But is it really something that can do that, Ai?

“About designing and building the city itself as a magic circle. Certainly, simply making roads and buildings into magic circles won't do it."

By passing the abundant magic power of the eye through a medium called a magic bracelet, the ring may function as a labyrinth core.

From that story, it developed into something interesting.

But is that possible?

When I think about it normally, I wonder if I can do such a thing.

Because cities change every day.

Of course, it will be influenced by the original design, but that does not mean that it will remain the same in the future.

Even if you built a road once, you might repair it if you used it.

Or you might have to build a new road and change its location.

If that happened, it might collapse from the original magic circle.

Aye agreed to my idea.


So what are you going to do?

“How about using a technique that expresses the elements that make up the magic circle in layers using a few things instead of a single thing?”

"Multiple elements and layering? What's going on, Ai?"

“Yes, as Alphonse pointed out, using roads and buildings to draw magic circles can cause problems later. So, in order to avoid these dangers as much as possible, we superimpose elements that depict the magic circle.”

"... I have no idea what you're talking about. Just say it a little easier, Ai."

"That's right. For example, if you draw a line on a piece of paper and draw a magic circle." However, if the paper is torn, it will soon become useless. You know that, don't you? "

"Yeah. That's right."

"Therefore, even if the paper is torn, it is multi-layered so that the magic circle can function." Draw lines on multiple sheets of paper and superimpose them. Then, even if you look at the stack of paper from the top, the magic circle functions as one thing, but if only one piece of paper is torn, it will not stop functioning. In other words, you can do first aid. ”

"... I might know that somehow." The vegetable paper is quite thin, so you can see the pattern on the paper underneath. But, does that really work as a magic circle? "

"Yes, craftsmanship studies at the Orient Magic Union have confirmed that even a multi-layered magic circle works." It has also been reported that multi-layering reduces magic damage. ”

"I see. The craftsmen have already established their methods." If so, I guess I'll be fine. "

According to Ai's details, it was unnecessary to draw magic circles on multiple sheets of paper, but to draw a full picture of the magic circle that was completed on all of them.

Ten sheets of paper layered together into a single magic circle, and in extreme cases, one piece of paper would be enough for only a tenth of the overall magic circle.

It would only work if it was all in one magic circle.

However, if you wanted to prevent the magic circle from stopping, it would be better if there were parts that overlapped shapes to complement each other, rather than such a close configuration.

"Well, if you already have such a method, then that's fine." But if you were to draw a magic circle outside the road, what kind of magic circle would you use it for? "

"I see. First of all, is the sewer possible on the bottom floor?" Sewerage, which sends polluted water out of the city, can be used as a component of the magic circle, just like roads. "

"I see. But is it perceived as a magic field in the sewage beneath the land and on the road above the ground?"

“If the city is bigger, it may be perceived as something similar to the surface, such as a depth with a sewer.”

"That's a subtle rhetoric. If that's the case, then Eye won't know until she tries it. But if the sewer can make up the magic circle, then the underground railway can be used for that, too. I haven't solved the air problem yet."

“Yes, I think the tracks running underground can be used as one element. In addition, the installation of magic tools should also be considered as one of the elements."

"Installing magic tools?" After incorporating a control magic circle into a regular magic tool, it doesn't become a labyrinth core, does it? What do you mean? "

"I'm thinking about using the street lamp magic tool." Install sewers, underground railways, and lighting props on the road at equal intervals. The magic tools and light will also be used as magic circles. "

I see.

Illuminate the city using light-emitting magic items.

Like Ai's workplace, the [Sleepless Hall], it glows all night, and it may look like a magic circle from a distance.

Whether such a thing really functions as a magic circle.

I don't know.

However, at least the [Road Laying] and [Railway Laying] made by Brother Arthur have proven to be effective in connecting the ground pulse.

It appears that the transfer stone showed it.

Originally, the transfer stones could only be moved together in the labyrinth, but if you connect the land using [Road Laying], etc., you can instantly move between the transfer stones in the labyrinth city.

In other words, the magic road is certainly made of magical connections.

The sewer will probably ask Lassen to make it by sorcery.

The same goes for the subway.

And if all of the light from the magic tool glows with the magic power of Eye, then maybe the combination of light will be seen as the flow of magic power and become an element of the magic circle.

That sounds interesting.

In layers, several elements are used to describe the entire city as one magic circle.

The labyrinth core, a magical ring placed in the center of it, affects the entire city, and is easy to repair when something goes wrong.

If so, we may be able to build a magic city.

In discussions with Ai, I decided to create a new city using the method of a layer of magic circle, and for a while I was immersed in formulating the plan.

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