for years.

It was a land that was taken from me when I was younger than I am now, and I couldn't take it back.

That means I'll do what Raymond could not have done with Fontana.

If anything happens here, I may be questioned as the master of the Fontana family and forgive the rise of people like Raymond.

This operation to recapture Eindrad's hills will never fail.

I put my life into this operation.

But when I opened the lid, it ended more smoothly than I expected.

It's him.

The man who showed up suddenly last year, and now he's involved in my kinship, Ars von Barca.

Perform work on the position and the road leading up to it in order to recapture Eindrad's hill.

That's all I gave him.

But the one who was ordered to head to Eindrad's hill first arrived early and started fighting.

Moreover, they fought the dragon horsemen that the Ulks were proud of.

The general idea is that the horsemen's power on the battlefield is phenomenal.

Moreover, the Ulks have a dragon cavalry close to 1,000 knights at all times to defend the hills of Eindrad.

That's why I ordered Ars to build a position.

If he uses magic, he can instantly build walls and surround his positions.

Once that position is complete, we will be able to reduce the risk of assault from the Dragon Troops and proceed with the operation.

That was supposed to happen.

In the end, however, Uluk's prized Dragon Troops have disappeared from the world.

They must have thought of taking the lead with a pre-emptive strike first.

But it was destroyed by the Vulcans who intercepted it.

Moreover, surprisingly, the first battle ended with the incredible result that the Vulcans had done little damage.

When I got the report, I thought that most things, including me, were mistakes.

But there was nothing wrong with the report.

It was truly the end of the Vulcan army's supremacy.

And then the Eindrad Hill offensive.

This was a big deal in the first battle, and Ars decided to just build a position and work on it with the others.

Each knight was working hard on the lion, trying to show me what he could do.

But it was the Balkan army, including Ars, that stood out.

Behind the hills we are attacking, we have created a position that surrounds the hills with walls.

In addition, he was able to detect enemy forces coming to the hill in advance and fight to keep them away.

I just want to know who told me to go that far.

Arus does not claim from himself, but it is impossible to ignore him with the magnitude of martial arts in Eindrad's hill offensive.

If you ignore that work, they'll say I can't give you a proper rating.

Therefore, although there may be some disadvantages, I decided to adopt a strategy in the event of a smooth completion of the hill offensive strategy.

I've decided to let him recapture Eindrad's hill and attack the northern city with another army.

Well, they'll be fine.

The cage castle will definitely succeed for a while if you consolidate the protection of the hill with your favorite wall construction.

In the meantime, let's attack the northern city.

Seizing the hills of Eindrad and the northern city of Burma will lead to a massive oppression of the territory of Urk.

If that happens, there will be no more results.

I will also succeed in demonstrating my strength as the main player, both inside and outside.

"Guys, we're here. We will now hold a military conference on Burma's invasion of the northern city. Let's start with our own ideas."

Thus, I embarked on an offensive against the northern city.

"Wait, what did you just say? Didn't you just report that you found reinforcements in Urk the other day? There must have been a request for help."

"Ha, I'll say that again. The Balkan army, led by Ars von Barka, carried out a night raid on an estimated 5,000 Ulk troops. Successfully trapped and defeated many knights on the streets of Xylia. Afterwards, the Ukrainian troops confirmed that they had withdrawn to the second city in Ukrainian territory."

"You defeated 5,000 troops, really? So it was definitely the Xylia Street that intercepted the Urk army?

"Yes, definitely."

I see. What the hell were you thinking, getting out of here? "

A place called Kirilla Street, northeast of the Eindrad hills entrusted to Ars.

Of course, the terrain about it is also in my head.

But did you really go there to intercept the Uluk army?

Speaking of Cyrillic highways, they should be further away from the hills of Eindrad towards Burma in the north.

Why should the man who was supposed to defend the hill push into it and go out to defeat it?

Well, if Uluk's army was marching, it's likely that the enemy reinforcements were coming here, not on Eindrad Hill.

If you intercepted it, you won't be so helpful.

There were peacha left in Eindrad. I need a report from him. And let's go directly to Kirilla Street. If the reinforcements are truly gone, there is no further chance. As soon as we have confirmation, let the surroundings know. Let the temper of those in the cage shrivel. "

Thus, the strategy of the northern city, which continued to retreat, was greatly changed by Ars, and the victory of Fontana was approaching.

... what should I do with the prize for this battle?

It was very difficult to choose a suitable award for the Barca led by Ars, and I decided to go along with it.

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