"How's it going, part-time brother?

"Oh, it's okay. The Titans are here. But the Knights of Ulk are chasing us on a dragon. What are we gonna do, Ars?

"Keep up the speed. At least Uluk's infantry hasn't come with us. Separation is a success in itself."

We, the Vulcans, who carried out a night raid on the positions of the Ulk army late at midnight, were fleeing the enemy.

I thought maybe I could take down the Titans in the night raid, but it was much stronger than I expected.

If even the Kuo Sword can't do much damage, you won't win at least a one-on-one battle.

Then, we need to guide them well and trap them.

But there's one problem.

It was the presence of the Knight of Uluk.

I thought it was unlikely to succeed, but I couldn't pull the giants out of the Uluk army.

But I didn't expect so many of the Knights of Ulk to come after us.

Apparently, it's because I realized I had a nine-tailed sword.

Well, it seems that this nine-tailed sword is important to the Knights of Ulk.

They chased him across the dragon with their bloody eyes.

But I think this is good.

Despite the fact that a large number of infantry are fleeing at a speed that cannot be followed, only the knights on the dragon and the giants running at large strides follow.

You can use the purpose of trapping other than giants.

It's about time. Please, Leon. "

The Balkan cavalry continued to flee, followed for some time by the Ulk Cavalry and Titans.

When the chase drama opened up enough distance for the Ulk infantry, who were chasing him from behind, I saw the point of interest.

It was about to become a terrain called a narrow path.

The narrower the road, the higher the left and right.

Naturally, when a population passes through it, the shape of the population is narrowed down from the beginning so that the thread passes through the hole of the needle.

Valkyrie ran through this narrow path and pursued it, followed by the Knight of Urk and the Titans.

"Now. Build a wall."

When a group of Valkyries ran through at full speed, and then the dragons tried to run through the same place.

At that time, Leon's voice echoed.

The voice signalled the appearance of a wall 10 m high on a narrow road.

A Balkan soldier who was positioned after we walked by jumped into the road and used Wall Architecture magic.

There is also a height, but this wall has a thickness.

It is reliable enough not to be surprised by a large pig with a reputation for thrust, and it has been proven previously when fighting the Ulk Cavalry.

The walls first appeared to prevent the pursuit of Ulk, and then they were built behind the pursuing group.

This means that the narrow road is completely surrounded by the front and the back.

"Throw, let go!

The pursuers were completely tampered with by the walls that suddenly appeared on the route.

Those who were running at the beginning collided with the wall, and those who saw it were hit and crushed by those who had stopped suddenly but had come from behind, and those who stopped well were stuck without understanding the situation.

The dark surroundings make it difficult to grasp the situation.

There, stones were thrown from the left and right sides of the road.

After I decided to lure him into this narrow path and launch an attack, it was caused by the catapults I had magically created.

Since it only reproduces the catapults remembered in [Memory Storage], it is an attack weapon that can be improvised in an attack area if only some materials, such as the rope required by the rear attachment, are available.

It was originally conceived as a defensive device, but it was the first time that it could be used against enemy forces that had fallen into a trap.

And it's not just stones that are released by the catapults.

I used harder than usual hardened bricks made from material and catalyst called big pig fangs and Valkyrie horns this time.

It fires intensive fire on the Hulk's pursuers, who have lost their way.

To compensate for the weaknesses of slow reloading catapults, the number of catapults available was so large that hardened bricks poured down like rain.

"What do you think?


"... really? Can't you get rid of the hardened bricks with that momentum?"

The trap I prepared was sure to bear fruit.

The Knights of Ulk on the Dragon were unable to prevent this attack.

The magic of weaponizing foxes is certainly powerful enough to increase physical abilities to detect our ambush and use the magic of flames, but it probably wasn't compatible with preventing the rain of physically destructive hardened bricks.

Many dragons and knights are falling down on thin, no-fly roads.

But the giant who emitted the unusual colors was different.

Though injured by the hardened bricks flown by the catapults, they still seem to be alive and moving.

"You're kidding. Doesn't the 10m wall pose a major obstacle to him?

And I was shown a shocking scene.

A giant stopped by the sudden appearance of a wall, but he climbed over the top of the wall.

Even though it's twice your height, pull up your body with your hands, stretch your legs, and hook your legs up to the top of the wall to lift your whole body.

The giant climbed up on the wall and looked around.

"Oh no, maybe we'll get Leon and the others... Hey, this way, big guy."

Vulcan soldiers may be attacked, including Leon, who was positioned on the left and right side of a narrow path from a giant standing on the wall.

That's what I thought. I lifted the nine-tailed sword I had long ago and injected magic into my head.

The sword of fire appears from the Kuo sword as if it were a gou.

The giant's eyes caught me looking around.

The sun is still not up and the surroundings are dark.

This sword of fire will stand out in it.

Most importantly, it was a sword that cut itself once.

The option of ignoring it should be hard to come by.

I was right to make that decision.

Giroli and the giant who saw us, ignored the Vulcan soldiers around and ran towards me.

"I wonder if the wall is 10 meters tall."

"You can't afford to say that now, Ars. Come on, let's go."

"I know, part-time brother. But I suppose that trap was also helpful. I was able to leave the Titans alone, as I had intended."

We couldn't defeat the Titans with the traps we provided.

However, the Knight Horsemen of Ulk, who have pursued them with the Titans, have dealt a massive blow and will be able to slow down the subsequent infantry pursuits.

Then this battle will be over as long as we take care of that little giant.

Thus, the chase against the Titans entered the second round.

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